Seeking, Learning, Teaching

8-airToday’s card reminds me that learning and sharing help me grow. Without doing both, I stagnate. This is not good. 😀 Here are two upcoming events you might be interested in.

Toronto’s own James Wells will be offering an online course to help you deepen your reading skills. He and Joanna Powell Colbert, creatrix of the lovely Gaian Tarot shown here, have joined forces. Look out world! Visit here for more info! There’s free stuff.

And don’t forget to sign up for the Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit. This online event features one speaker per card (I’m doing Judgment) with two per week day from 9/16-10/1. It’s free to listen! And you can get your own copies to listen to later if you sign up for that. Get more info here and sign up for notifications for the schedule.

Eight of Air, Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

Whoopi, Love & the Other Side

Late one night, I was contacted by someone whom I know to be a faithful Christian. They know that I’m not a Christian and that I read Tarot. I’ve never read for them but a catastrophic family event led them to question their personal faith in God. They weren’t sure they believed in God at all due to a young family member committing suicide. In a nut shell, I was asked why God did what He did.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.  Marcus Aurelius

James Wells shared a reading that was designed to drill down the meaning of our Tarot practice to one phrase for each of five cards. I got a great deal out of that spread. One of the questions was about the spirit or essence of our practices. What Major Arcana offered insight into that.

I got the Continue reading “Whoopi, Love & the Other Side”

SPREAD: James Wells Bias Spread

Saturday I visited James Wells blog. I did not mention this spread because I wanted to do it and share it here. I found this on Evolutionary Tarot. He did his own and encouraged others to try it out for themselves as well. Here is my reading for myself.

I did this with the World Spirit Tarot. It was a very interesting spread. I am quivering at the edge Continue reading “SPREAD: James Wells Bias Spread”

Other Blogs: Evolutionary Tarot

James Wells
There’s a tarot consultant who has unknowingly changed my vocabulary and my world. I first virtually met him a year or two ago (I have a poor concept of linear time.) He is the first person I am aware of who made a conscious distinction between tarot reader and tarot consultant.

His newsletter “The Six-Rayed Star” constantly informs and amazes me with the depth of feeling he conveys. His blog began in April of this year with a post called “Helpful Tarot Reading Tip #1” which is a brief post on how you could interpret the Minor Arcana. His formula at the end succinctly wraps things up.

I am talking about Continue reading “Other Blogs: Evolutionary Tarot”

Other Blogs: Evolutionary Tarot

James Wells
There’s a tarot consultant who has unknowingly changed my vocabulary and my world. I first virtually met him a year or two ago (I have a poor concept of linear time.) He is the first person I am aware of who made a conscious distinction between tarot reader and tarot consultant.

His newsletter “The Six-Rayed Star” constantly informs and amazes me with the depth of feeling he conveys. His blog began in April of this year with a post called “Helpful Tarot Reading Tip #1” which is a brief post on how you could interpret the Minor Arcana. His formula at the end succinctly wraps things up.

I am talking about Continue reading “Other Blogs: Evolutionary Tarot”

Other Blogs: Evolutionary Tarot

James Wells
There’s a tarot consultant who has unknowingly changed my vocabulary and my world. I first virtually met him a year or two ago (I have a poor concept of linear time.) He is the first person I am aware of who made a conscious distinction between tarot reader and tarot consultant.

His newsletter “The Six-Rayed Star” constantly informs and amazes me with the depth of feeling he conveys. His blog began in April of this year with a post called “Helpful Tarot Reading Tip #1” which is a brief post on how you could interpret the Minor Arcana. His formula at the end succinctly wraps things up.

I am talking about Continue reading “Other Blogs: Evolutionary Tarot”