Tarotscopes June 14-20, 2015

Fantastical Creatures Tarot The Star
Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.

[Tweet “#Seekjoy, y’all! Read your weekly Tarotscopes. Check out some decks Arwen recommends. Thanks for retweeting.”]

I had so much fun yesterday at the Yellow Rose RWA chapter meeting. They invited me to come speak to them about using Tarot for writing. I was blown away by the creative approaches they took with this tool for their writing. We had NYT bestselling authors there as well as pre-published. Everyone came away with new insights on their characters and stories. I wanted to share with you some of the decks we used (and discussed).

  1. Fantastical Creatures Tarot
  2. Omegaland Tarot Deck
  3. Tarot of the Old Path
  4. Chrysalis Tarot
  5. Art Through The Starstream (and her other deck Art Through The Eyes Of The Soul)
  6. Oracle of Visions

One of the things I love to do is read the Hero’s Journey for characters. Cai and I do it a lot for our books. We are in the process of re-releasing some we have gotten rights back to. First though, we want to go through them to see where we can beef things up a bit. If you have a book in progress or in your heart, I’d love to work with you too!

Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscopes here? We are mid-way through June. Listen to your here.

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]We get a lovely message for this week, y’all. Set your goals high because [/inlinetweet]the Star is guiding the way. All you need to do is believe in your self as you reach for the heavens. So many gifts await this week. Make sure you are staying open to the positive possibilities of life. THE STAR

Fantastical Creatures Tarot The Wheel Of Fortune
Fantastical Creatures Tarot

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were being blessed by the Universe? If you knew, without [/inlinetweet]a doubt that the thing you want most right now was already yours? The Wheel of Fortune is spinning, Aquarius. It’s spinning for you. The catch, and there’s always a catch, is that you must stretch out for what you want. This is not time to hunker down in your comfort zone. Tap your inner strength. Screw on your courage. Turn up your faith. Then step out into the scary zone to get that prize. WHEEL OF FORTUNE

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is the one thing you must do to keep passion red-hot in your world? [/inlinetweet] This week you must do that thing that lights you up, sets you on fire, turns you on. Get ready to blaze a little, Fishies. Expect tools to be delivered and problems solved when you step into your “get ‘er done” self. Sometimes hard to rev the fish up, but when you do, it’s more like Jaws than Flipper. People may be surprised by your fiery activity but that’s okay. This isn’t about them. It’s about your passion. PAGE OF WANDS

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What happens when what you want comes but it isn’t what you [/inlinetweet]really wanted? So your sign got 2 cards this week. Unusual, but let’s just say that the big event you are waiting on may not bring the expected results. Looks like you’ve been working towards one thing but the Universe may yank that out from under you to deliver something else. Don’t worry too much. The rewards may not be what you were hoping for, but the opportunity for growth will be huge. Hang in there this week. And definitely keep working towards the future no matter which rugs get yanked! THREE OF WANDS and THE TOWER

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you looking for some heart time? Partnership is [/inlinetweet]emphasized this week. Good times with people you love are happening. You get to bask in adoration. And you deserve it. Seek the wilder things in life this week if you want to jazz up your romantic life. Even single Bulls can do something that connects them with others. Don’t be shocked when someone unexpected tells you they have a little crush on you. Up to you if you want that crush to grow or not. The ball is definitely in your court this week, Taurus. THE LOVERS

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who teaches you the most about compassion? This week look for [/inlinetweet]lessons in how to love more while remaining true to yourself. Too often we try to morph into what someone else wants. This week you will need to be strong. Stay true to yourself, Twin. Diving deeper into yourself is recommended. Something tells me that the person who needs the most compassion in your life is that face you see in the mirror. Seek out where you are not being kind to yourself. We all do better with honey over vinegar. QUEEN OF CUPS

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What must you lose this week? Looks like it’s more about [/inlinetweet]emotional connections than anything else. Ask yourself who isn’t upholding their end of the relationship. Cut ties where you need to and shore up the ones where you are dropping that connecting ball. Please be gentle in all that you do. Now isn’t the week for the crabby Crab to attack. Put those pincers away, dears. Just take some quiet time to do some emotional exploration in your current relationships. You aren’t in this world to carry the world on your back. Promise. FIVE OF CUPS

