Today’s card comes from my work with the . One part is a reading for your year ahead. I’m loathe to look to far into any year (my clients know this since I prefer to do 3 month or 6 month look-aheads to full years).
So I focused on “What is my theme for January? What is the main message?”
Using my beloved Gaian Tarot, I got quiet then pulled. I had to work on steadying my mind since I was, I’ll admit, a bit afraid I’d pull one of the harder cards due to yesterday’s unhappiness. I spent most of the day in a fog. I went to bed early as well and slept for nearly 9.5 hours.
But I let that go as I sat there on the bed. I wanted to be open to the message of the Universe. I laughed out loud when I saw this familiar baby snake staring at me.
Joanna says, “A snake has just broken his way out of an egg and is encountering the world for the first time. Because of his ability to shed his skin and emerge in a new one, Snake has long been a symbol of renewal and transformation. In the background we see sparks shooting from a hidden flame, symbolizing the fires of creativity, sexuality and empowerment.”
I say, “WHOO HOOO! January is going to rock, y’all.”
Because of the work I’m doing with this workbook from , I’ve got some big plans for next year that include a workbook on seeking joy as well as the launch of my nearly-completed Hero’s Journey book. There’s another book as well in the works.
I see January’s Ace of Fire energy as the seed to all of that. I’ll be using that creative fire to launch my joy-missile self into outer space, y’all.
Did you know that one of my is to hear one specific person say, “Seek joy, y’all!” ? Can you guess who it is?
What’s your big theme for January? How are you going to launch your own joy-missile self into the new year? Or whatever you see your missile self as? I’d love to hear about it.
Don’t forget! When you get your, let me know. I’ll get you added to our seeeekrit Facebook group.
Remember this today. I love you.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!
Ace of Fire, Gaian Tarot