Frogs, Choices + Transformations

Rather than lovers, the very things we did that weren’t the best choices were frogs.

Sacred World, 20 FrogToday’s card reminds me of all the transformations I’ve gone through. From the child who would rather be reading a book to the teen who ran the streets with her friend to the young woman who explored her beliefs to the mature woman I am now.

Frog, from Kris Waldherr’s Sacred World Oracle, is a reminder that many of the choices we made in our lives could be seen as the frogs we kissed. [Tweet “Rather than lovers, the very things we did that weren’t the best choices were frogs.”]

So yeah, I had to kiss a lot of frogs to get where I am today.

On last night’s show with Bindiya Aravandeker, we talked about the Akashic Records and bad choices. Bindiya shared her thoughts on how working with them helped her. Now she helps others with the same access. Learning why we continuing to make the same bad choices can be very helpful in moving away from them.

I was so impressed to learn that she gives away a free session to any woman ready to begin working through sexual abuse issues. She is very clear that she does this in a very sacred, spiritual way. When she talked about this on the show, I nearly cried. It was so amazing.

You can see last night’s show here.

What about you? Journal prompt for today is, “What choices do I keep repeating and why?”.

Frog, Sacred World Oracle, U.S. Games 2013

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Reflections and Salmon

SacredWorld_19Salmon001Today’s card is from a brand new deck by Kris Waldherr. It’s sumptuous. It’s lush. It’s layered nuance on layered nuance. It’s like finding a cake that has everything you ever wanted. Okay, so maybe that’s a bit much, but still…this is a lovely deck.

I sat with it shuffling it after opening it. I didn’t look at the cards (normally I do). I just asked it what I would learn from it. This is something I haphazardly do with new decks. ๐Ÿ˜€

So a card fell out. I, being practical as well as arcane, took that as a “pick me, pick me” and picked it up.

I was a bit startled to see my birth sign staring back at me. Salmon swim head to tail on the nineteenth card in Kris Waldherr’s Sacred World Oracle. Now mind you, 19 is also my birth card number which is how I am a Sun, Wheel, Magician trio.

Okay. So then I picked up the LWB (Little White Book) to see what it said. Hmmm. Keywords: Magic, Intuition, Wisdom.

Gotcha, deck. You are an oracle. MMMkkay! ๐Ÿ˜€ It goes on to share some salmon mythology and reminds you that when this card shows up, you are being invited to develop your innate magic and wisdom.

Huh! If I didn’t know better, I’d say this deck was trying to curry my favor. Or, maybe, just maybe, the Universe is reminding me that magic and wisdom don’t just happen.

Any witch worth his or her salt knows that you must keep your hand in. You must continue to study, to grow, to practice what you know. This is why a witch keeps two journals. Her grimoire is one, but did you know the other? The mate to the well-known Book of Shadows is the Book of Mirrors.

I’ll let you chew on that a bit with this journal prompt.

“If I had a book of mirrors, what would I see reflected back at me?”

Salmon (19), The Sacred World Oracle, US Games Systems Inc 2013

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Sad, Angry Humans

Goddess_3WandsToday’s card reminds me that sometimes the only thing you can do to grow is to turn your back on things and people. Not all people are in our lives to help us grow. Well, maybe that’s not quite true. There are those people who exist to be examples of what not to do. So I guess they are in our lives for that reason.

We all have detractors. We all deal with those who just don’t want us to succeed. Generally that’s because they live in fear, y’all. You have to take just a moment to feel so very sorry for them. How awful it must be to live a life so full of negativity that nothing is shiny unless it’s focused on you. No one is worth a damned unless they are putting you above all others.

Sad, yes.

But if I’m going to be as authentic as possible, it also makes me mad. Mad because I see these people tear down others in order to build themselves up. I don’t want people like that in my world. I don’t want the sad,angry, narcissistic parasites. They suck me dry.

Just like with people who are never happy about anything, these fear-dwellers suck the life out of things.

Don’t suck the life out of things, darlings. Agree to disagree with people you love. Agree that sometimes they are going to tell you that you are being a dirtbag.

