Tarot and Food Project Index

I’ve been linking Tarot cards to food for a while. This is an index for those that would like an at-a-glance view of the recipes.

So, I’ve been linking cards to food for a while. This is an index of my Tarot and Food project for those that would like an at-a-glance view of the recipes. I will be updating this as I add posts. Each recipe contains my reasoning for the card I choose. If you have any questions, I hope you will contact me. This is one of my favorite projects.

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Tarot&Food: 5 of Pentacles Budget Friendly Roast Potatoes

Today I wanted to share something for those Five of Pentacle times. You know–when you have the fabulous choice of paying the electricity bill OR paying rent OR buying food? Yeah. Those fun times…


Sometimes money is tight. You still have to eat, right? I have found that I get tired of baked chicken (one of my go-to budget pleasers) but when I have a yummy side dish, it helps. Today I wanted to share something for those Five of Pentacle times. You know– Continue reading “Tarot&Food: 5 of Pentacles Budget Friendly Roast Potatoes”

Day of Blog Action 2011: FOOD

Gaian Tarot GardnerFood. This is this year’s Blog Action Day topic. I felt stumped with this subject. I mean I could do a recipe or talk about what food means to me but what about the global outreach? How could my sharing a recipe help the human beings and animals who are starving to death in other countries? I turned to my Gaian Tarot deck for a card. Part of me was worried I might get the Empress in all her lush abundance with food before her, beside her and behind her. Continue reading “Day of Blog Action 2011: FOOD”

Tarot&Food: The Hermit’s Lemony-Garlicky-Snickety Chicky

Hermit, Gaian TarotLast night I made some chicken. I don’t know about you, but it helps me to cook ahead. I work nights so when I come in from work, I am hungry but tired. I often eat poor choices because of this. I also do this when I know I need to focus on writing. By taking this off my list of things to-do, I can’t use it as an excuse. 🙂

So I chose this for the Hermit since he is the card that reminds us sometimes the path is lonely. Sometimes we need to hole up so that we can focus on what must be done. We have to remove ourselves from the distractions of the world.

This Hermit is from Joanna Powell Colbert’s Gaian Tarot. She says, “The Hermit, the lunar male, retreats from the company of others to replenish his soul in solitude as he communes with the natural world.” If you study this card, you can see several different animals joining him. The Gaian Tarot mass-market edition will be released in September from Llewellyn. You can pre-order the Gaian Tarot from Amazon. Continue reading “Tarot&Food: The Hermit’s Lemony-Garlicky-Snickety Chicky”

Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* …

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* Continue reading “Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole”

Tarot&Food: Two Of Wands Dip

This past weekend was potluck-intensive, y’all. First I had a pre-Thanksgiving gathering with twenty friends. Then the next morning, we were back at that same house for a brunch of leftovers. I took food home from that! Then I went to another potluck Sunday evening. Do you know? That was my first non- Continue reading “Tarot&Food: Two Of Wands Dip”

Cake, Butches and Death

I love food. Have I mentioned this recently? I also love food blogs. I just found one by accident. Here’s how my “accidents” happen. At work today, a co-worker brought in her infamous Sock-It-To-Me Cake for another co-worker’s birthday (HI Z. I know you are reading this!). So I wanted to see what goes in this cake.

To the GoogleMobile!

The first hit mentioned Continue reading “Cake, Butches and Death”

Tarot&Food:Knight of Wands Enchiladas

Food. I love food. I like food I cook. I like food other people cook. I like uncooked food. I just love food. I have an ongoing series of matching recipes to Tarot cards. I wanted this recipe to go in the Air/Swords category because it was a quick no-brainer kind of meal. The kind you throw together with whatever you have on hand. Since it went together in a hurry and was ready in a hurry, it made me think of the Knights of the Tarot. Always on the move, that suit is generally the age of the single man or woman in my eyes. So this could be a late night meal–what I used to call bar’thirty.

I thought about making it a Wands recipe since it is definitely spicy, but kept coming back to Continue reading “Tarot&Food:Knight of Wands Enchiladas”

Tarot&Food: 10 of Swords Pickle Pinwheels

I’ve got another party to go to this weekend. I also have a TON of things to get done including driving 2.5 hours one way to take Miss Josephine Goose to her new home. As per usual, this is a party where we bring a dish to share. Our lovely hosts provide hamburgers, hotdogs and a pool. I’m really looking forward to that pool.

But I decided not to do baked beans this time. As much as I love doing them, it’s more time than I have to spare. The party starts at 3pm. I will be 2.5 hours away at 10am which means I’ll be home by 1 if all goes well. So I needed something super easy.

I asked my best friend, writing partner, fabulous artist and good cook too what she would do. She sent me a couple of recipes. I was instantly hungry but also knew Continue reading “Tarot&Food: 10 of Swords Pickle Pinwheels”

Tarot&Food: Four of Coins Baked Beans

I’ve been struggling with which card to give to my baked beans recipe. It’s one that I make for large crowds. It’s also one that is one of my requested recipes because folks really like them. However, I couldn’t figure out which card was best represented for me by this one.

I’ve been struggling with which card to give to my baked beans recipe. It’s one that I make for large crowds. It’s also one that is one of my requested recipes because folks really like them. However, I couldn’t figure out which card was best represented for me by this one.

I mean do I give it to a King since all those beans are gonna cause gas? Do I give it to the suit of Water since it’s an emotional connection to my mother? Do I make it an Air card again because of the reason I would give it to a King? Or the Hermit?

Maybe I’m too focused on the Continue reading “Tarot&Food: Four of Coins Baked Beans”