Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide. I want to know what’s your biggest stumbling block on your path to joy? Tell me in the comments.
Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. What’s holding you back? This week I am reading with The Cook’s Tarot (Schiffer) by Judith Mackay Stirt.
So I’m indulging myself right now by rereading the . Instead of reading them in the order she wrote them (her recommendation), I’m reading them in chronological order. Right now I’m reading Dragonsdawn. Have you read this series? I’m anxiously waiting to hear about the movie that just got optioned.
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Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with an . It’s a journey we can take together.
CARD OF THE WEEK: SIX OF SWORDS [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Time to leave that energy behind. You know, the [/inlinetweet]energy that’s been causing your mind to twist in on itself? Let’s walk away from all of our self-sabotaging ideas. I challenge you to write down your top five worries. Read them out loud. Then say NO to each of them in a loud, firm voice. No to failure. No to rejection. Just no. Then step away from your anxiety and towards joy. Seek joy, y’all.
AQUARIUS PAGE OF WANDS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]What do you want to stir up? What ideas are in your [/inlinetweet]cauldron of change? Time to feed the fires of creation by mixing things up a bit. Current project not feeding you? It’s okay to tend another fire for a bit. I give you permission to engage your energy in a different way this week. Painter? Try writing a poem. Poet? Try baking bread. Baker? Try painting a picture. Let yourself have some fun this week. Youthful energy for the win!

PISCES FIVE OF PENTACLES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”] There are times when you want something SO HARD but[/inlinetweet] this may not be the time to indulge in that if it is a huge financial risk. Understand that this isn’t the “one time only” offer they are making it sound like. There will be more where this came from. Now is not your time and that’s okay. Put your money in the bank rather than in someone else’s schemes and dreams. I promise it will come up again. Just hold on to your money for now.
ARIES FOUR OF PENTACLES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Oh for goodness sake! Resources are meant to be shared, not [/inlinetweet]hoarded. When you dribble out your help, your commitment, your friendship, you are limiting yourself more. Limits are not going to get you where you need to be. Open up your heart to let others in. Stop being so stingy with your community, darling. And stop suspecting them of draining you. You may be doing that to yourself.
TAURUS SEVEN OF PENTACLES [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Stop for just a moment. Breathe in the plenty. See all that [/inlinetweet]exists in your world. Your projects are good. You may need to set a few more goals to keep yourself on track. Don’t worry about what you are waiting on. All things will be ready for harvest in good time. Now is about working on what is at hand while the rest comes to fruition. Make a list of all your projects. Prioritize. Time to weed out that garden so the rest can grow.

GEMINI FOUR OF SWORDS [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]You may feel a bit empty this week. As if there is no more [/inlinetweet]time for anything you want. It’s just your psyche asking for a time out. Rest and relaxation are your best tools. Find time to nap, to meditate, to just disconnect. Even five minutes a day will help you recharge. Or you can get your ass handed to you by the Universe’s version of a time-out. Your choice, darlings!
CANCER NINE OF PENTACLES [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Mmmmm, bon-bons! Long quiet moments of completely uniterrupted time to [/inlinetweet]savor life. This week commit to indulging in one completely selfish moment. Maybe two uninterrupted hours of reading? A bubble bath complete with candles and wine. A movie only you want to see. You’ve earned this reward but the trick is telling yourself that it’s okay to cash it in. I’m telling you now. It’s okay to give yourself this present.
LEO THREE OF CUPS [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #tarot”]Gather with those who know you best. Ask them for [/inlinetweet]the gift of their time. Share your joys as they share theirs. Listen to their woes as they listen to yours. Emotional connections are what you’ve been missing the most. It is time to reforge those friendships. Reach out to your BFF and all those closest to you. Could be a great week to take time for a tea party with those of a like-minded heart. Don’t worry about those who don’t get you. They are unimportant this week. Focus on friendships.
VIRGO TWO OF CUPS [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Take a moment to think about mosaics. Let your mind wander around [/inlinetweet]the idea of all that goes into the creation. Tiny tiles of color moved around until they create a beautiful picture. This is your relationship right now. Move things around to make your picture clearer. If you have a love, look at them. Let yourself feel that fire for them. No love yet? Look at yourself. Feel that fire for you. Relationship building is about moving the pieces into the right places.

LIBRA KING OF SWORDS [inlinetweet prefix=”Libra” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Sometimes we work so hard for approval that we forget the secret of [/inlinetweet]self-approval. We have to tell ourselves that we are doing the right thing. Critical thinking includes approving the right thoughts as much as it includes slicing out what doesn’t work. Let your week be filled with self-approval over self-criticism. Rule your thoughts so that they don’t rule you.
SCORPIO DEATH [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Well that sucks, doesn’t it. No way to avoid this. [/inlinetweet]You’ve got to change some things in your world. Remember that what you put into the pot affects what you take out. Bitter angry thoughts bake into unhappy muffins, honey. Time to face your own orchestra and change your tune. Feed the parts of yourself that uplift you. Starve the parts that don’t. You’ve got this. It’s about changing your world by changing what you feast on most.
SAGITTARIUS FIVE OF WANDS [inlinetweet prefix=”Sagittarius” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Sometimes you’ve just got to take your best swing. But remember [/inlinetweet]others may be in your line of fire. Competition strengthens us in unexpected ways as long as we keep in mind that others are also out there striving to do their best. When you lift yourself up, focus on your strengths rather than pointing out their weaknesses. Mud-slinging always gets you dirty as well. Stay clean and fight fair.
CAPRICORN TEN OF CUPS [inlinetweet prefix=”Capricorn ” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #tarot”]Sometimes the best choice is to review what your happily-ever-after really [/inlinetweet]looks like. Stop focusing on others’ happiness and lives. Get your mirror out. Look yourself in the eyes. You can only control what’s in your hula hoop. Take care of what you have now. There’s a cloud in your life that you are over focusing on. That’s taking joy away from your world. Stop stalking sadness. Seek joy instead.
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to jump-start your hunt for your bliss. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.
The Cook’s Tarot (Schiffer), 2015, is a deck I can easily recommend. The cards are large even for my hands but I found it easy enough to shuffle with a corner method. The cards themselves are colorful with a style that makes me think of the a more vivid Monet in some way. I love the attention to detail that Stirt brings. She isn’t shy about bringing you into close proximity with her characters. They fill up the cards. I am happy to have this one in my collection.