Hey y’all. My 2015 has started out rough. My beloved Maine Coon, Flynn the Softest, passed away last night from heart trouble. I had to make the decision which is so very hard to do. But I’m determined to remember him with joy and love. He was a very loving cat. I loved him very much.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]January Tarotscopes are here. Have you heard yours?[/inlinetweet] –now available in individual signs so you can just choose yours. Seek joy y’all. Pass it on.
Here are this week’s ‘scopes. Thanks for sharing them on your own social medias. I appreciate it.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]CARD OF THE WEEK: TEN OF EARTH What’s gone isn’t forgotten.[/inlinetweet] Energy transforms to create new growth. Celebrate the passings. Move forward.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]AQUARIUS THREE OF EARTH Group projects are highlighted. Collaborate[/inlinetweet] with others for the biggest gains. Business partnerships flourish This week.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]PISCES THREE OF AIR Heart hurting? Write. Mind can trap[/inlinetweet] you into thinking pain won’t end. Writing shows you the way past all that sorrow.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]ARIES ELDER OF FIRE Rule your passions. Guide them into[/inlinetweet] creative channels so you don’t burn yourself out. Be in charge of your own fate.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]TAURUS ELDER OF WATER Compassion. Trust in your ability to[/inlinetweet] love. Be a heart guide for those around you. Gentle boundaries need reinforcing.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]GEMINI THE WHEEL So it goes. So it will be again. Cycles[/inlinetweet] teach you that things always get better. Trust in the opportunity. See the patterns.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]CANCER THE TEACHER Rules can be stifling unless you make your own. Time[/inlinetweet] to stop living by others boundaries. Step up to your own power.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]LEO THREE OF FIRE Sizzle, darling. You are on fire this week. So[/inlinetweet] much of what you’ve been waiting for is right here. Grab it. Dance. LIVE!
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]VIRGO FOUR OF AIR Percolate those notions a bit longer. Safeguard[/inlinetweet] your REALLY big idea. Planning stage is now. Hatching comes later. Shhhh
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]LIBRA GAIA THE WORLD Palm of your hand[/inlinetweet], baby. Cradled in your belly–all possibilities exist. When you glow, you grow. So get to glowing, honey.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]SCORPIO THE CANOE Driver’s seat? Check. Full tank? Check. Ready[/inlinetweet] to rock this week? Double check. Set your plans in motion by ignoring all those no’s!
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]SAGITTARIUS SEVEN OF FIRE You can take everything the world throws at you. Just remember[/inlinetweet] to put down one thing to take up the next. Busy week for you.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen.com” suffix=”…read more”]CAPRICORN STAR Goal planning counts. Write it down. Actionable[/inlinetweet] steps to reach that big dream. Yes, you can shine that brightly! Promise.
Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert was this week’s deck.
Don’t forget to grab your too. I’m doing mine. Are you?
New Year’s food for the body and heart