There’s An App For That

3-gardenerToday’s card is a shout out to a fave Tarot artist of mine. She’s brought her gorgeous deck to the tech side of things. And I couldn’t be happier!

Yep, that’s right, y’all. The Gaian Tarot is now an app from the Fool’s Dog. I’m a huge fan of the Fool’s Dog apps. I have yet to be disappointed by the artwork or the presentation. They are very functional and at 3.99 a pop, completely ownable.

I can now say that I own six copies of the Gaian Tarot. ๐Ÿ˜€ Seven if you count the version on my iPad. LOL

It really capture the warmth and sensuality of the Gaian. Get you one. ๐Ÿ˜€

And while you are out and about, I’d love it if you would take a look at my Tarot for Writers eCourse. It’s 33 days of “finish the book” helpers. ๐Ÿ˜€ And only $33 for the whole thing. You start when you start and finish when you finish. ๐Ÿ˜€

Goddesses, Androids & Contests

Goddess Tarot App by Kris Waldherr
I love Kris Waldherr’s artwork and writing. She’s a multi-talented gal who constantly stretches her own boundaries. I was blown away by the Goddess Tarot for iPhone app. Now I’ve learned that she’s expanded out to the Android market as well. So I wanted to share this app with you again. AND, there’s a giveaway at the bottom. You can win this for yourself!

Here’s some comments from folks about that app. Continue reading “Goddesses, Androids & Contests”

Guest Post: Tarot in the Digital Age

This is a guest post from Kris Waldherr. There are images with this post that are larger than I normally use but you need the size.

kriswaldherrauthorphotoTarot in the Digital Age
by Kris Waldherr

Imagine this scenario: You decide to give yourself a tarot reading. You light a candle, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. With each exhale, your body centers and and your thoughts calm. Once you formulate your question, you open your eyes. You take out . . Continue reading “Guest Post: Tarot in the Digital Age”