Today’s card is not a Tarot card. It’s from Jodi Chapman’s Gratitude Cards. I’ve been fascinated by these for a while now. Jodi does a free reading on the first day of the month.
I finally got my own set. They are sweet! Perfectly purse sized and gorgeous. Each one uses the same format. A large font statement and then under that there are encouraging phrases.
I pulled “Have Faith” for this post. I laughed a bit because I thought I’d pull something like slow the heck down. Today’s been a busy day. I’ve been focused on walking 10K steps and am at 7300 or so as I write this. Of course it’s also nearly 7pm so I need to push it to hit those last 2700 or so steps.
I need to do this for me. I need to do it because I love myself and I want me to be healthy for a long time. This card plays into that because there’s this nagging undercurrent.
What if I’m not healthy? Will people abandon me?
What if I am suddenly gravely ill? Will I be alone?
I know in my heart that I won’t be abandoned, but my head keep worrying. That’s old tapes, baby.
Old tapes have been on parade this week for my clients. Literally every reading I’ve done has talked about old tapes playing. Tears have been shed in several cases.
And for me? Yes, there are some old tapes that I’m eradicating.
I am losing the one that says “Big girls can’t exercise” and “you aren’t healthy because you are fat” and other similar ones.
I’m reprogramming my mind to hear “you are beautiful”, “You are always loved” and “You are healthy.”
What old tapes do you have going on? How about this for your 180 second challenge today?
For three minutes, close your eyes and reprogram your mind for ONE negative thought pattern. Just one. That’s all.
Instead of “I’m never on time” try “I’m punctual.”
Instead of “No one loves a fat person” try “I am loved and loving.”
You can do it! Have faith.
Get your own set of these fun cards.
Have Faith, Gratitude Cards, Jodi Chapman
Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on.