Tarotscopes for July 14-20, 2013

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  • AQUARIUS QUEEN OF PENTACLES Oh my! Time to let them see your beauty. Don’t hold back. Indulge in beautiful things, long soaks + good friends. Rule your world.
  • PISCES CHARIOT Juggernaut. Once you start, you can’t be stopped. Get in the driver’s seat. Your focus must be forward. They’ll have to move.
  • ARIES PAGE OF PENTACLES That adventure? It takes money. More importantly? It takes fierce determination. Each step forward is a goal accomplished.

JPCscythe-bowl-300x217There are two women whose online classes encouraged me to take an art class. I didn’t care what it was. I set my goal to take one art class. I actually thought I would take a watercolor class. Instead I took a Zentangle class with Ginny K, CZT. The two classes that I took are being offered again. I hope you will give yourself the gift of opening up new creative paths. Joanna P. Colbert’s is one. The other is Leonie Dawson’s . I’m retaking both because I just loved them so much. Join me?

  • TAURUS PAGE OF SWORDS Mental preparation done. Time to launch your shiny new self into the world. Time to put to use what you’ve learned.
  • GEMINI SIX OF PENTACLES Hang in there. What you need is coming. Don’t stop the flow by not giving. Give to get, darlings. Get to give.
  • CANCER TWO OF CUPS Put all of you in. Let it blend with them. Open to the idea that this partnership will create something new. Yin/Yang

Do you love fairy tales like me? I’ve taken ten world tales (I’ll be you aren’t familiar with all of them) and translated them into Tarot spreads. You can grab your copy here.

  • LEO FIVE OF CUPS Don’t indulge their need to wallow. Check your enabler license please. If they can’t see what you offer, offer elsewhere.
  • VIRGO NINE OF CUPS L’chaim! Celebrate life. Appreciate all your dreams already come true. Indulge a bit. Good week for making wishes come true.
  • LIBRA KING OF WANDS Get ready to make magic. Mental preparation puts you ahead of the pack. Don’t sit. Lead. The wheel is turned by you.
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I invite you to answer this question with me. Will You Fly Or Will You Fall?

  • SCORPIO HANGED MAN Time out now will bring enlightenment. Give your some busy, monkey mind time for quiet meditation. BOOM. There it is.
  • SAGITTARIUS ACE OF SWORDS Go for it. That idea? That concept? It’s good. Sparks now create steam power. Mental preparation’s fine, but take action.
  • CAPRICORN TWO OF WANDS The hardest thing is to choose between tow good things. Choose or be stuck there forever. You can’t start until you choose. 😀

Oh yeah…the July newsletter is waaaaaaaaay delayed.:D That’s good news for you if you aren’t a subscriber. I pick a name from the subscriber list. That person wins a reading. This month I’m actually picking from those who leave comments on any of my review videos. So go leave a comment if you want to be in the running. Oh! I’m a tricksy tricksy hobbit, y’all! I only announce it in the newsletter so you’ll want to be subscribed. GRIN!

Today’s featured deck is the . It’s a terrific interpretation of the Steampunk movement as translated through Tarot. Androgyny abounds as women dress like men to take on machines and magic. Men are not left out either. I love this deck a lot. Reads very well for me. Get you some gears, bustles and magic, y’all! Seek joy!