Cocktails, Characters & Quirks

I love creating stories. One thing I loathe in my own writing, though, is characters who lack depth. They are cardboard cut-outs with no imperfections. These characters bore me to tears. What about you? If you were going to introduce them to your friends, what would you say?

“This is my heroine, Joie. She heals animals. She loves her godmother. She’s pretty.”

Yeah. I won’t want to hang out with her. She comes across as perfect, right? Nobody is perfect. At least not in my group of friends. I want my characters to be real not cardboard cutouts.

Now what about:

“This is my heroine Joie. She heals animals. She thinks she’s too short. She has a jealous streak a mile wide but she is a loyal friend.”

So she sounds far more real to me. We all have things we don’t like about ourselves. We have flaws as well as strengths. I think she is someone I could be friends with now. Moreso than the cardboard perfect Joie from before.

Okay, but how do you get those quirks? How do you develop a character who is 3-D…believable? One way that I do it is with a simple three card Tarot spread. Try this out for your next character and let me know the results.

Cocktail Spread

The premise is that you are going to a party with your character as your guest. You are going to have to do a short introduction when you get there. Draw three cards for the following positions.

Personal Life

Using the award-winning Ghosts And Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt (U.S. Games Systems, INC 2012) I drew the following cards for a different character:

  • My character’s job requires them to be a mentally focused warrior. He can’t let his guard drop ever. (King of Swords)
  • My character’s personal life has too many ties to his past so he really doesn’t like to talk about it. (5 of Cups)
  • His quirk is that he parties so he can be one of the guys but he really wants one of the guys. (4 of Cups)

So, from this, I realized my character is a gay soldier who has rejoined the military to get away from a bad relationship. 😀 It’s my story so I get to let my brain wander wherever it likes. King of Swords is a warrior. When I saw the 5 of Cups next, I immediately wondered about his past relationships. Why would he be a warrior with a broken heart. But the 4 of Cups showed me he had a bunch of regrets but ignored them by indulging in the drink too much.

Or, if I were going a more paranormal track, I might say that he was an eternal warrior(job) who was haunted by all the loves he’d lost(personal life). He avoids water because that is how the ghosts of his past connect to him(quirk). And there’s nothing worse than being nagged by a dead ex!

This is a good spread for the main characters and the villain.

So what are your cards? What is your take away? I’d love to hear what you think. You can use any deck. A deck of playing cards (look the meanings up online) can work as can any oracle deck.

This exercise is from a workshop I used to teach online. I’ve turned that . Now you can take advantage of all the lessons, handouts and writing prompts whenever you like. No more waiting for me to set up a workshop. It’s my secret weapon for NaNoWriMo.

Some great books are:

  1. Vogler, Christopher, The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
  2. Campbell, Joseph, The Hero with a Thousand Faces
  3. Pearson, Carol, Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World

A more extensive bibliography comes with the .

If you like, I’ve got a video here. It is on YouTube but was on Periscope first. It’s not great quality video wise…it was my first one. 😀 I do a few exercises including this one. 😀

If you are doing NaNoWriMo, I’m there as TarotByArwen. I do it every year.

Please note that links included may be affiliate links which means I get a small monetary payment if you buy via them.

Originally posted in 2012. I've updated the post and republished.

Tarotscopes June 14-20, 2015

Fantastical Creatures Tarot The Star
Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.

[Tweet “#Seekjoy, y’all! Read your weekly Tarotscopes. Check out some decks Arwen recommends. Thanks for retweeting.”]

I had so much fun yesterday at the Yellow Rose RWA chapter meeting. They invited me to come speak to them about using Tarot for writing. I was blown away by the creative approaches they took with this tool for their writing. We had NYT bestselling authors there as well as pre-published. Everyone came away with new insights on their characters and stories. I wanted to share with you some of the decks we used (and discussed).

