Should You Break Some Rules?

WildUnknown_5HierophantToday’s card is a reminder to me about something I don’t like to do. Rules. I don’t follow them unless they make sense to me. It’s how I cook too. If I think a little more of this and a little less of that works better for me, that’s what I’m doing.

Sometimes that’s gotten me into trouble. Like the time the road sign cautioned the hairpin turn needed me to slow down. Baby, I almost went into a ditch. Slammed my brakes so hard parts of me are still shaking and that was last year.

That’s not the first time I’ve thought I knew better and got schooled.

And it won’t be the last either.

Here the Hierophant from the Wild Unknown Tarot shows a raven holding a metal key. A bolt of lightning streaks down ala Benjamin Franklin. The raven holds the knowledge but that electricity is what is going to light him up.

Question is…is he following his rules? Because of what this card represents (Saturn), I’m willing to bet he makes and breaks his own rules regularly. The key here (get it? the key? nudge nudge) is that they are his rules so he can break them.

I’ll bet he calls it remaking them or revisiting.

We can think of some of these rules as the old tapes in our heads. Those are the rules we follow because “Mama said so” or “I’ve always done it this way.” Maybe we need some personal lightning strikes in our lives to help us remake those rules.

Do you have any rules in your life that need breaking?

If you do, what would it take to get you to break them now rather than waiting for the bolt of sizzling electricity to zap you?

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Hierophant, Wild Unknown Tarot

Dancing, Singing & Mentors

I think it is interesting to look at all those who have been mentors in my life in one way or another (and those that still are.) Even when they don’t do it intentionally, I learn from these folks.

Today’s card reminds me of a quote I read last night. The woman who said this died this week. She was a teacher who never knew me.

Dancing, singing, storytelling and silence are the four healing salves. ~Gabrielle Roth b. 2/4/1841 – d. 10/22/2012

This quote speaks to me. How healing is it for me to write? I can’t even begin to say. And silence is a necessity in my life. I love to dance. And, grin, much to the dismay of my friends, I love to sing. I’m terrible about making up silly songs.

I don’t know when she said that or why she said that. Gabrielle Roth was a dancer, a shaman, a priestess who believed in movement. I may not be her typical student, but she taught me so much.

I think it is interesting to look at all those who have been mentors in my life in one way or another (and those that still are.) Even when they don’t do it intentionally, I learn from these folks.

Some are not mentors. Those are the horrible examples I try never to be. But let’s focus on what’s good in the world instead. Our mentors don’t need to be Gandhi or the Queen of England or Mother Teresa.

They can be the school crossing guard who shows up every day. The mother who dedicates her life to her kids. The manager who comes in early and stays late. The friend who is open and honest about her struggles. The grocery store clerk who never fails to just smile and say hello.

Each of them teaches me something I need to know. Each of them inspires me in different ways.

Who are some of your mentors? Who do you look up to who doesn’t even know you? Why do you call them mentors? Make a list.

Then remember as you go through your day that someone may be looking to you in the same way. Someone may be inspired by you simply doing what you do.

Crazy, right?

But so real.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Mentor (Hierophant), Merryday Tarot, Medicine Bear Publishing 1998 (Out of print)

Dandelions, Snails and Conforming

What’s the joke I’m not getting here? I think it may be about control. You have to wonder why we spend so much time and effort decimating the poor dandelion. Really. I mean think about it. Hours and hours of sweat. Tons of money. All to make sure …

Ahhh, I wondered when this card might show up. I really like this one for so many reasons. You see, this card is one I never really like in other decks. I instinctively mule-kick against what it traditionally represents. Joanna’s vision of this Major Arcana standard is very different from others. Even my primary reading deck shows this one in a fairly traditional manner. It seems to me that this particular card is the very antithesis of free-spirited living. So when I drew the Continue reading “Dandelions, Snails and Conforming”

Tarot in Nine Words: The Hierophant

Now let’s visit the Hierophant. Interestingly enough one of the words I chose for this card also was used in the Emperor. Stern. Stern to me is that firmness that brooks no argument. It can not be wheedled or pleaded. Stern simply is. I don’t see it as a bad thing. For me stern means “I know best. It may not be easy, but it is what must be done.” Continue reading “Tarot in Nine Words: The Hierophant”

Musing on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Heirophant

Fool Rider-Waite-Smith

(In today’s episode, the Fool runs afoul of the Heirophant. He is so busy that he is only able to visit the one Major Arcana. I think you will see why.)

The Fool burst out into the courtyard to find the Heirophant. As he passed the guards, his little dog woke up from its nap to join him.

“Where can I find the Heirophant?” He queried the guard to his left.

“Go Continue reading “Musing on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Heirophant”