Temper, Battles + Choice

I guess I’m committed to ending a relationship if no answer or an unsatisfactory answer comes.

BleuCat_13SwordsToday’s card urges me to think before I strike. It asks me if I know how to engage my reason before my temper. That can be a damned hard thing to do some days.

Recently an event caused a bit of a stir among my friends. I admit to have quite the knee-jerk reaction myself. But I managed to go to the source first. I asked my question in what I hope was a non-confrontational manner. Now I wait for a response.

Waiting for a response is hard. Just like our Bleu Cat Tarot Queen of Feathers (Swords) must wait for her butterfly to go out and come back, I have to be patient. I have a self-imposed timeline though. Similar to the Queen of Feathers, I will not put down my pen or sword. I won’t back off this information seeking trip.

I guess I’m committed to ending a relationship if no answer or an unsatisfactory answer comes.

And, yes, that makes me a bit sad all-in-all. But at some point a stand has to be taken. I guess only time will tell whether my Queen of Feathers will have to use her weapon or not.

In my , one lesson is on the Hero’s commitment to the journey. It goes into the idea that there is a donkey moment where the hero solidly and sometimes loudly refuses to go “all in” on the quest before him (or her). This feels like that moment to me. I have my heels dug in hoping for a better outcome than I believe is coming.

Your journal prompt for today is, “How can I choose my battles more wisely? What are my personal emotional tells that let me know I must commit to the change?”

Queen of Feathers, Bleu Cat Tarot, Schiffer Books

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Oh! Please join me tonight (or listen to the archives) for my inaugural Mistress of Mondays’ show on the ParaEncounters Network (PEN).

Feathers, Virus + 5 Minutes

Abraham Lincoln said, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

FifthTarot_3FeathersToday’s card reminds me of a project I did at work. We had a virus running rampant on our call center floor. It was making everyone sick. This wasn’t a flu or a cold we could just get over. It was far far worse.

It was negativity. (reverberating voice)

And it was gross. Everyone of us was participating even if to bitch about our neighbors being negative. LOL! There was no hope for us.

I offered to send out “Positivity People Posts”. A good number of my teammates accepted. We did manage to turn ourselves around for the most part. Here is one that I wrote.


Abraham Lincoln said, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

I’d have to agree with that. The more we kvetch about our situation, the worse it gets. It’s hard to stay positive. It’s hard to not go down that slippery slope of negativity when someone else is. We don’t want to be seen as being non-supportive of our friends and co-workers.

Consider this. How much more supportive is it to pull them up out of that downward spiral? How much more personal strength does it take to turn their attitude, and yours, around?

When we are negative, we pile the weight of the world on our shoulders. It’s been proven to be a very real cause of physical pain. The worse you think things are, the worse you feel.

So how happy are you? Can you make up your mind that for this week, you will be as happy as you can and then some? Deal!

So I’ve been on a positivity kick for a while. And, y’all? It’s working for me. It’s not always easy (see yesterday’s post) but it is working.

This gorgeous 3 of Feathers (Wands) from the Fifth Tarot makes me feel at peace. There’s a rainbow behind the clouds and the three feathers are so prtty. I love doves as well. I like that these aren’t the normal white ones, but the kind of doves so common to this part of Texas.

How happy are you? Can you be happy just for the next five minutes? Then extend that by another five?

Three of Feathers, Fifth Tarot, Blue Dolphin Publishing, 2009

Seek Joy, y’all. Pass it on.

This workbook is helping me see a way to my goal of making “Seek Joy, Y’all” an international motto.