  1. Fantastical Creatures Tarot
  2. Omegaland Tarot Deck
  3. Tarot of the Old Path
  4. Chrysalis Tarot
  5. Art Through The Starstream (and her other deck Art Through The Eyes Of The Soul)
  6. Oracle of Visions

One of the things I love to do is read the Hero’s Journey for characters. Cai and I do it a lot for our books. We are in the process of re-releasing some we have gotten rights back to. First though, we want to go through them to see where we can beef things up a bit. If you have a book in progress or in your heart, I’d love to work with you too!

Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscopes here? We are mid-way through June. Listen to your here.

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]We get a lovely message for this week, y’all. Set your goals high because [/inlinetweet]the Star is guiding the way. All you need to do is believe in your self as you reach for the heavens. So many gifts await this week. Make sure you are staying open to the positive possibilities of life. THE STAR

Fantastical Creatures Tarot The Wheel Of Fortune
Fantastical Creatures Tarot

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were being blessed by the Universe? If you knew, without [/inlinetweet]a doubt that the thing you want most right now was already yours? The Wheel of Fortune is spinning, Aquarius. It’s spinning for you. The catch, and there’s always a catch, is that you must stretch out for what you want. This is not time to hunker down in your comfort zone. Tap your inner strength. Screw on your courage. Turn up your faith. Then step out into the scary zone to get that prize. WHEEL OF FORTUNE

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is the one thing you must do to keep passion red-hot in your world? [/inlinetweet] This week you must do that thing that lights you up, sets you on fire, turns you on. Get ready to blaze a little, Fishies. Expect tools to be delivered and problems solved when you step into your “get ‘er done” self. Sometimes hard to rev the fish up, but when you do, it’s more like Jaws than Flipper. People may be surprised by your fiery activity but that’s okay. This isn’t about them. It’s about your passion. PAGE OF WANDS

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What happens when what you want comes but it isn’t what you [/inlinetweet]really wanted? So your sign got 2 cards this week. Unusual, but let’s just say that the big event you are waiting on may not bring the expected results. Looks like you’ve been working towards one thing but the Universe may yank that out from under you to deliver something else. Don’t worry too much. The rewards may not be what you were hoping for, but the opportunity for growth will be huge. Hang in there this week. And definitely keep working towards the future no matter which rugs get yanked! THREE OF WANDS and THE TOWER

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you looking for some heart time? Partnership is [/inlinetweet]emphasized this week. Good times with people you love are happening. You get to bask in adoration. And you deserve it. Seek the wilder things in life this week if you want to jazz up your romantic life. Even single Bulls can do something that connects them with others. Don’t be shocked when someone unexpected tells you they have a little crush on you. Up to you if you want that crush to grow or not. The ball is definitely in your court this week, Taurus. THE LOVERS

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who teaches you the most about compassion? This week look for [/inlinetweet]lessons in how to love more while remaining true to yourself. Too often we try to morph into what someone else wants. This week you will need to be strong. Stay true to yourself, Twin. Diving deeper into yourself is recommended. Something tells me that the person who needs the most compassion in your life is that face you see in the mirror. Seek out where you are not being kind to yourself. We all do better with honey over vinegar. QUEEN OF CUPS

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What must you lose this week? Looks like it’s more about [/inlinetweet]emotional connections than anything else. Ask yourself who isn’t upholding their end of the relationship. Cut ties where you need to and shore up the ones where you are dropping that connecting ball. Please be gentle in all that you do. Now isn’t the week for the crabby Crab to attack. Put those pincers away, dears. Just take some quiet time to do some emotional exploration in your current relationships. You aren’t in this world to carry the world on your back. Promise. FIVE OF CUPS

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who is really on your side? Take care when you interact with others. Some may be [/inlinetweet]looking to make you a victim. Too bad we all know you are a survivor regardless of what life throws your way. Get tough. Get flexible. Move away from those who would stab you in the back. Dance on a different floor. Their opinions of you don’t matter. Make this week about your strong, gorgeous self. Show the world what it looks like to walk away from conflict and idiocy. Please do not engage this week. The mass destruction of self won’t be worth it. TEN OF SWORDS