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who is really on your side? Take care when you interact with others. Some may be [/inlinetweet]looking to make you a victim. Too bad we all know you are a survivor regardless of what life throws your way. Get tough. Get flexible. Move away from those who would stab you in the back. Dance on a different floor. Their opinions of you don’t matter. Make this week about your strong, gorgeous self. Show the world what it looks like to walk away from conflict and idiocy. Please do not engage this week. The mass destruction of self won’t be worth it. TEN OF SWORDS

Fantastical Creatures Tarot Ten of Swords
Fantastical Creatures Tarot

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you really want the most in your current emotional relationship? Do you [/inlinetweet]have the courage to look them in the eye and tell them? Your needs seem to be getting overlooked a bit, Virgo. Typically that’s because you are always putting others first. Pick one of your dreams. Make that your priority this week. Your partners and friends will understand. Your quiet strength will get you through anything that comes this week. But your dream? Yeah, let’s make that a number one on your to-do list, okay? SEVEN OF CUPS

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you trying to decide? This is going to be a week of [/inlinetweet]choices. Remind yourself that each choice you make isn’t about what you let go. It’s about what you choose. Make your choices strong and bold this week. If it’s the wrong choice, it isn’t the end of the world. You’ve got a lot going on right now so it’s time to prioritize your actions. Stop wasting time, please. When you don’t take action, you do more than just nothing. You stagnate your own growth. Nobody wants that, right? CHOOSE! TWO OF WANDS

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who brings you joy? Good week to reach out to [/inlinetweet]them to incorporate more happy in your life. Are you really going to go through another week without seeking joy for yourself? Time to loosen up just a bit, please. You’ve been uber focused on something (and it’s good that you are). But this week calls you to indulge in some me-time with a special someone. Even single Scorpios can find a good friend to let their hair down with. Just loosen your tie. Take off that girdle of responsibility. Play a bit, please. You’ll be all the better for it. TWO OF CUPS

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were going to succeed? If an angel whispered [/inlinetweet]in your ear that they had your back? Success is your theme this week, Archer. Let your warrior heart guide your decisions. Battles lost are only stepping stones to bigger wins. Remember that. Write that down. All the no’s you hear are preparing you for a better yes. The marathon runner doesn’t win by quitting at mile 25, right? Keep on keeping on. Your card this week says victory comes to the last one standing. Let it be you. SIX OF WANDS

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]If money weren’t an issue, where would you go? What would[/inlinetweet] you do? Whose life would you change? That’s a series of questions you want to explore this week. And stop being so jealous of resources, please. You are over-focused on what others have. Your personal hoard won’t grow if you are always up in other people’s lives. Your treasures are the ones you have. Stop desiring what others have. Stolen treasure hurts, but it’s not worth it to let that be your worry. Seriously, let it go and focus on what you have. Grow that. FOUR OF COINS

Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive. I’m only an email away.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot by Lisa Hunt, US Games 2007

Let Slip The Dogs Of War!???

FantasticalCreatures_7Wands003Today’s card forces me to ask a hard question. It’s not one I like to answer at all, but it is one I should probably lead with on most everything I do.

The Seven of Wands from Lisa Hunt‘s gorgeous Fantastical Creatures (U.S. Games 2007) shows a Valkyrie swooping down to a battle field. Her job was to fetch dying warriors who had proven themselves to be heroes. They would then enjoy Valhalla as their reward.

Great idea, right?

But what if those warriors had chosen the wrong battle or the wrong side? What if they had sided with the ice giants instead of Odin?

The hard question is this. “Is this battle mine or someone else’s?”

If I could bottle all the energy I’ve thrown into other people’s wars, I’d be still going just like the Energizer Bunny. If I had channeled that passion into creativity, I might have 800 books published and not eight.

Now, when I hear of this injustice or that, I have to ask myself how mad can I get? How passionate can I be? I’ve learned to pick my battles.

Sadly, grin, I haven’t learned to only back the winners. Too often I am on the losing side simply because we can’t outfight the money. Do I quit?

Nope. I’m either too stubborn or too optimistic to quit. I truly believe that in some cases (GMO/Monsanto for instance) that all we need to do is to keep educating. Eventually folks will understand the damage we are doing to our bodies and our world.


