Fire, Missiles & Seeeekrits

But I let that go as I sat there on the bed. I wanted to be open to the message of the Universe. I laughed out loud when I saw this familiar baby snake staring at me.

gaianacefireToday’s card comes from my work with the . One part is a reading for your year ahead. I’m loathe to look to far into any year (my clients know this since I prefer to do 3 month or 6 month look-aheads to full years).

So I focused on “What is my theme for January? What is the main message?”

Using my beloved Gaian Tarot, I got quiet then pulled. I had to work on steadying my mind since I was, I’ll admit, a bit afraid I’d pull one of the harder cards due to yesterday’s unhappiness. I spent most of the day in a fog. I went to bed early as well and slept for nearly 9.5 hours.

But I let that go as I sat there on the bed. I wanted to be open to the message of the Universe. I laughed out loud when I saw this familiar baby snake staring at me.

Joanna says, “A snake has just broken his way out of an egg and is encountering the world for the first time. Because of his ability to shed his skin and emerge in a new one, Snake has long been a symbol of renewal and transformation. In the background we see sparks shooting from a hidden flame, symbolizing the fires of creativity, sexuality and empowerment.”

I say, “WHOO HOOO! January is going to rock, y’all.”

Because of the work I’m doing with this workbook from , I’ve got some big plans for next year that include a workbook on seeking joy as well as the launch of my nearly-completed Hero’s Journey book. There’s another book as well in the works.

I see January’s Ace of Fire energy as the seed to all of that. I’ll be using that creative fire to launch my joy-missile self into outer space, y’all.

Did you know that one of my is to hear one specific person say, “Seek joy, y’all!” ? Can you guess who it is?

What’s your big theme for January? How are you going to launch your own joy-missile self into the new year? Or whatever you see your missile self as? I’d love to hear about it.

Don’t forget! When you get your, let me know. I’ll get you added to our seeeekrit Facebook group.

Remember this today. I love you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Ace of Fire, Gaian Tarot

Mama, Joy & Flowers

Professional joy seekers start their day wondering how they will spot that first bit of joy.

Click for wallpaper size

Today’s card is not a card. It’s a reminder that professional joy seekers don’t give up. Professional joy seekers start their day wondering how they will spot that first bit of joy. I am offering this up as encouragement for you to do this today and every day.

This hibiscus was blooming on my porch yesterday morning. I have a large pot where two small hibiscus plants are growing. I’ve had them since last year. One is red and the other was an unknown. I got such joy when I saw the vivid orange the first time.

It’s one of my favorite flowers along with the gladiola. One reason is that my mama loved the hibiscus. I smile when I see them. Because of this flower, I’ve learned that beauty can be fleeting—they fade so fast in the summer heat. This one will have more days due to the fall we are having.

So how will you answer the question “How will you seek joy today?” Feeling lost and alone? You are not. I’ll help you find that joy if you like. Message me to schedule a reading.

Just need a daily reminder? Click on the image to get to a desktop image. Right click and choose “use as background” to make this your desktop wallpaper.

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on!

November 6 Hibiscus, personal photo collection, share as you like but don’t alter the image.

Calling All Joy Seekers

Because I want you to try seeking joy. I want you to allow joy into your life. I want you to imaging joy on all levels. Yep, I want you to seek joy, y’all.

Seek Joy Y'all

That’s my motto. I’ve written posts on it. I’ve created spreads about it. I’ve twittered it. I’ve lived it. Now I’m Continue reading “Calling All Joy Seekers”

SPREAD: Our Purpose

If you saw my Thursday post, you will know that I simply adore Lissa Coffey’s work. She sends out daily emails that you can (and should) subscribe to. I love getting them.

She’s also trying to get a show on Oprah’s new network. I think she’d be a great addition. I know I’d tape her show for sure. You can vote for her here. You do have to register, but I’d really appreciate it if you would vote daily and spread the word as well. See the Thursday post for details on how to win this reading from me.

She sent out an email 6/23/2010 that was a bit different from her normal ones. This one was longer that most. I’ve read it several times. It hit me so deeply that I’ve designed a spread around it. Continue reading “SPREAD: Our Purpose”

SPREAD: Joy Seeker

This spread is featured in the booklet for the Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, U.S. Games Systems Inc, 2011.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Recently I asked this question of my Twitter and Facebook friends.

What if your life’s purpose were simply “Seek Joy”? Would you have the courage? How hard is it to release the negativity? Seek joy, y’all!

Can you begin to imagine it? Your life filled with joy. Laughter replacing the tears. Hope shoving out the negativity?

For me, my own personal negativity is an anchor. It holds me back from reaching the heights I know I can attain. I’m so human, y’all. I get mad for the silliest of reasons. I get my feelings hurt. I think the world is out to get me. Then I remind myself of a wonderful quote by Albert Camus. Continue reading “SPREAD: Joy Seeker”