Today’s card is a reminder to me about abundance living. Not abundant living, but abundance. This woman holds her hands out because she knows she will have enough. She knows she will be given what she needs. She trusts the Universe to bring her to the place where abundance is.
It’s hard to remember to be open to abundance. Many of us live with the idea that we have to budget. That we must watch every penny.
And that’s not a wrong thing. It just may not be the best right thing. 😀
Too often we lock our focus on money as the only marker of abundance. We make that bank account our only hope to live abundantly. So we work diligently. We save every penny we can. We weep when the car or the fridge or the a/c robs us of our savings.
We close ourselves off to abundance living when we do that.
Abundance is a large quantity of something. So for me, my abundance living is marked by what I have. That includes my friends, my family, my pets. It includes the fact that I don’t walk through this world naked. It includes the fact that I have things to sit on, places to lie my head. It includes that I have the ability to drive (and pay for gas).
[Tweet “Abundance is so much more than money in the bank.”] It is opening my hands rather than closing my fists. It is appreciating what I have.
When I am open to the idea that I am blessed, I am always blessed more. Without fail, I am blessed more.
So today’s journal prompt is this. “How do I close myself off from being open to abundance? How can I stay open to the idea of abundance living?”
Ace of Coins, Joie de Vivre Tarot, U.S. Games 2011
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!