How Does It Stop You?

Today’s card isn’t an easy one. For one, it has a keyword that is a real trigger word for me. For two, I don’t really love decks that include keywords. In my opinion, they are limiting. They confine you to one thought or idea.

Unless you are like me and just leap off the cliff every time letting your intuition carry you.

Here we see a woman kneeling in the desert. A vulture hovers over her head. She is not sharing her water with that bird nor with the snake who coils up and around her arm. It’s all for her.

Sometimes I have these twinges of jealousy. I see another Tarot professional using a spread like one of mine. I see someone saying “Seek Joy” without the y’all and I want to fuss, “HEY! Say it right. That’s MINE.”

But it’s not, is it? The concept of seeking joy is as old as time itself. It is far larger than me.

So when I feel those twinges of jealousy, it might be better for me to think, “YAY! Someone else is on the joy hunt with me. The more the merrier!”

Jealous can ruin relationships. How many of us can raise our hand when asked if we’ve ever lost someone due to a jealous nature–theirs or ours.

Sucks, right?

So maybe the next time that ol’ green eyed monster starts nibbling on your ass, you can turn that around.

Just because my partner looks at other women, doesn’t mean I’m not enough.

Just because my colleague books a huge speaking date, doesn’t mean I won’t.

Just because a fellow author hits the NYTimes best seller list, doesn’t mean I can’t.

Stop letting jealous get in your way. We use it as a reason to stop doing what we love.

Well, if so-and-so is taking ALLLLL the speaking engagements, I’ll just go sulk.

Yeah, that’s useful. Right?

So let this Seven of Cups from the Daughters of the Moon Tarot by Ffiona Morgan et al remind us that we get further by sharing our resources. We empower ourselves when we celebrate the successes of others–sincerely. We grow when we stop seeing one another as threats to our happiness.

Seven of Cups, Daughters of the Moon, 1991

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on!

Don’t forget to grab your copy of my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook. Check out Bonnie Cehovet’s review here.DoTM_7Cups001

How Do You Get Turned On?

This card represents that force in us all when we get TURNED ON and TUNED IN to our lives–when we are truly connected to our soul. How do you make that connection?

DOTMc_1AceToday’s card is from a very interesting deck. It is a group artist effort that was produced in the 80’s. It’s full of feminist energies and images because it is one of the first (and perhaps only) lesbian designed Tarot decks. One of the unique things about this deck is that it is round.

I pulled the Ace of Wands this morning and had to laugh. I’d been on my iPhone pulling daily cards and had gotten the Queen of Wands not once but twice. So no surprise to me to see another Wand. With all the fire energy I’m pulling due to my word of the year, it’s going to happen.

Look at this card. Baby leaping out of the egg. Joy happening. The child is the spark. She is the fuel feeding all of that energy surrounding her. It’s not feeding her. She’s not seeking sustenance. She is sustenance. She is energy.

This card represents that force in us all when we get TURNED ON and TUNED IN to our lives–when we are truly connected to our soul. How do you make that connection?

A blogger I love, Jodi Chapman, talked about her soul-connecting playlist. While I’m not much of a music person (I prefer silence), I do have some songs that just reconnect me.

One of those is a new one on a very recently released album by Anna Fritz. It is the title track and was the thing that hooked me into participating in her fundraiser. The Gospel of Tree Bark moves me in ways I can’t explain. I sometimes listen to it when I just need to get back to myself.

What about you? How do you reconnect with yourself when you feel disconnected? Is it music? Art? Literature? Nature? What reconnects you?

Ace of Fire, Daughters of the Moon (color), Ffiona Morgan 1981

YAY! I just found out that they’ve brought the B&W version back! 😀

Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on!

Want to work on your own word of the year? Join me in working with Leonie Dawson’s 2013 Incredible Year Workbook+Planner.

Connecting, Pouring & Passion

What connects you to your physical self? To your passionate self? To your emotional self? How do you utilize those energies in your world? How do you balance them one with the other?

DotM_TemperanceToday’s card is from an older deck. Round tarot cards are unusual in that you have more than reversals to read. You can read angled cards as well. Is the energy of the card tilted towards the reader or away?

Here we have Temperance from the Daughters of the Moon colored version. I also have the black and white version. Traditionally, Temperance is an angel pouring water from two cups–one into water and one onto rocky ground.

This Temperance, while not visually an angel, pours water and fire that loop out and around to combine into a rainbow above her head. What really calls me in this card today are the lines in the ground under her feet. They seem to be spreading out as if they were ley lines.

Perhaps they are connecting her to the earth and to the others in her net. Maybe she is showing them how to balance emotional needs, spiritual needs and physical needs. If you turn the card upside down, there is almost a yoni effect with her in the middle waiting to be born. The lines then seem to be drawing her out.

What connects you to your physical self? To your passionate self? To your emotional self? How do you utilize those energies in your world? How do you balance them one with the other?

Perhaps, if you feel overwhelmed by one or not engaged by another, you can hold this image in your mind. Focus on working all of the energies. Understand that when you have all three things in balance, you can become your own angelic self.

And, grin, of course there is always the message from Terence:
“Moderation in all things including moderation.”
Don’t be hard on yourselves today. Do something to make someone else joyful if you are feeling down. Remember to find those tiny, small joys and let them pile up.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Temperance, Daughters of the Moon, 1991

P. to the S. Looking for a way to make 2013 an incredible year? Join me as I work through my workbook+planner to create amazing things!