Fantastical Creatures Tarot Ten of Swords
Fantastical Creatures Tarot

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you really want the most in your current emotional relationship? Do you [/inlinetweet]have the courage to look them in the eye and tell them? Your needs seem to be getting overlooked a bit, Virgo. Typically that’s because you are always putting others first. Pick one of your dreams. Make that your priority this week. Your partners and friends will understand. Your quiet strength will get you through anything that comes this week. But your dream? Yeah, let’s make that a number one on your to-do list, okay? SEVEN OF CUPS

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you trying to decide? This is going to be a week of [/inlinetweet]choices. Remind yourself that each choice you make isn’t about what you let go. It’s about what you choose. Make your choices strong and bold this week. If it’s the wrong choice, it isn’t the end of the world. You’ve got a lot going on right now so it’s time to prioritize your actions. Stop wasting time, please. When you don’t take action, you do more than just nothing. You stagnate your own growth. Nobody wants that, right? CHOOSE! TWO OF WANDS

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who brings you joy? Good week to reach out to [/inlinetweet]them to incorporate more happy in your life. Are you really going to go through another week without seeking joy for yourself? Time to loosen up just a bit, please. You’ve been uber focused on something (and it’s good that you are). But this week calls you to indulge in some me-time with a special someone. Even single Scorpios can find a good friend to let their hair down with. Just loosen your tie. Take off that girdle of responsibility. Play a bit, please. You’ll be all the better for it. TWO OF CUPS

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were going to succeed? If an angel whispered [/inlinetweet]in your ear that they had your back? Success is your theme this week, Archer. Let your warrior heart guide your decisions. Battles lost are only stepping stones to bigger wins. Remember that. Write that down. All the no’s you hear are preparing you for a better yes. The marathon runner doesn’t win by quitting at mile 25, right? Keep on keeping on. Your card this week says victory comes to the last one standing. Let it be you. SIX OF WANDS

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]If money weren’t an issue, where would you go? What would[/inlinetweet] you do? Whose life would you change? That’s a series of questions you want to explore this week. And stop being so jealous of resources, please. You are over-focused on what others have. Your personal hoard won’t grow if you are always up in other people’s lives. Your treasures are the ones you have. Stop desiring what others have. Stolen treasure hurts, but it’s not worth it to let that be your worry. Seriously, let it go and focus on what you have. Grow that. FOUR OF COINS

Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive. I’m only an email away.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot by Lisa Hunt, US Games 2007

Tarotscopes June 7-13, 2015

Gaian Tarot
Gaian Tarot

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.

[Tweet “Time to read the weekly JoySeeker horoscopes from Arwen. Have you checked yours out?”]

Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. What’s holding you back?

This week I had an amazing day where I read for a group of people who were mature. They explored issues like following their dreams, reaching out to grab life and live it. Then that same night I read for a group of high school graduates. They explored issues like following their dreams, reaching out to grab life and live it. Don’t lose your joy, y’all. Grab life and live it. No time like the present.

Found two great cookbooks this week as well as revisited an old favorite. Sheet Pan Dinners covers an interesting way to cook using less pots and pans. Then, if you are like me, this cookbook on how to use everything you get from your CSA or Farmers Market will help you waste less. Or you can find out what home cooking looks like if you are from cotton country. Got a great cookbook recommendation? Hit me up in the comments.

Have you checked out my podcast? It’s a more robust version that covers your full month. Get your month started right with an .

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Time to speak up. Time to let your voice be heard. Are you [/inlinetweet]ready to let them really see you when you speak? This week’s card is Parrot from Lisa Hunt’s brilliant Winged Enchantment oracle deck. Parrot likes to be seen and heard so our message this week is to communicate. And don’t hide your spectacular self, either. This is no time to try to face into the background. Be loud. Be proud. PARROT

Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck by Lisa Hunt, 25 Parrot
Winged Enchantment

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What can’t you do? That’s the thing you must answer this week. More importantly [/inlinetweet]ask yourself why you think you can’t do something. The World shows up this week to remind you that you are capable of big, big things. This isn’t a week to go small. Go big, big, BIG, my darling Aquarians. Change something in your world then watch the ripple affect as it changes everyone else’s world too. GAIA THE WORLD