I wonder if the Valkyries will come for me.

Your journal prompt today is, “What battles am I fighting now that I should withdraw from?”

Seven of Wands, Fantastical Creatures, U.S. Games, 2007 [AFF]

Tarotscopes July 28 – August 3, 2013


  • AQUARUIS TWO OF PENTACLES Partnership favored. Brilliant growth possible when you join with others who are heading down the same path. Balance=growth!
  • PISCES KING OF PENTACLES Connect w/ community in deeper ways. Spiritual leadership may be required. Accept but only for those you call family.
  • ARIES WHEEL OF FORTUNE Riddle me this. Why not go for what you want? Why not lean out and grab? Opportunity knocks. Answer the danged door!
  • TAURUS PAGE OF PENTACLES Job offer possible. Growth inevitable. Seeker? Put out more resumes. Belief in your own power is the key. Confidence!
  • GEMINI SUN So much attention on you this week. Shine like a diamond, baby. You have backing from your Higher Self so make it happen.
  • CANCER EIGHT OF SWORDS Careful you don’t cut yourself on those thoughts. Many “poor me” attitudes are from self-inflicted wounds. Release that negativity.
  • LEO QUEEN OF CUPS Spread your love. Share your happy. Others need to know it’s possible. You are their confidant this week. Nurture please.
  • VIRGO LOVERS Good week to indulge in the company of the one who makes your spirit glow. Open up on a spiritual level to really connect.
  • LIBRA Judgment Learn from past mistakes. Don’t blame. Grow. Time to rise to the next level. Old crap is just old. Move up and one.
  • SCORPIO TEN OF CUPS Gather with those you love. Indulge in celebrations of the heart. Connections this week will carry you forward. Reach out.
  • SAGITTARIUS KNIGHT OF CUPS Sometimes your emotions lead you astray. Please watch that this week. Not a good time to be a heart wanderer. You could be hurt.
  • CAPRICORN THREE OF SWORDS Emotional encounters could be murky, dangerous. Don’t venture into unfamiliar territory. Stay on safe ground with loved ones.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot, Lisa Hunt, U.S. Games Systems

30 Minutes, Carpe & Riddles

The Wheel of Fortune is chance. It’s opportunity. It’s the ability to Carpe Diem (or Noctum if that’s your diurnal preference). You make the most of what comes your way.

Today’s card reminds me of my first thought this morning. 30 more minutes. Just 30 more minutes. I only wanted 30 more minutes to snuggle in bed with my 12 year old cat curled up against me.

Then my mind started. I picked up my phone to check my mail, catch up on my WwF games, answer texts from my sister. Instead of actually taking that 30 minutes, I lolled in bed (I adore the sound of the word “loll”) but got some things done.

In a way, I grabbed that opportunity I had to snooze another 30 but turned it into relaxing in a different way. When I actually rolled out of bed, I didn’t have to face a ton of email. I had deleted most of it or marked “unread” what I needed to come back to.

The Wheel of Fortune is chance. It’s opportunity. It’s the ability to Carpe Diem (or Noctum if that’s your diurnal preference). You make the most of what comes your way.

I could have spent that 30 worrying that I was wasting time or that I needed to get up. I always have something that could be done. But I wanted to loll and my cat wanted to snuggle. He said so by piercing my arm with his nails as he played starfish paws. Owie!

Lisa Hunt’s Fantastical Creatures Tarot (reprinted in 2012 by US Games, thank you thank you thank you) depicts the Sphinx for the Wheel. An unusual choice if you consider the solid, unmovable nature of the Sphinx. But! Consider the riddles that the Sphinx was said to propose to the seeker. If you answered right, there was another riddle or maybe you got the treasure/knowledge you were seeking.

If you had an extra 30 minutes, what would you do with it?

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on!

P. to the S., I pulled three cards from this deck last night while working on my and got this as one of my answers. I’ll be chatting about this on a private Facebook group that’s for everyone who gets this fabulous planner.

Already have yours? Let me know. I’ll add you to the group.

The Wheel Of Fortune,Fantastical Creatures, US Games 2012, Lisa Hunt/DJ Conway, US Games 2012