My sister did that for me today. And I threw it back in her face.

Oh. Yes. I. Did.

Then I apologized a few hours later.

Why? Because I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d said. Not what she’d said, but what I’d said. It came from a place of fear. I was afraid she was right. I was afraid she’d found a hole in my joyful life.

Then I realized that she had and that it was okay. I’m not perfect. And, thank the Gods, I never will be.

I promise to be as authentic as possible.
I promise to turn my back to those detractors who are fear-dwellers and attention-seekers.
I promise to pay attention when my trusted circle tells me I’m being an ass.
I promise to work at learning to listen and think before I respond from fear.
I promise to focus outward rather than listen to the negativity around me.

This beautiful Three of Staves is from Kris Waldherr’s Goddess Tarot by U.S. Games.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

And are you ready to stop living in fear? Are you ready to let your own creative goddess out? Come join me in an online course. I’m retaking it because it blew my doors open last year. (aff) and so worth it! You can take just the class or the join the full academy. Up to you. I did the full academy because I saw three classes I wanted to take right off the bat. ๐Ÿ˜€

Queens, Doctors & Disappointments

Who is the best person to heal you? A Queen? A Doctor?

Today’s card is from a fabulously fun little oracle. It’s very different from others in that it gives you some history along with some sage advice. I love history even more than I love sage advice, don’t you?

Here we learn a lesson that others cannot heal our disappointments now matter how much we want them to have that superpower. It isn’t until we learn that who can heal us that we actually heal. I know…convoluted, right?

But the secret that the wisest woman (and man) know is this. The person with the magic wand? The fairy godmother at the kitchen door? The talking donkey who can’t sing? That person is only found in one place.

The mirror.

Yep, the looking glass, Alice. The answer was there all along. Quick. Go look. Tell me who you see.

Right. Yourself.

You are the only one who can heal your disappointments, hurts and sorrows. You can have help from your friends, from professionals, from a stranger on the internet, but the final piece to that puzzle must be you.

Learn from your disappointments, darlings. Don’t let them define you. Let them refine you. Understanding those patterns like we talked about yesterday is your secret weapon. Once you know the patterns, you can choose the ones that suit and serve you best.

so dance, my darlings, dance. But remember what Queen Carolina Matilda of Denmark said. “Don’t look to your doctor to heal your disappointments.”

Queen Carolina Matilda, Ask the Queens: Advice Card Deck, US Games, 2010

This deck or the playing card version is a great gift for the history buff in your family.

P. S. It is National Coming Out Day. In case you didn’t know it, I’m a queer femme currently partnered with a man who understands. ๐Ÿ˜€ I support the Trevor Project.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Goddesses, Androids & Contests

Goddess Tarot App by Kris Waldherr
I love Kris Waldherr’s artwork and writing. She’s a multi-talented gal who constantly stretches her own boundaries. I was blown away by the Goddess Tarot for iPhone app. Now I’ve learned that she’s expanded out to the Android market as well. So I wanted to share this app with you again. AND, there’s a giveaway at the bottom. You can win this for yourself!

Here’s some comments from folks about that app. Continue reading “Goddesses, Androids & Contests”

Guest Post: Tarot in the Digital Age

This is a guest post from Kris Waldherr. There are images with this post that are larger than I normally use but you need the size.

kriswaldherrauthorphotoTarot in the Digital Age
by Kris Waldherr

Imagine this scenario: You decide to give yourself a tarot reading. You light a candle, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. With each exhale, your body centers and and your thoughts calm. Once you formulate your question, you open your eyes. You take out . . Continue reading “Guest Post: Tarot in the Digital Age”

Other Blogs: Kris Waldherr

Come visit the fabulous artistry of Kris Waldherr. Now I can hear you say, but Arwen, there’s nothing about Tarot in this blog. Ah, but there is! You have to look for it.

This is one of those blogs I love to visit for the lovely lovely artwork. I have little to no visual memory so each time I go, it’s all brand new to me. Ha! Kris shares bits about things she is working on as well as the actual art work. Her latest project (which is set to release in October) is Continue reading “Other Blogs: Kris Waldherr”