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Friendship anchors you. Count your blessings in the hearts of your friends. Expect [/inlinetweet]old friends to reach out. Connections will deepen and strengthen even when sadness pulls you towards old memories. Remember the living and the dead with love. Dive into the love knowing your presence is healing them as much as they are healing you. Make new friends but keep the old–that song is yours this week. SIX OF WATER

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Compassion for self is healing. Understanding what makes you strong is good, but understanding [/inlinetweet]why is urgently important this week. Take time to do some self-examination focused on why you make the choices you make. Then decide if that is the best choice and reason. Your personal strength will be your rock this week. Let it be a support rather than an anchor, okay? Don’t be so strong you lose. STRENGTH

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Gather with those of a like mind. This week asks that you focus on group projects so that [/inlinetweet]all can grow from the encounter. Bring what you have to the table. Let them bring what they have. Combining all of your wisdoms makes a smarter, faster, more efficient group. Don’t try to do it all yourself please. The energy will be best when you engage others to create as one beautiful mind. THREE OF EARTH

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Nature’s child, that’s you. Explore your physical needs more. Are you feeding your [/inlinetweet]body everything it needs? Healthy food goes further with a healthy attitude. And vice versa on that, chickadees. Fill your mind with prayerful attitude. Reach out to your inner self for wisdom you already carry. Be open to the messages that come this week. A child mind carries you further than a “been there, done that” attitude. CHILD OF EARTH

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Expect growth. Understand that you cannot force things to bloom if you want the full [/inlinetweet]beauty of the flower. If you are looking for work, this is a very favorable time but you must get started. You have to put the feelers out or they won’t see you. Don’t be passed over simply because you aren’t standing out. Money flows in as well even though it may not RUSH in. ACE OF EARTH

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Protective instincts ratchet up when those you love are threatened. Please remember [/inlinetweet]that roaring gives your position away. Better to lie low in the grass waiting for them to come to you. Then you may pounce. Emperor energy this week gives you an inner calm that you can use to your advantage at work as well. Focus on the details of any projects. To-do lists are best. EMPEROR

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Love is in the air, baby. Just hold on to this one fact. What goes around, comes around. When you [/inlinetweet]understand that we all cycle, you will have a better grasp on what needs to happen. The salmon swims upstream then back down again knowing that the cycle of life continues. Dive into the stream rather than watch it go by. I think your week will be better when you emotionally engage the world. TEN OF WATER

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Project manager, take a bow. You are the one they will turn to for [/inlinetweet]assistance. Your strength this week will be showing others how to get from point A to point Z every time. Be compassionate with yourself as much as with others. Realize that your reputation as a healer is getting around. Don’t be surprised if a few more lost souls show up for some much needed guidance from you. And healer? Heal thyself, please. ELDER OF EARTH

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Has anyone ever suggested to you that maybe, just maybe you do to much [/inlinetweet]analyzing? That maybe you need to stop looking for the next best thing to see you are more blessed than you realized? Yes, the world is a hot mess some days. Don’t make that your reality. Accept that your journey is taking you exactly where you need to go at this moment. Accept that what you are really looking for is staring back at you from your mirror. SEVEN OF AIR

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Harvesting what is ready is key this week. Make time to check on those growth projects so [/inlinetweet]you can take stock of where you are…what you have. A journey may be closer than you think which could require you to dip into some of that growth. Always leave some seed in reserve. Don’t depelete yourself–no emergency is worth that. And please be gentle with those who tax you physically. They don’t understand. GUARDIAN OF EARTH

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]What brings you the most joy? Where can you dive in deeper to experience more [/inlinetweet]of your own personal happy? This week is a good week to indulge yourself. Dancing at the club? Walking in the woods? Whatever it is that charges up your joy battery, make it happen. Get serious about having fun. Hold on to the feeling of joy so you can recreate it when you have to be your workaholic self. Joy isn’t fleeting. Our ability to remember it is. So take pictures. Write yourself a note. Charge up. THREE OF WATER

Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a

plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.

Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

Tarotscopes May 31-June 6, 2015

The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck 24 Owl
The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. What’s your week got in store for you? I recommend reading your Sun, Moon and Rising signs together each week. Don’t know what yours are? Head to where you can run your chart for free.

[Tweet “Time to read my Tarotscope for the week. What’s yours say?”]

Ready to recalibrate your joy journey? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. What’s holding you back?

Rachel Pollack is a well-known name in the Tarot world. Recently she was diagnosed with lymphoma. The prognosis is good but her ability to work has been severely curtailed. Can you give her a hand? Spread the word too.

Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with an journey.

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Seek peace in solitude. Open up the the quiet of your own soul. This week [/inlinetweet]the Owl is your guide. Listen more than you speak to gain wisdom you need. Guard your privacy zealously as well. Not all need to be welcome in your nest this week. Share yourself with those treasured few. OWL from The Winged Enchantment Oracle by Lisa Hunt and Lesley Morrison. (I highly recommend this deck for both the gorgeous artwork and the evocative descriptions.)

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you need to open up to? What ideas are ready to be [/inlinetweet]sent out into the world. Don’t over-analyze this. Just go with what first comes to mind. This week brings you opportunities for growth in areas that require your mind to be engaged. Emotions won’t play as big a role this week as analytical thought. (ACE OF AIR)

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What needs your passion? What things in your life lie waiting for you to [/inlinetweet]get started again? Work to make things happen in your life. Understand that you are going to have to be a MAD multi-tasker to get it all done. Delegation isn’t a bad idea either. You are not the boss of the world. Stop trying to be the caretaker of the world. (SEVEN OF FIRE)

Gaian Tarot Five of Earth
Gaian Tarot

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What shelters you? And, more importantly, who shelters you? This [/inlinetweet]will be a very important question this week. Might want to write it down. Do some journaling about it. Then revisit at the end of the week. Home may not be what or where or even who you think it is. Shelter. That’s your topic this week, Aries. Check those boundaries. (FIVE OF EARTH)

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is out of balance, darling Bulls? Where are you giving more than you are [/inlinetweet]getting? Time to remind those in your life of what you need. Your precious calm is going to be threatened by those who want to take more than they give. Stop letting them. Even family members must be reminded of your lines. Draw them again–this time in cement. (TEMPERANCE)

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where are you heading? Might be a good time to also check on who’s driving that [/inlinetweet]hand-basket. If you are careening towards crazy, ask yourself this, “Who am I letting drive?” Often the path to crazy is taken when we take a backseat in our own lives. Get in the front seat. Take the wheel. Time to correct your course, my dears. (CANOE aka CHARIOT)

Gaian Tarot Elder of Earth
Gaian Tarot

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How are those projects coming? Time to check those lists to see if [/inlinetweet]you are on track. Reassess what is most important. Nurture those things that bring you the most joy. You may want to explore letting some of those many projects rest or let someone else take charge. Do what brings you joy. Do what brings you joy. Do I need to say it again? (ELDER OF EARTH)

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who do you look to for advice? It’s a good week to pick up the phone to just [/inlinetweet]do a check-in. That adviser who helps you analyze things is the best one. The emotional adviser may not see the whole picture. Go to that person who may be sharp-tongued but loves you regardless. There’s the answer you are looking for. (GUARDIAN OF AIR)

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What questions still lie unanswered? Dig out your old journals to compare [/inlinetweet]them to your current ones. See what questions you were asking then. You may be going over old ground right now. This week calls for some solo exploration so don’t be surprised if you find yourself saying no to group events. This is more about you than anyone else. (HERMIT)

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you tied to? What is holding you back? Here you have to explore [/inlinetweet]old things that keep you from growing. Time to shed your world of those who tie you to an unhappy time. There is nothing that says you must keep people in your life when all they do is tempt you to give in to your darker self. Let go. (BINDWEED aka THE DEVIL)

