Today’s card reminds me of doors and windows. One isn’t closed that another one isn’t opened–whether by God, Goddess,Mohammed, Buddha, Great Spirit, Grandmother, Universe…
She is scared. Look at her face. She doesn’t want to look down–who would? It’s as if she’s stepping out into the unknown. She has her walking staff. She has her pouch. She has her courage.
The door is closed behind her. That safety represented by the thick wall? It’s behind her as well. She’s chosen to go out. She’s chosen to leave safety behind for now.
She, like yesterday’s card, is believing in herself, in her vision, in her right to be who she wants to be. She is ready to embrace her dream.
Sure if you want to trap your mind. If you want to be in lockstep with the rest of the world. If you want to let your creative self wither away behind that door.
I say it’s more foolish–hella foolish even–to not close that door and step out.
For your 180 seconds today, I challenge you to do something that follows some dream–some crazy dream. Pick up the phone and make an appointment to learn belly dancing. Write a letter to your boss telling them why you have to leave and strike out on your own. Set pen to paper and write the first page of your novel.
You don’t have to commit right now. Just start. Then you can move back to your safety zone. It’s okay. No one is judging you. No one ever has to know you are testing your foolish heart.
180 seconds. Three minutes of courage. Do you have it in you?
I’ll be writing a letter to three people asking them to speak these words to their audience. “Seek joy, y’all.” That’s all. That’s one of my foolish dreams that I wrote down for my work with . It’s not too late to join me.
I’ll let you know if I get a response from those three people.
I have high hopes since one of my other dreams I wrote down has already happened. 😀
Fool, Psychic Tarot, Hay House
Seek joy, y’all.