Today’s card is one I love. First, I love the way the artist has chosen to depict it as if we are looking through a lens. Some parts are fuzzy, can’t-be-seen-clearly bits. Others are crystal clear.
Facing Change (big C, y’all) is like that. Often we can easily see the big pieces. It’s the small, out-of-focus ones that escape us.
Letting go of the past–pain, hurt, sadness?
Then do it. Don’t dwell on it. Don’t revisit it by saying, “Oh I’m working on getting over that breakup.”
That’s like touching a paper cut over and over to remember that it hurt. Of course it hurts if you keep touching it, honey. You poke and prod so much you re-injure yourself.
Yeah. You. Not anyone else. YOU RE-INJURE YOURSELF.
Ouch, right? But it’s the truth. Big ugly events happen. They bring pain and suffering and a whole host of other craptastic things.
Time moves us past those events.
Our minds hold us there.
You are transforming. Let go of the past. Embrace the light and joy of this new day. ~Jody Bergsma
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
#NaNoWriMo folks, how’s it going? Day six is here. Don’t worry if you aren’t far enough or whatever enough. Days one through five are in the past. Let them go. Embrace today by writing forward. Write with joy, y’all. Holly Lisle signs her emails that way. Write with joy.
So let’s do it! Change happens. Shit happens. We move forward. We transform.
Change, Magical Times Empowerment cards, U.S. Games Systems Inc
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
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