Gaian Tarot Two of Fire
Gaian Tarot

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where is that spark, precious? Who are you setting your sights on for [/inlinetweet]passion and play? Don’t let them go through life without knowing how you feel. Who knows…they may return that heat. Things could get fiery if you play your cards right. RAWRRRR! (TWO OF FIRE)

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What rabbit hole are you trying to fall in? This week may bring more [/inlinetweet]second-guessing, anxiety and bad dreams than you like if you don’t remember this one thing. You are loved. You are safe. You are special. Don’t allow your own self-doubt to trip you up. No need to chase your tail over what’s gone. Focus on what you have. (NINE OF AIR)

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]Who is your tribe? Maybe your tribe isn’t all in your neighborhood. Still [/inlinetweet]you need to reach out to them. Connect. Make plans to celebrate why you are a tribe. Don’t let time go by without seeing those you love. This is a good week to connect to those who get you on a cellular level. Find your tribe, darling. (SIX OF AIR)

I hope you’ve enjoyed these. I’d love to hear from you if you find these useful. Just leave me a comment if you will. And thanks so much for sharing these via Facebook, G+, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. I love stumbling across what you’ve shared. Seek joy, y’all. Just seek joy.

If you love my message of Seek joy, y’all, get yourself a reminder from my store. Have a great week!

Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

Card of the Week from The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck, Lisa Hunt & Lesley Morrison

Are Ghosts Really Invisible?

Remember that disengaging isn’t running away–it can be a safety valve.

[Tweet “Remember that disengaging isn’t running away–it can be a safety valve.”]

Ghosts and Spirits Tarot Four of Swords
Ghosts and Spirits

#affirmation Sometimes the Tarot is scary. That’s just all there is to it. Today’s blog challenge was to discuss invisible illnesses. I picked up my phone to look at my Tarot apps.

Using the simply gorgeous Ghosts & Spirits Tarot, I tapped it open. The app is set up so that you get a card right away. I got the Four of Swords. Scary, Tarot. Scary!

A more perfect card for this subject I cannot imagine. Here we see a figure who has vines and branches growing from her head to create what looks like a briar hedge.

One sword is a beam of energy that comes from the one spot of light to pierce her. The other three swords lay beneath her but she can’t seem to reach them.

I have an invisible illness. One that isn’t always so invisible when I have to use walls to walk. That’s my back. I joke about it. I keep it light. I tell people that my back has taken a vacation without me. But it hurts. Oh it hurts.

I am exercising now to lose weight. That will help my back in the long run. I am also doing Reiki with a dear friend, Michelle. Her business is Happy, Healthy Life. I recommend her!

One of the main things about the Four of Swords is that it can be a reminder to let our minds rest. That disengaging isn’t running away–it can be a safety valve.

When I am mentally stressed and in physical pain, like most people, I turn into a grouchy bear. I used to lash out because it made me focus less on my own pain. I’ve curtailed that now because I honestly didn’t like that woman I’d become.

I like me now though. I really really do. I’m still in pain. It’s a rare day that i don’t have some pain. So I exercise. I’m going to be adding in yoga to my routine. I’m going to continue to learn to live with chronic pain.

So here is today’s affirmation.

Today I embrace my need to withdraw. I honor the solitude that brings me relief. I open up to the opportunities to disengage more. I create space for my own needs. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on, please.

Four of Swords, Ghosts And Spirits Tarot, U.S. Games

TarotsCopes for August 10-16 2014

TarotsCopes for August 10-16 2014

Fairy Tale Tarot
Fairy Tale Tarot

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Here’s to a great week! I’m asking a favor of you. Yes, you. Please help me announce my latest book. Click here to learn how.

Card Of The Week: TWO OF CUPS Engage in being social. Good wk to seek out loves, friends. Make new friends but keep the old. #earworm Reach out.

AQUARIUS PRINCE OF PENTACLES That project that looms? The one that daunts? Go for it. One step at a time. Trust yourself. Trust your ability. Trust.

PISCES PRINCESS OF SWORDS New ways of solving old problems reveal themselves. Obstacles are illusions. Focus your will. You can soar!

