Too Many Foxes

Some days there are just too many foxes in my world. Do you ever have this problem?

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Shadowscapes Tarot Knight of Wands

#affirmations Some days there are just too many foxes in my world. Do you ever have this problem?

I get an idea of what I want to write about but I’m not sure of the direction. Today’s thought was dissatisfaction.

A rather unusual thought for me since I am a professional joy seeker. But still, that’s the word I had so I went with it.

I’ve had a lot of stress-inducing situations in the past two weeks–nearly all of them out of my hands.

  • Someone’s health
  • Foundation of a building
  • Foundation of a company
  • A loved one’s very hard battle

Nothing that I could point a finger at to merrily say, “Seek joy, y’all.”

In fact, I think if someone had reminded me of that, I might have just cracked. Yep…stress.

So when I pulled this Knight of Wands from my app, I snickered. Then I giggled. Then I guffawed.

Because this, my darlings, this is the perfect expression of what I am feeling.

So much to do…so many foxes to direct. I see each fox as a thing that I might do. A project that needs attention.

And there I am straddling a lionzelle (my word for this gorgeous lionesque creature with gazelle horns.) The beast is ready to go, but I have not yet leaned forward. I have not yet committed to the events underfoot.

I can so see this as the root of my dissatisfaction. No action has been taken but there is a clarion call to action taking place.
The problem, as I see it, is too many foxes. Which one of the five is it to be? Once I figure that out, I think this general ennui will dissipate.

Perhaps this niggling, just out of reach itch of need is my clue that I just need to move. I need to pick one and go with it. Those other foxes?

Well there’s good news and there’s bad news.

They will always be there.

What? That’s the good news AND the bad news.

So how about you? What projects are calling to you? What do you need to move on? Is it a time of action or of rest for you?

Today’s affirmation:

I choose to take action. I am responsible for my own happiness. I make time to create. I open myself up to the infinite possibilities of joy. Seeking joy is my way of life. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Knight of Wands, , Llewellyn


Weary, Wands + Enchiladas

Since it went together in a hurry and was ready in a hurry, it made me think of the Knights of the Tarot. Always on the move, that suit is generally the age of the single man or woman in my eyes. So this could be a late night meal–what I used to call bar’thirty.

Efflorescent_12WandsToday’s card is just so I can share a recipe I shared on my blog in 2010. That’s all…just a yummy, recipe. Well, and a gorgeous card from the Efflorescent Tarot by Katie Rose Pipkin. He looks so focused and a bit weary to me. Maybe he needs a brain break. How about you? Let’s talk about food!

Food. I love food. I like food I cook. I like food other people cook. I like uncooked food. I just love food. I have an ongoing series of matching recipes to Tarot cards. I wanted this recipe to go in the Air/Swords category because it was a quick no-brainer kind of meal. The kind you throw together with whatever you have on hand. Since it went together in a hurry and was ready in a hurry, it made me think of the Knights of the Tarot. Always on the move, that suit is generally the age of the single man or woman in my eyes. So this could be a late night meal–what I used to call bar’thirty.

I thought about making it a Wands recipe since it is definitely spicy, but kept coming back to just how easily it went together. Here’s the story of how this casserole came to be. You see, I was hungry. I did not have money to indulge in a dinner out. Then I remembered. I had a can of enchilada sauce and some tortillas. HEY! I could have enchiladas.

I don’t know about you, but once I set my heart on a specific food, that’s what I want. I wanted enchiladas. Turns out, I only had three tortillas. So I improvised. I decided to layer those tortillas with all the yummy goodness of enchilada stuff. If it didn’t work, the only thing I would be was still hungry, right?

Without further ado, here’s my recipe.

Arwen’s Knight of Wands Enchilada Improvisational Casserole (I like to call it YUM for short)

You can improvise on the ingredients. I know I did!

3 flour tortillas
1 Cn green enchilada sauce
1/2 a big bag of Mexican Mix cheese
1/2 an onion, diced and fried in olive oil
10-15 jalapeno slices
2 tsp jalapeno juice
1 md chicken breast, cooked, slided or shredded
2 TBS cream cheese

I layered the following ingredients into an 8×8 square glass pan.

First layer:

  • Tortilla
  • Green Enchilada Sauce
  • Mexican Mix Cheese
  • Fried onions
  • Jalapenos
  • 1 tsp Jalapeno juice
  • Half a cooked chicken breast
  • More cheese
  • More sauceSecond Layer
  • Tortilla
  • Green Enchilada Sauce
  • Mexican Mix Cheese
  • Fried onions
  • Jalapenos
  • 1 tsp Jalapeno juice
  • Half a cooked chicken breast
  • More cheese
  • Cream Cheese on this layer
  • More sauceThird Layer
  • Tortilla
  • Cheese
  • Last of the sauceBake for 35 at 350 or until bubbling.This casserole turned out lovely. I did not need to add sour cream or salsa as I thought I might. It was flavorful and super simple to make. The leftovers had a better flavor but then that’s pretty par for the course. You want to let things sit a bit to really get that blended effect.So there you are. If you try this, do let me know what you think!

So I hope you enjoyed this. What’s a favorite food of yours? Wanna swap recipes? Feel free to pin this or share it on your Facebook or Twitter feed if you like

Knight of Wands, Efflorescent Tarot, Katie Rose Pipkin, self-published (There were 6 left but now there’s only 5. I’m grabbing a second copy so that makes 4. 😀 There’s a color version too.)

Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on!

Pssst! Only 23 days left to while I’m still giving away my Fairy Tales Tarot Spreads eBook.