Spirits, Dead People & Crazy

The moments in my life where I channeled someone’s dead relative have always startled me. But I’ve also come to know that I can’t not be the messenger. Who am I to judge what Spirit sends me?

Today’s card is an unusual take on the Page category. In this self-published deck, the artist renames her Courts. The Pages become Muses. Here we see a nod to the woman in the moon image. But this one, for me, seems active. She isn’t going to stay on that moon for long. She’s got a sword to take up. There’s action that needs to happen.

Pages are often the card for messages. Rather than taking a message, it looks to me like our Muse of Swords is having a message brought to her. Perhaps she is simply the go-between.

I often feel like that. As though the messages I bring to my clients were coming from something Other. I’ve called that Other many things finally landing on Universe as the best word to encompass what that is.

Another reader and I swapped readings. She told me that I was being called to be more open about my connection with Spirit. I told her that scared the poop out of me. I have been doing this work since 1980 when I first picked up the cards for real (I had a brief flirtation with divination tools when I was 11). I’m 51 now.

The moments in my life where I channeled someone’s dead relative have always startled me. But I’ve also come to know that I can’t not be the messenger. Who am I to judge what Spirit sends me?

My first incident of mediumship was pretty spontaneous. I was doing a phone reading (yes, I used to be a 1-900 psychic). The deep past showed Chariot Reversed. I blurted out that she’d lost someone in a car wreck on a mountain road early in the morning. He wanted her to know….

And she started to cry when I gave her the message. But it didn’t stop there. I described him along with her front room and patio area to her. I told her he had two messages. The one I didn’t understand was “Don’t move the big pots.”

Then she started laughing while she continued to cry. She told me that’s when she knew I was real. And she told me why.

Since then, I’ve lost track of the times I’ve gotten messages from the Other Side. It’s humbling really as much as it is scary. I mean, really, seeing people who aren’t there is the stuff they make movies out of. I really do see dead people–just not as often as the Ghost Whisperer.

But what about you? Do you get messages that you are supposed to pass along? Do you ignore them because you think you might be thought bonkers?

Yeah, I get it. It’s not easy. But think of the joy you will bring to that one person the message was meant for. Isn’t that worth it?

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Muse of Swords, Rainbow Traveller, Carmen Waterman, 2012

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