Masks, Tasks + Truths

Well, then it made so much sense. I mean we all wear masks, right? How many of us can say we show our true selves to all the world all the time?

FradellaAdventure_13Cups004Today’s card is from the Fradella Adventure Tarot. Once my primary reading deck and still a dear friend, this deck translates cups into masks. At first I wasn’t sure about that suit change but once I started reading with this deck?

Well, then it made so much sense. I mean we all wear masks, right? How many of us can say we show our true selves to all the world all the time?

Scary, right?

I know I don’t. I think, in a way, it’s the right thing to do. There are some things we only want to share with those we trust. Those we know won’t shatter our dreams. Those who understand how to kick us our ass when necessary but do it with love.

This Queen stands half in, half out of the waterfall. Is she taking that mask off as she retreats into her own safety zone? Is she putting that mask on as she heads out?

Journal prompt for today. “Who do I show my true self to? Who sees my true self?”

I am blessed to have more than one person in my life that can see my true self. Some of my exes who are still friends number among those people. I’m lucky that we have been able to reforge friendships and caring relationships after the rubble of the breakup cleared.

Today, I recognize that my masks are part of me for a reason. I accept that I wear many hats and many masks because I am a spiritual multi-tasker. And that’s a good thing.

Are you a spiritual multi-tasker? Want to focus in on what you can shore up or what you can let erode? Contact me today. Let’s set up a time for a Tarot conversation to help you plot your journey.

Queen of Masks, Fradella Adventure Tarot, US Games

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Tarotscopes 10/13-10/19/13

Adventure_2Swords002This week’s tarotscopes were done with the Fradella Adventure Tarot. It’s one of my faves and used to be my primary reading deck.

Feel free to share this. In fact, you bring me joy by sharing so please do share. It also brings me exposure so I better go brush my hair. ;D


  • AQUARIUS TWO OF MASKS Time to reveal your heart. Open up. Yes, it’s scary. Do it any way. Deepen and strengthen existing relationships with honesty.
  • PISCES JUDGMENT What is the next level? May be time to stop worrying about what it looks like and start real work on getting there. Rise up.
  • ARIES DEVIL Damned if you do but double damned if you don’t fight those personal addictions. Stop hurting yourself. Be kind to your body please.
  • TAURUS FOUR OF MASKS Reflections can be useful as long as you aren’t wallowing in self-pity. Do the work to pull yourself up. You’ve got this.
  • GEMINI TWO OF DISCS Multitaskers unite. Look for others who can help you balance the work load. Best person for the job may be someone else. Delegate.
  • CANCER QUEEN OF BLADES Cut to the chase. Take charge of the situation by involving everyone. Rule your tongue this week please. Some things don’t need to be said.
  • LEO FOUR OF BLADES Honey, when’s the last time you stopped? Make it happen or you may get a time out from the Universe. Relax a bit.
  • VIRGO KING OF BLADES They put you in charge for a reason. Your mental acumen is needed. Cut emotions out of this decision. What’s best for all?
  • LIBRA EIGHT OF STAVES Mental challenges light you up. Carry a “bring it” attitude with you this week as you take on all comers. Fast and furious.
  • SCORPIO QUEEN OF STAVES Call to action. Many projects require your attention. Don’t blink. Details are extremely important for success. Game on.
  • SAGITTARIUS EMPEROR Take care of what is yours. Don’t extend your borders this week. Your home and hearth needs to be most important. Obey your own rules.
  • CAPRICORN PAGE OF STAVES Call to action from a younger person could widen your horizons or just tick you off. Your reactions matter so keep the peace.

Did you miss the Spiritual Path to Tarot Telesummit? You can still purchase all the talks to listen to while you workout or drive. They are chock-full of new spreads, meditions and more from a list of speakers that includes Christiana Gaudet and Bridget of Biddy Tarot fame!

Go on. Treat yourself to 22 hours of Tarot education and meet the Major Arcana through 22 different voices.

Tarotscopes for 9/15-9/21/13

FradellaAdventure_DeathHappy Sunday, y’all. You may have noticed that I didn’t post on the blog this week. My apologies! I did post over on Facebook but neglected to mirror here.

