How Do I Block Prosperity?

FradellaAdventure_4PentaclesToday’s card was pulled to match a quote I read. It was in my AWAD email. I love words. 😀

It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy. -George H. Lorimer, editor (1868-1937)

Here we see the Four of Coins from the Adventure Tarot. Often called the miser card, this one really gets that energy across for me. He scowls as he grasps at the coins around him. He wouldn’t be able to accept anything in as he fiercely protects what little he has.

I see this in some business owners. Constantly haranguing other entrepreneurs in the hopes to drive off competitors. Sadly, they really drive off networking opportunities. I always question those who tell me “don’t shop there” when it is obviously a competitor. It’s shallow and so very short-sighted to me.

When you hold on to your resources that hard, you shut off the energy flow. You have to be willing to share in order to receive. This is in business as well as in love, y’all. You get what you give.

Give suspicion? Get suspicion.

Give trust? Get trust.

Give information? Get information.

It’s a two-way street.

And for Pete’s sake, stop badmouthing others. You look bad when you talk about your clients, your competitors, your staff, your co-workers, whomever. They may be complete shits but you are the one with the poop splatters.

Don’t stir shit. Don’t be a negativity volcano. 😀

Do your work. Be open to receiving as well as giving. Keep the energy flowing.

Your journal prompt for today is, “How do I block prosperity?”

Four of Coins, Adventure Tarot, U.S. Games.

#Seekjoy, y’all. Pass it on.

Position, Rank + Community

They have narrow points of view where they connect. At their outer edges though, there is sprawling designs where they show off their style.

zentangle003smToday’s card is a reminder that we can all come together. It’s not a card from any deck. I think I would call this the Four of Coins.

Why? Well, when you look at how these four designs come together, they seem stingy, protective almost. They have narrow points of view where they connect. At their outer edges though, there is sprawling designs where they show off their style.

The Four of Coins is often called the Miser’s Card because it shows someone desperately holding on to money. Of course that isn’t just money. It’s status. It’s position. It’s rank. It’s how they are seen in their community.

When they are forced to deal with others, they only give small bits of themselves for fear they might lose. But what is it exactly that they would lose?

What if they flowed freely into that encounter. What if they blended their designs with the other? It would be a crazy riotous mess for sure, but think of the bonus. What new patterns might emerge if they just let go of their need to be unique.

What if they created something amazing and new? What if they created a net that garnered them so much more than they had? So much more than they acknowledged was available? What then?

Lissa Coffey shared a great quote in her daily email.

“Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” -Mother Teresa, 1975

For your 180 seconds today, can you commit to looking at others as opportunities for merging into something great rather than as competitors?

Zentangle, February 13 2013, Stephanie Arwen Lynch

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on. Curious about how your month will go? Listen to my to hear your sign’s forecast.

Tarot&Food: Four of Coins Baked Beans

I’ve been struggling with which card to give to my baked beans recipe. It’s one that I make for large crowds. It’s also one that is one of my requested recipes because folks really like them. However, I couldn’t figure out which card was best represented for me by this one.

I’ve been struggling with which card to give to my baked beans recipe. It’s one that I make for large crowds. It’s also one that is one of my requested recipes because folks really like them. However, I couldn’t figure out which card was best represented for me by this one.

I mean do I give it to a King since all those beans are gonna cause gas? Do I give it to the suit of Water since it’s an emotional connection to my mother? Do I make it an Air card again because of the reason I would give it to a King? Or the Hermit?

Maybe I’m too focused on the Continue reading “Tarot&Food: Four of Coins Baked Beans”