Guest Review: The Quantum Tarot

My dear friend,.Nisaba who hails from Australia, wrote the following review for the Quantum Tarot. She shared it with the Comparative Tarot email list. I have always enjoyed .Nisaba’s writing and asked her if I could share her review here. I reviewed this deck here as well, but wanted to bring in .Nisaba’s insights as well.

Here are her words verbatim. The only thing I’ve done is add links. 🙂

G’dday. Continue reading “Guest Review: The Quantum Tarot”

Deck Review: Quantum Tarot

The world dances in the palm of your hand. Somewhat mad scientists gaze out at you. Formulas writhe across the cards as you lay them out. The cosmos in seventy-eight cardboard images. Death features two skeletons preparing to do battle while butterflies create a hurricane.

Quantum_Tarot_DeathThe world dances in the palm of your hand. Somewhat mad scientists gaze out at you. Formulas writhe across the cards as you lay them out. The cosmos in seventy-eight cardboard images. Death features two skeletons preparing to do battle while butterflies create a hurricane. Continue reading “Deck Review: Quantum Tarot”

GUEST BLOG: Creating the Quantum Tarot – by Kay Stopforth

Kay Stopforth
Kay will be giving away a free Quantum Tarot reading to one lucky commenter. Read on to see how you can win and how you can get extra chances.

The idea for the Quantum Tarot came to me in traditional “eureka!” fashion. I woke up one morning and suddenly thought – wouldn’t it be great to have a tarot based on physics? I have no idea why!

Actually, that’s not entirely Continue reading “GUEST BLOG: Creating the Quantum Tarot – by Kay Stopforth”

GUEST BLOG: Creating the Quantum Tarot – by Kay Stopforth

Kay Stopforth
Kay will be giving away a free Quantum Tarot reading to one lucky commenter. Read on to see how you can win and how you can get extra chances.

The idea for the Quantum Tarot came to me in traditional “eureka!” fashion. I woke up one morning and suddenly thought – wouldn’t it be great to have a tarot based on physics? I have no idea why!

Actually, that’s not entirely Continue reading “GUEST BLOG: Creating the Quantum Tarot – by Kay Stopforth”

GUEST BLOG: Creating the Quantum Tarot – by Kay Stopforth

Kay Stopforth
Kay will be giving away a free Quantum Tarot reading to one lucky commenter. Read on to see how you can win and how you can get extra chances.

The idea for the Quantum Tarot came to me in traditional “eureka!” fashion. I woke up one morning and suddenly thought – wouldn’t it be great to have a tarot based on physics? I have no idea why!

Actually, that’s not entirely Continue reading “GUEST BLOG: Creating the Quantum Tarot – by Kay Stopforth”