This week’s deck is the Adventure Tarot by Frank Fradella. Frank is off on a new project called LINGO Interactive. Pretty cool stuff happening!

I’m gearing up for the Spiritual Path to Tarot Telesummit hosted by Kim Wilborn. It kicks off tomorrow with two cards per day M-F until 10/1. It’s free to listen. Sign up here.

So how was your week? If you feel like a little guidance would do you a whole lot of good, take advantage of a fifteen minute reading for $25. I’ll be phasing those out and raising my prices 10/1, just so you know.

      • AQUARIUS DEATH Stop it. Make the necessary changes now. Painful realization this week brings new growth. Embrace it or deny it. It’s coming.
      • PISCES FIVE OF DISCS Pay attention to money. Don’t fritter it away. Be strict. Ask for help if you need it. Don’t rob Peter to pay Paul.
      • ARIES TEN OF STAVES Yes, you actually can do it all. Multi-tasking the multi-tasks is your strength. Super busy week. Say yes and get it done.
      • TAURUS KING OF DISCS Money needs to be made. Focus on your strengths. Don’t undersell yourself this week. You have the talent. Make it work.
      • GEMINI FIVE OF BLADES Let go of ideas of self that no longer serve. Cut away what and who that doesn’t support your vision of you. Time is now.
      • CANCER THREE OF STAVES It’s called a leap of faith for a reason. Don’t hold back from that dream. All in or all out. You will succeed if you commit.
      • LEO HANGED MAN Sacrifice means actually letting go. Give it away to get it back. Time for you to focus on you if you want to grow. Alone time.
      • VIRGO FOUR OF SWORDS Please take some down time. It’s badly needed, isn’t it? Focus on taking care of yourself. Ignoring pain doesn’t make it go away!
      • LIBRA SEVEN OF STAVES Take the higher ground. Stay there. Don’t be defensive but don’t stoop to their level. Time to stand your ground.
      • SCORPIO FOUR OF STAVES Expect stability. Set up boundaries that will maintain your happy place. Others will just have to respect that.
      • SAGITTARIUS ACE OF MASKS Open up to possibilities. Allow love out to allow love in. Your heart wants to come out and play. Let it.
      • CAPRICORN DEVIL Inner struggle with self brings some interesting results. Might want to let your inner bad child out to play a bit this week.
2013 Tarot Telesummit
Will you join me at the 2013 Tarot Telesummit?

Death, Fradella Adventure Tarot, USGames (OOP)

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

September 8 – September 14, 2013 Tarotscopes

Here are your Tarotscopes for the week of September 8 – September 14, 2013. And please join me tonight at 9pm on Christiana’s Psychic Cafe. We are going to talk…but the subject is open. Be afraid. Be very afraid. 😀 Here’s where to be at 9pm tonight Eastern! Be there to help Christiana make it through. 😀 Oh! Please don’t drink and listen. We can’t be held responsible for your monitors.

Fradella Adventure Tarot image
Click for larger
  • AQUARIUS KING OF STAVES Get into your head. Imagine as much as you like. You are the ideas guy this week. Others may be shocked, but who cares? Think out loud.
  • PISCES HIEROPHANT Do good for the sake of doing good. Your job is to break the bad rules and enforce the good ones. Lead by example please.
  • ARIES PAGE OF BLADES Put on a show. Demonstrate your agile thinking skills. Self-check on those addictions though. Time is here to step into the ring.
  • TAURUS WHEEL OF FORTUNE Take a chance. Let opportunity in. Open the door by opening your mind. Less “I’m not worthy” More “I rock”. YES!
  • GEMINI KING OF BLADES Logic must rule this week. Get brutally honest with yourself if you want to rule your head. Time to stop messing around.
  • CANCER NINE OF DISCS Celebrate what you have. Expect more. Stay open to paths of prosperity. Garden looks great. Plant future harvests now.
  • LEO QUEEN OF BLADES Baby, you rock the thinking game. Listen to hunches. Seek out the messengers. You are battle-ready so let them be warned.
  • VIRGO ACE OF STAVES Lift your torch high.Your passion for life leads the way. Expect others to follow + they will. Don’t look back. FORWARD!
  • LIBRA TEN OF STAVES As you take on more and more and more, you begin to feel trapped. Focus on only doing those things that make you passionate.
  • SCORPIO QUEEN OF MASKS A good week to uncover your deeper desires. Let your heart lead the way. Remember to be nurturing. Care-taking not recommended.
  • SAGITTARIUS FOUR OF BLADES Rest. Please rest. You are going to need the down time at the beginning of this week. Heed your body. Time out.
  • CAPRICORN EMPRESS Creative energies take over. Don’t be surprised if you feel a need to bake something. Give in to the need to indulge. It’s okay.

