Balance, Fire & Saying No

Join me this Sunday.

Today’s card has an unpleasant scene. The entire forest is on fire. Flames are taking over. It’s an unusual interpretation of the 10 of Wands to be sure.

But fire is not completely destructive just as water is not always kind. Balance is a key ingredient in nature. I think it should be the same in our lives.

Traditionally, the 10 of Wands shows someone overburdened and most likely dropping things. But, and you knew there was a but, right? But! How did he or she become overburden? Who told them to try to do it all? What switch got flipped that made them need to play superman/woman/mom/dad/business owner to the world?

I’m here to bet that it was not an outside force.

Our society has been in an “I Can Do It” mode for a long time. It seems to have snowballed. I doubt Rosie the Riveter could have made tanks and planes as well if she was also baking cookies, visiting the elderly, watching soccer/ballet/the dog AND cooking a three course meal for the boss and his wife.

When a forest catches on fire, often it is a natural occurrence (I’ll edit out my opinion of arsonists). And if the forest has a lot of undergrowth, that gets burned out first and fast.

Yes, fire is destructive. But what is left after a burnout is clear ground.

New growth happens.

When you are in the middle of what feels like a personal firestorm, hang on to this thought by Viktor Frankl who went through one of our world’s worst human events–the Holocaust. He said, “What is to give light must endure burning.”

You, like the forest, like Frankl, like everyone before you and after you, will survive. You will get things done. You will learn this incredible skill called delegation. You will also learn the busy person’s most useful phrase.

“Thank you for thinking of me but I cannot take on another project at this time.”

Learn to say no gracefully. Allow yourself space to just be. Space. It’s what’s for dinner.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

10 of Fire, Gaian Tarot, Llewellyn 2011

Like Lucy Says…

Lucy is a favorite blogger of mine. I found her on a search for crochet patterns. Her blog is a dazzling delight of color in words and pictures. I fell in love with her vibrant voice and endearing sense of humor.

She shares so much of her life via pictures and takes her blogging very seriously. I admire her efforts. I am unfailingly charmed by her entries.

Today, she reminded me of something. You see, Continue reading “Like Lucy Says…”


Hoo boy, Arwen is hot under the collar. I think if I drew a card, I’d get the Five of Fire right now. Full on flame-throwing fire-breathing dragon mode.


Hoo boy, “teh Arwen” is hot under the collar. I think if I drew a card, I’d get the Five of Fire right now. Full on flame-throwing fire-breathing dragon mode.

Here is what Joanna Powell Colbert says of this card:

A fire performer spits billowing flames out of his mouth. Twisted faces of gargoyles or maddened creatures form in the smoke and fire.

Divinatory meaning: Anger, rage, fury. Hubris. A dangerous game. The temptation to dominate or have power over others.

Someone is trying to dominate another. And it is making me FURIOUS. You see, Continue reading “Tick…Tick…BOOM!”

Bags, Death & Fire

I’m just starting week four of a five week online class on how to learn the Tarot. I’ve got the most amazing minds in this group. One of them asked what was in the Fool’s Bag. It created an intriguing discussion on our class loop about whether it was empty or full.

One person proposed that it was all 78 cards and the Fool’s journey was to learn how to use them.

So I asked this question: What is in my Fool’s bag?.

The premise behind the question is that this would be things I need to address, acknowledge or work with right now.

I pulled three cards. Continue reading “Bags, Death & Fire”

Spitting, Peeves & Retrogrades

Okay. I know this card right now. I have been feeling this energy for the better part of a week. I’m totally blaming it on Mercury Retrograde too. Just so you know. I blame a lot on Merc Rx. Mercury is my rising sign’s ruler. I get all combustible during this time. Or rather, the entire world turns stupid on me. So when I pulled today’s card I was not surprised. This card makes me think of my own inclination to burn bridges out before I ever reach them. In my past, I’ve had a well-earned reputation on the internet of being a …

Okay. I know this card right now. I have been feeling this energy for the better part of a week. I’m totally blaming it on Mercury Retrograde too. Just so you know. I blame a lot on Merc Rx. Mercury is my rising sign’s ruler. I get all combustible during this time. Or rather, the entire world turns stupid on me. So when I pulled today’s card I was Continue reading “Spitting, Peeves & Retrogrades”

Musings On The Explorer of Fire (Gaian Tarot)

I’ve been holding back a bit. I’ve been listening to the wrong tapes in my head. I need to burn out some negative thought patterns and start dancing with fire again.

So it’s been a while since I did a daily musing. Sorry ’bout that. I won a trip to the Final Four last week so my time was split between “OMG OMG OMG” and planning. Then the weekend itself was off the hook!

My Romeo and I flew to Indy on Friday morning to check into the Hilton. Then we spent the weekend going to games and parties and concerts. Of all the bands I saw, my favorite was Continue reading “Musings On The Explorer of Fire (Gaian Tarot)”

Musings on the Two Of Fire (Gaian Tarot)

OOH LALA! Today is a 2 of Fire day.Interesting to get a Fire card after yesterday. I felt like dog poop most of the day.  Then my back decided to flare up as well. Great! I was thinking about doing a free hooping class tomorrow. Guess that’s out. WHINE!

In most Tarot decks, the twos are about choices. In the Gaian Tarot, this seems Continue reading “Musings on the Two Of Fire (Gaian Tarot)”

Musings on the Ace of Fire (Gaian Tarot)

Why is the Ace of Fire from Joanna Powell Colbert’s Gaian Tarot so terrifying? Did she make a wrong choice in this card?

This morning’s card is the Ace of Fire. Interestingly, when I pulled the very first card from this deck, I got this card.  It embodies a sense of curiosity even while it may cause some to shudder. Continue reading “Musings on the Ace of Fire (Gaian Tarot)”