Character Reading: Cesca (Last Vampire Standing)

LastVampireStandingToday I am pleased to share a reading I did for Francesca Melisenda Alejandra Marinelli or as her friends and readers know her–Cesca, the surfing vampire. Her creator, Nancy Haddock, has two books out and you can win a copy of one. Read to the end for how to win.

I am so happy to be able to present this reading. I met Nancy…on Twitter maybe? On a loop? I can’t remember. But she is SUCH a nice human being! I really loved Cesca’s first book but have made myself wait to buy the second one because I knew I as going to do this reading. It’s been hard!

Nancy Haddock, authorFrom Nancy’s site: Nancy Haddock’s debut book from Berkley Publishing Group, La Vida Vampire, was released in April 2008 and hit national bestseller lists. The second book in the series, Last Vampire Standing, will be a May 2009 release. Nancy has written everything from children’s picture books to teleplays, and has finaled in and won numerous contests during her trek to publication. In addition to writing paranormal romantic mystery, she writes cozy mystery and screenplays, and has written an adaptation of La Vida Vampire for a feature-length film – an adaptation that needs a leeeetle more work.

Now for the reading: Continue reading “Character Reading: Cesca (Last Vampire Standing)”