Tarotscopes for October 12-18, 2014

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Gaian Tarot Magician
Gaian Tarot

Card of the Week: MAGICIAN Movement works. Using tools, creating tools, making magic is on tap this week. Throw yourself into the energy.

AQUARIUS THE GARDNER Abundance. Creation. Life. Gratitude brings more gifts.Show others how to indulge in their own powerful selves. Be strong.

PISCES CHILD OF FIRE What draws your eye? What makes you curious? Investigate this week like a child. Poke, pry, ask questions. Play a lot.

ARIES GUARDIAN OF WATER Emotional stories need to be told as well as heard. Diving deep will bring up treasures but you have to face a few monsters.

TAURUS THE BUILDER Details matter so focus on them. Reread everything before signing. Use a highlighter to understand. Family needs come first.

GEMINI NINE OF EARTH Be kind to others. Show them where you were. Appreciate where you are now. Learn to define prosperity differently.

CANCER FIVE OF FIRE Focused conversations this week. Make sure you let your frustration as well as your happiness be known. Direct energetic talks are best.

LEO GUARDIAN OF FIRE Fire needs to be fed. Passions need play time. May be a busy busy week but you can get it done. Burn a little energy!

VIRGO SEVEN OF WATER Dreams seem out of reach? Focus on one to make that happen. You aren’t given up on the others. Just focusing on the one.

LIBRA BINDWEED So many things tying you down. How many could be cut? How many are you feeding? Don’t give up. Resolve to cut those ties.

SCORPIO STRENGTH Embrace your power. Understanding the connection between ownership and being owned can enlighten. Dig deep for your inner resolve.

SAGITTARIUS GUARDIAN OF AIR What are the messages you need to deliver? Focus on hearing what needs to be said. Say it directly. Fast cuts hurt less.

CAPRICORN ELDER OF FIRE Your questions are answered when you understand death means life and life means death. Balance passion with meditation.

Have you listened to this month’s TarotCopes podcast?

Magician, Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

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