Last night I made some chicken. I don’t know about you, but it helps me to cook ahead. I work nights so when I come in from work, I am hungry but tired. I often eat poor choices because of this. I also do this when I know I need to focus on writing. By taking this off my list of things to-do, I can’t use it as an excuse. 🙂
So I chose this for the Hermit since he is the card that reminds us sometimes the path is lonely. Sometimes we need to hole up so that we can focus on what must be done. We have to remove ourselves from the distractions of the world.
This Hermit is from Joanna Powell Colbert’s Gaian Tarot. She says, “The Hermit, the lunar male, retreats from the company of others to replenish his soul in solitude as he communes with the natural world.” If you study this card, you can see several different animals joining him. The Gaian Tarot mass-market edition will be released in September from Llewellyn. You can pre-order the Gaian Tarot
from Amazon. Continue reading “Tarot&Food: The Hermit’s Lemony-Garlicky-Snickety Chicky”