ARIES THREE OF PENTACLES Your work is stronger when shared. Contemplate a group effort. Reach out to like minds. The variety of tools wins.

TAURUS ACE OF SWORDS Life dull? Things foggy? Cut through it w/ a shiny NEW project. Dive into something that makes you excited and damn the rest.

GEMINI PRINCESS OF CUPS The love boat awaits but you need to love you first. Stay open to divine coincidence. Don’t deny love you already have.

CANCER TEMPTATION Don’t do it. No wait, Do it. Acknowledge the shadow self. Don’t deny it. Incorporate it by giving in to small temptations.

LEO THREE OF SWORDS Don’t give them your all. Hold back a bit for yourself. Not a great week for matters of the heart if you aren’t listening to yourself.

VIRGO JUSTICE Listen to the more experienced. Let their wisdom guide you away from bad decisions. Please obey the laws as they are laid out.

LIBRA TWO OF SWORDS Debates, mental tug-of-wars will ensue. Make sure you are not putting ego first. Listen to the other side. You could learn.

SCORPIO SIX OF PENTACLES Generosity saves the day. Connect your higher self w/ physical needs to get the most from this week. Say yes more.

SAGITTARIUS NINE OF CUPS Hope matters. Understand + acknowledge your current blessings to bring more. Gratitude lists will rock your world.Share joy.

CAPRICORN ACE OF CUPS Don’t look a gift love in the mouth. Stay open to what you want. Denying love denies fulfillment. Live more lovingly.

And don’t miss the free monthly TarotsCopes for August 2014. Fine-tune your month.

Choose Your Weapon

I’m fairly thick-skinned with most but those closest to me can hurt me the worst with this. I have to monitor my reactions and decide which sword I will pick up.

Today’s card is a reminder to me that I don’t have to accept all invitations to arguments. I know a few people who seem to relish picking at flaws of others. They love to point out any mistakes. Perhaps they see it as a way to help others improve. For me, it can hit me one of two ways.

I can see it as an opportunity to review things in my life for improvement.

I can see it as someone needing to feel superior because their own life isn’t fitting their needs.

Really depends on the context and how often it occurs as to which I see it as.

I’m fairly thick-skinned with most but those closest to me can hurt me the worst with this. I have to monitor my reactions and decide which sword I will pick up.

Will I pick up the one that allows me to parry back sharp and swift?
Will I pick up the one that lets me thrust straight to the heart in defense?
Will I pick up the one with the blunted tip so that I only bruise in return?
Will I pick up the one that requires two hands and all the force I can bring?
Will I pick up the ceremonial sword that shows I am ready to learn new moves?

I can attack back (and is it really back if the person truly means well but delivers poorly?)

I can stop and listen to my own intuition. A self-check to see if the advice is warranted is never a bad thing.

This Five of Swords from Lisa Hunt’s Fairytale Tarot reminds me that the sword I choose today will have repercussions. I must breathe. Maybe even count to ten or perhaps one hundred. Swords tend to have more than one way to cut–pointed tip, sharp edges, double edges. As the one wielding the weapon, I am the most qualified to NOT use it.

So what about you? What do you think? How do you react to criticism?

Five of Swords, The Fairy Tale Tarot by Lisa Hunt, Llewellyn 2008 (out of print but available as an app for your iOS phones. Not sure about Android. :D)

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

What Did I Use To Believe In?

GhostsSpirits_10WheelHere’s a somewhat macabre take on the Wheel of Fortune. The very talented artist is Lisa Hunt. If you don’t know her name, you should. Besides being one the best known Tarot artist, she is a really nice human being. She even illustrated my Fairy Tales Tarot Spreads ebook! 😀 Enough bragging on Lisa though.

When the Wheel of Fortune shows up, even one with ghosts flowing down and out, I remind my clients that if they want the brass ring life is offering them, then they are going to have to lean out. (Wow. Faulkner would be so proud of that sentence. LOL)

It’s not a matter of whether or not the brass ring is there–of course it is.

The Universe is not setting you up to fail. Promise!

But you are going to have to stretch. You are going to have to take a chance.

