Bowls, Bodies & Bridges

I created this spread for the Litha Tarot Blog Hop on the 21st of June, 2012. Today, I do the spread to show you how it works.

Arwen’s Bridge Spread

Pick something you loathe. Let’s say “I need to lose weight.” Replace it with a word or a phrase you like. Let’s say Continue reading “Bowls, Bodies & Bridges”

Bunnies, Fortresses & Reading for Arwen

Every now and again I am challenged by another outbreak of the same ugly. As before, I am turning to Tarot to ask what to do. Only this time, I’m asking you to intepret for me.


I like three card spread. I like three card spreads where you have the issue as the middle card and then two possibilities. I’ve done spreads like this for longer than I care to remember.

There is a situation in my life in which I have chosen Continue reading “Bunnies, Fortresses & Reading for Arwen”

ONLINE CLASS: Tarot For Writers June 2012 (not July!)

GPS for Your Character

Gaian Tarot Seven of AirHave a story that must be written? Characters babbling in your head?

Don’t know where to start? I can help. We can map out your entire book in a month.

Continue reading “ONLINE CLASS: Tarot For Writers June 2012 (not July!)”

Secrets, Crossroads & Suspension

Well, I find myself at a bit of a crossroads in life. Lucky for me today is a great day for that. Happy Spring Equinox, y’all! It’s a day of balance and of new stuff. I love Easter as well. I’ve always been a great fan of dying eggs. A coven I was in did a very cool thing where we wrote messages on eggs with wax (clear) candles. You couldn’t see the message. Continue reading “Secrets, Crossroads & Suspension”

Ostara Tarot Blog Hop: Bloom Where You’re Planted

Hi there! Welcome to the Ostara Blog Hop. Hopefully you found me through Andrew’s blog. The next blog link is at the bottom of this one. Have fun! If you are in Austin, TX, come take a class with me. 🙂

Our topic was “Paint a journey with new life” which relates to the Goddess Ostara coloring the world with flowers. I love the image of this beautiful Deity trailing flowers wherever she goes. It makes me think of Continue reading “Ostara Tarot Blog Hop: Bloom Where You’re Planted”

October 2011 Tarotscopes

HEADS UP! The audio on this is bad. Apparently I didn’t have the microphone plugged in all the way so the external mic was working. You will have to adjust your speakers.

This month’s specials are the Bagua Map for $35 and/or the Pen & Paper for $35. As always, I live off your comments!

Hear the podcast here.