Interview: Lisa Hunt & The Fairy Tale Tarot

When I was editor of the American Tarot Association Quarterly, I developed an interview for those who had created decks. The twist on the normal interview is that I request it be answered by pulling cards from the Tarot deck itself. So, in essence, the creation of the artist/author becomes their voice.

Some of these questions are actually geared towards the deck answering for itself–a neat bit of anthromorphism, eh? Those questions are marked with a D

For the first of these interviews on my blog, Lisa Hunt has offered herself up as a willing vic Continue reading “Interview: Lisa Hunt & The Fairy Tale Tarot”


The Three of Wands is my personal anticipation card. It always tells me something I’ve been waiting for is nearly here. My clients call this the “get wet” card because I will remind them that if they think their ship is about to come in, then maybe it is time to jump in the water and swim out to it.

What excites you? What fires you up and makes you want to run to all your friends to shout the good news? What can you simply not resist? Continue reading “Anticipation”

Deck Review: Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Lisa Hunt & DJ Conway

US Games


Another creation from a solid tarot team is the Fantastical Creatures Tarot.  From the obvious power of the Winged Lion standing as the Sun to the delicate fairy who sit by the Ace of Cups, these cards are mesmerizing.

Hunt’s artwork has long been a favorite of mine. She has a way of imbuing her art with intricate images that demand your attention. You may know her as the artist of the Celtic Dragons Tarot or the Animals Divine. She is well known in the Tarot world for good reason.

On the Fantastical Creatures Tarot website, Lisa (who holds a tabby who must have been the model for the Magician) says of painting this lovely watercolor deck: Continue reading “Deck Review: Fantastical Creatures Tarot”