Today’s card is from a deck I’m not sure that I like. It’s a new-to-me deck. Generally I am fond of brightly colored images. This deck leaves me a bit cold for some reason. I’m still exploring why that is. The card itself I can gain insight from.
Have you ever had an idea that seemed so new and so shiny that you wanted to follow it wherever it led you? Ever wanted to cross your own boundaries simply because you realized there was something more to be known?
How can you propel yourself past that big sharp pointy thing to get to the shiny new one? What steps would you take to motivate yourself?
Thought patterns are hard to change for a reason. The very fact that they are patterns is because we’ve woven them into our own psyche for many years. Often we’ve had help from other areas–family, media, friends. An example would be the feminine figure. A woman is not healthy (much less pretty) if she is not svelte. And don’t be too skinny either because that’s not okay.
Says who? Challenge that thought. Challenge the one that says you can’t be successful without a college degree. Challenge the one that says you can’t be a feminist if you are a stay-at-home mom. Challenge the one that says you have to believe the way your religious leaders tell you.
Ace of Swords traditionally means new ideas. Here though, I see the woman leaning down for the child as being challenged to let go of her currently thought patterns so she can adopt new ones.
By the way, are you a fiction writer? Join me for a one hour webinar Sunday August 5th, 2012. You’ll learn some new ways to create characters who will leap off the page to impress your readers (and those editor and agents as well!) Brought to you by Attune Learning Center
Ace of Swords, Gendron Tarot, U.S. Games, 1997