If the Fool is the zero card, here he is again at 10. It’s a new beginning for the Fool but it’s not the end of his/her journey. What about you? Where are you on your journey?

This isn’t the end, you know. It’s only another beginning. If the actors knew that when the final curtain fell, that would be their last time on the boards, do you think they would ever start?

Why do any of us start? What makes us believe in stretching? What stops us from believing?

Your journal prompt today is, “What did you believe in that you don’t now? Why?”

Wheel of Fortune, Ghosts & Spirits Tarot, Lisa Hunt, US Games {aff}

#Seekjoy, y’all. Pass it on.

Let Slip The Dogs Of War!???

FantasticalCreatures_7Wands003Today’s card forces me to ask a hard question. It’s not one I like to answer at all, but it is one I should probably lead with on most everything I do.

The Seven of Wands from Lisa Hunt‘s gorgeous Fantastical Creatures (U.S. Games 2007) shows a Valkyrie swooping down to a battle field. Her job was to fetch dying warriors who had proven themselves to be heroes. They would then enjoy Valhalla as their reward.

Great idea, right?

But what if those warriors had chosen the wrong battle or the wrong side? What if they had sided with the ice giants instead of Odin?

The hard question is this. “Is this battle mine or someone else’s?”

If I could bottle all the energy I’ve thrown into other people’s wars, I’d be still going just like the Energizer Bunny. If I had channeled that passion into creativity, I might have 800 books published and not eight.

Now, when I hear of this injustice or that, I have to ask myself how mad can I get? How passionate can I be? I’ve learned to pick my battles.

Sadly, grin, I haven’t learned to only back the winners. Too often I am on the losing side simply because we can’t outfight the money. Do I quit?

Nope. I’m either too stubborn or too optimistic to quit. I truly believe that in some cases (GMO/Monsanto for instance) that all we need to do is to keep educating. Eventually folks will understand the damage we are doing to our bodies and our world.


I wonder if the Valkyries will come for me.

Your journal prompt today is, “What battles am I fighting now that I should withdraw from?”

Seven of Wands, Fantastical Creatures, U.S. Games, 2007 [AFF]

Tarotscopes July 28 – August 3, 2013


  • AQUARUIS TWO OF PENTACLES Partnership favored. Brilliant growth possible when you join with others who are heading down the same path. Balance=growth!
  • PISCES KING OF PENTACLES Connect w/ community in deeper ways. Spiritual leadership may be required. Accept but only for those you call family.
  • ARIES WHEEL OF FORTUNE Riddle me this. Why not go for what you want? Why not lean out and grab? Opportunity knocks. Answer the danged door!
  • TAURUS PAGE OF PENTACLES Job offer possible. Growth inevitable. Seeker? Put out more resumes. Belief in your own power is the key. Confidence!
  • GEMINI SUN So much attention on you this week. Shine like a diamond, baby. You have backing from your Higher Self so make it happen.
  • CANCER EIGHT OF SWORDS Careful you don’t cut yourself on those thoughts. Many “poor me” attitudes are from self-inflicted wounds. Release that negativity.
  • LEO QUEEN OF CUPS Spread your love. Share your happy. Others need to know it’s possible. You are their confidant this week. Nurture please.
  • VIRGO LOVERS Good week to indulge in the company of the one who makes your spirit glow. Open up on a spiritual level to really connect.
  • LIBRA Judgment Learn from past mistakes. Don’t blame. Grow. Time to rise to the next level. Old crap is just old. Move up and one.
  • SCORPIO TEN OF CUPS Gather with those you love. Indulge in celebrations of the heart. Connections this week will carry you forward. Reach out.
  • SAGITTARIUS KNIGHT OF CUPS Sometimes your emotions lead you astray. Please watch that this week. Not a good time to be a heart wanderer. You could be hurt.
  • CAPRICORN THREE OF SWORDS Emotional encounters could be murky, dangerous. Don’t venture into unfamiliar territory. Stay on safe ground with loved ones.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot, Lisa Hunt, U.S. Games Systems