Are you ready for the Tarot Telesummit? I know I am. Get signed up so you don’t miss the talks you want to hear. Don’t have time to listen to them all? They are available for 48 hours after air. Or you can buy the whole lot to listen to when you like. Take the Spiritual Path to Tarot Telesummit with you. I’ll be talking about Judgment on October 2.

Thanks for sharing this post if you are so inclined. Have a super week!

Fradella Adventure Tarot, USGames, 2002 (out of print)

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

How Do I Block Prosperity?

FradellaAdventure_4PentaclesToday’s card was pulled to match a quote I read. It was in my AWAD email. I love words. 😀

It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy. -George H. Lorimer, editor (1868-1937)

Here we see the Four of Coins from the Adventure Tarot. Often called the miser card, this one really gets that energy across for me. He scowls as he grasps at the coins around him. He wouldn’t be able to accept anything in as he fiercely protects what little he has.

I see this in some business owners. Constantly haranguing other entrepreneurs in the hopes to drive off competitors. Sadly, they really drive off networking opportunities. I always question those who tell me “don’t shop there” when it is obviously a competitor. It’s shallow and so very short-sighted to me.

When you hold on to your resources that hard, you shut off the energy flow. You have to be willing to share in order to receive. This is in business as well as in love, y’all. You get what you give.

Give suspicion? Get suspicion.

Give trust? Get trust.

Give information? Get information.

It’s a two-way street.

And for Pete’s sake, stop badmouthing others. You look bad when you talk about your clients, your competitors, your staff, your co-workers, whomever. They may be complete shits but you are the one with the poop splatters.

Don’t stir shit. Don’t be a negativity volcano. 😀

Do your work. Be open to receiving as well as giving. Keep the energy flowing.

Your journal prompt for today is, “How do I block prosperity?”

Four of Coins, Adventure Tarot, U.S. Games.

#Seekjoy, y’all. Pass it on.

What About Greed?

I don’t want to face what the song asks me to review. What do I have that I simply wanted and didn’t really need?

FradellaAdventure_4PentaclesThis card reminds me of a song by Bernice Johnson Reagon. I heard Sweet Honey In The Rock perform it last night. The concert was amazing. If you ever have the chance to hear this accapella group, DO!

See this man grasping the coins? He’s so angry. He’s so focused on not letting anyone else have what he has. But look at the room. There’s just a wall of drawers behind him. Of course, the scene is that he’s in a bank protecting the money but to me, I see those drawers as all the things he thought he needed.

But he never uses them. They just sit there–in drawers–locked away. Just proof that he has it all. In the song “Greed”, Bernice Johnson Reagon says,

“Greed is a strain in the American Dream
Having more than you need is the essential theme.”

And isn’t that the truth?

Inventory time. What do you have that you wanted but now no longer use? I cringe when I think of what I have just in Tarot decks alone. Now I do use my decks for things like…oh, you know…this post!

But there are things I don’t need. Things that someone else might use, might read, might hang on their own wall.

Greed. It’s certainly not something I want to think about. I don’t want to face what the song asks me to review. What do I have that I simply wanted and didn’t really need?


So today I’m going to put my three minutes, those 180 seconds, to doing a mental inventory on where to start with my purging project. I need to get rid of some things.

I need to consider if I need an iPad or just want it.

What about you? What do you think about the idea of greed?

See the full song here:

4 of Pentacles, Frank Fradella Adventure Tarot, USGames

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Who Will You Stand Up To Today?

Here we see the character being tormented by the PuppetMaster. This is an age-old battle between these two. I can’t remember the kneeling figure’s name but his nemesis is controlling his mind. He’s lost in old memories, old worries, things he can’t control.

FradellaAdventure_9SwordsToday’s card is one of my favorite renditions of this card. For those new to my blog, I’m a bit of a collector of decks (understatement). Here is the agonizing, tail-chasing, nightmare-suffering poor poor me Nine of Swords.

From one of my favorite decks, the Frank Fradella Adventure Tarot (US Games, 1992) interprets this traditional card of worry in a slightly different way. Here we see the character being tormented by the PuppetMaster. This is an age-old battle between these two. I can’t remember the kneeling figure’s name but his nemesis is controlling his mind. He’s lost in old memories, old worries, things he can’t control.

If I were there, I’d whisper in his ear, “You don’t have to control it all. You don’t have to make retribution for all your mistakes. You are fine just as you are right now.”

I’d hold his hand and urge him to stand up. Not just to the PuppetMaster who has the power to manipulate dreams by turning them into nightmares. No, it isn’t enough to stand up to his nemesis here.

He has to stand up to himself. He has to look himself in the eye. He has to believe in his own power.

I’ve been here. Have you?

Pretty crappy place, eh? (Did I mention I was good at understatement?)

So what will it take for you to stand up to yourself?

What will you need to be able to look yourself in the eyes so you can see the amazing person that you are?

Who will you reach out to today to ask for that friendly hand squeeze, that heartfelt hug, that flash of a grin?

Will you stay on your knees allowing someone else to turn your dreams into nightmares?

No, I didn’t think so. Let’s kick our personal PuppetMasters to the curb, darlings.

Feel yourself wrapped up in a hug from me. Know that you are just fine as you are right this moment.

I don’t care if your hair isn’t brushed, your bank account is overdrawn, you suffer from any number of physical ailments. I don’t care.

What I do care is that your heart is open, your mind is free and that you understand the two rules to a joy-filled life.

1. Seek Joy, Y’all.
2. You can only control what’s in your hula hoop.

Know that I love you.

9 of Swords, Frank Fradella Adventure Tarot, US Games 2002

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on.

P. to the S. If you are still thinking about , the contest is over on Thursday but it is NEVER too late to start your incredible year. 😀

Directions, Limits & Purposes

I was contemplating that list of one hundred things I want to do for 2013. Walking back from my break to my desk at my day job, it hit me.Tarot is not my life’s work.

Psst! Here for the Awesome Writer’s Muse Giveaway? Keep reading!

Today’s card is one I intentionally drew. I wanted a card to represent this big wow moment that I’ve been leading up to. I needed to demonstrate how this is going to change my life. Doing the work with the has been on my mind a lot.

Oh hush.

I can hear the lot of you gasping, “Noooooo, we hadn’t noticed.”

Don’t think I can’t hear you.)@( ANYWHO!

I was contemplating that list of for 2013. Walking back from my break to my desk at my day job, it hit me.Tarot is not my life’s work.I know, right? I was pretty gob smacked. I would have told you at the beginning of the year that Tarot was it for me. But it’s not.

Tarot is a vehicle for my life’s work. My life’s work is showing you (and me) that you can change your world, recreate yourself by adding these two phrases.

1. You can only control what’s in your hula hoop.

2. Seek joy, y’all.

As Leonie says, “It’s all about aligning your actions with your intentions.” So I’m going to be focused next year on for this new realization.

Don’t panic. I’m not going to walk away from Tarot consultations completely. I am going to be harder to book though because I’m going to limit my readings appointments to a set number per month. I’m still working on that number because I want to make sure I balance things.

One of those things is the book I’m wrapping up. If you want to hear about this book when it’s available, sign up here. This is completely separate from my monthly newsletter with the monthly tarotscopes podcast. I will use this list only to announce availability of this book (and the others that I’m working on like my Fairy Tales Spreads book and my 30 Days To Joy workbook.) So you can expect email ONLY when I have something pertinent to say about the book like “the book is ready.”

And that’s my big news. I’m changing my direction. I’m moving my chariot towards my life’s purpose rather than the vehicle of my life’s purpose. I still love Tarot. I am not abandoning Tarot. I’m just heading in the right direction now.

Chariot, Fradella Adventure Tarot, US Games,

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Speaking of joy! Congratulations to Frank Fradella and his wife. Their twin sons just arrived 12/10!

And, if you are here for the Awesome Writer’s Muse Giveaway, all you need to do to get your free Tarot for Writer’s lesson (it’s the first chapter of my forthcoming book), just sign up for my newsletter. You can also take advantage of my free e-book “Intuitive Tarot”.

Volunteering, Weeping & Control

Today’s card reminds me that sometimes joy is hard to seek. It’s hard when you feel as if the world is dead-set against you ever breaking free of things. It’s hard when you feel as if no one truly cares about your forward progress.

So what do you do when you feel like the 8 of Swords? This card is from the Fradella Adventure Tarot. It’s a particular favorite of mine–this depiction. I was reading with it one day when it hit me.

She’s not a victim. She’s not on that wheel at someone else’s hand. No. She volunteered for that position. She trusted that the thrower would hit the target and not her.

But the important piece is…she put herself there. Look at her. She’s no simpering, weeping miss. She’s a strong confident woman who knows how to take what life throws her way. She knows it’s only a matter of time before she is free again.

She knows that even when someone is throwing blades at her, she is in charge.

Don’t let life win. Don’t give into the “it’s not fair” and “they are all mean to me” mode of thinking. Rise above that. You can’t control others. You can only control yourself. Don’t give them the pleasure of seeing you falter.

Keep. Seeking. Joy.

Here’s a great quote from Robert Louis Stevenson.

“…Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all.”

To miss the joy is to miss all. Wow. That quote in one of my Oprah newsletters really swatted me hard. I’ll bet this woman strapped to the target knows where her joy resides.

It isn’t out there. It isn’t in the hands of the knife thrower.

It’s within her.

It’s within you.

Find out where joy resides, y’all. Pass it on.

9 of Blades, Fradella Adventure Tarot Deck & Book Set with Book(s), USGames, 2003

Masks, Authenticity & Strength

Today’s card is one that reminds me it’s hard to be authentic. Being authentic. It’s one of those terms we kick around a lot. I know I do. And then today, I saw this quote.

“Belonging starts with self-acceptance … Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic.”
— Brené Brown

This is perfect for this 7 of Masks from the Fradella Adventure Tarot. It’s a perennial favorite of mine. He offers up masks as his Cups suit. When I first saw that, I was thrown for a bit. I couldn’t wrap my head around it until I realized the beauty of it. Our emotions can be masks.

Here a figure is choosing which face to wear. The decision to be someone else is something many of us face. How often have you talked about “Today I must be the man in charge” or “I have to go be a soccer mom” or any variation?

Take a moment to ask yourself what masks (or roles) you have in your life. How often are you all of them at once? What would happen if you took corporate legal eagle to the T-ball game?

I think Brene` Brown is right. If this character would choose to just go out as themselves, this matter of choosing who to be that day would melt away. He, and I, must learn to believe that he is enough.

Where do you feel like you are not enough? Where do you feel like you are inadequate to the point of needing to pretend to be someone else?

For today, practice being the most important person in the world–yourself. Allow the world to be blessed with the presence of you–real, authentic, honest. You with your nose that’s too big. You with your stomach that pokes out. You with your child who doesn’t behave beautifully at all times. You with all your insecurities…let them go.

And then tomorrow? Practice this concept again. Yes, some people won’t like you. But you know what?

The authentic you probably doesn’t like them either. And that’s okay. We are not here to hang out with the world. Love the world certainly, but populate your hula hoop neighbors with other authentic people. Leave the masks for those who aren’t strong enough to believe in themselves.

I believe in you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on. Want to show off your own willingness to chase your own bliss? Get yourself a mousepad to remind you. And schedule a reading with me today. I’ll help you examine how to be your most authentic self.

7 of Masks, Fradella Adventure Tarot, U.S. Games, 2003