Tarotscopes June 30 – July 6, 2013

Hey, y’all! Are you like me? I mean, do you believe, deep in your heart, that you can have a soul-full life, a success-full biz, and do a lot of good for the world in the process? Your weekly Tarotscopes are just below, but please let me take a moment of your time to share why I think Leonie Dawson’s Amazing Biz and Life Academy really is amazing. Yeah, marketing, but honestly, it’s something I truly believe in. 🙂

  1. It’s a year’s subscription.
  2. You can take a course when it is offered or you can take it when you like.
  3. You do it all on your schedule.
  4. The already-in-place community will welcome you with open arms.
  5. You will meet women who’ve been where you are and will help you get where you want to be.

My friend Leonie Dawson has created something that’s changing the lives and businesses of SO many women around the world in a way that’s never been seen before. Or maybe just not acknowledged. Anywho..read on! 🙂

leoniehandwritingfaceLeonie, mom-artist-wife-dazzling-spirit, created the Amazing Biz and Life Academy, which gives you over $3800 (!!!!) of business and marketing programs to create a powerful and profitable business, zen-your-mind meditations, creativity, spirituality, home and health e-courses to help you live your best life yet. It is a complete toolkit for transforming whatever part of your biz or life you want to focus on.

I’ve been a member since May 2012. It’s worth it to me!

There’s a ton of info about the Academy and Leonie available at the link above. I hope you’ll check it out.

P.S. Investing in education and learning from someone who’s done what you want to do is the best way to make your dreams come true. Leonie is one of those women who can really teach you how to make it happen, in a completely heart-centered, open-book, “let’s change the world for real” kind of way.

She’s changed my world, y’all. She’s one of the reasons my message of “Seek joy, y’all” has gone international. Now here are your Tarotscopes. But do click that link! It will open in a new page so you won’t lose your ‘scopes! And at the very least, sign up for the free goodies. Her newsletter bring me joy!

Seek joy, y’all

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Click for larger

June 30-July 6, 2013 Tarotscopes

  • AQUARIUS LOVERS Sometimes, it’s okay to let go + let love. Allowing spiritual connection brings a deeper understanding of self. Union.
  • PISCES FIVE OF SWORDS Let go of thoughts that don’t serve. Let go of those who enforce such thoughts. Clean cuts heal. Mental health week.
  • ARIES DEVILSometimes the devil you don’t know is the one to choose. Don’t let bad choices become bad habits. Mistakes can be corrected.
  • TAURUS TEMPERANCE Balance is key. Overdoing inner or outer isn’t working. Energy renewed when you honor both sides of self.
  • GEMINI THREE OF PENTACLES Committee work. Growth comes if you stick to the plan as laid out. Deviation may be more fun, but less productive.
  • CANCER QUEEN OF CUPS They may need sheltering arms. Give comfort when asked. Do the same for yourself. Good week for personal indulgence.
  • LEO ACE OF WANDS Might as well start. Passion entices you. Open your spirit. Get going. Life’s not waiting so why are you? Start the fire.
  • VIRGO FIVE OF WANDS A little friendly competition comes your way. “Take the bet. They’re gonna regret because you’re the best there is.” 🙂
  • LIBRA THREE OF SWORDS Leaving what you love isn’t easy. Necessary next step. Hold on to forward movement. Think yourself clear of painful thoughts.
  • SCORPIO MOON A path calls. Hard to see the way but follow your heart. Change inevitable. It’s a cycle. Watch mood swings please. Not pretty.
  • SAGITTARIUS NINE OF WANDS Success is hard-won but don’t stop scrambling for it. Feed your personal fires. Stoke your passion. More battles coming, winner.
  • CAPRICORN NINE OF CUPS Heart’s desire. Right here. Right now. Don’t make a wish. Make a plan. Achievable goal to reach those stars you want.

Today’s deck was the Faerie Tarot from U.S. Games. This is a charming colorful deck. Love it! 😀

Weekly Tarotscopes 6-2/6-8-2013


    • AQUARIUS Five of Pentacles Better week for saving than spending. Energy may feel low so start conserving NOW. Some budget issues may show up. Save now.
    • PISCES Knight of Wands Follow your thoughts. Innovation is needed but you need to get moving. Stop pulling against your own brain! Let it lead.
    • ARIES Queen of Cups Offer emotional support when asked. Take the same when offered. You may find your intuition being louder than normal. LISTEN!

Have you grabbed your copy of my book? Bonnie Cehovet and Mary Nale both gave it awesome reviews. Ten spreads to help you go deeper into introspective work with yourself or your clients.

    • Taurus Ace of Cups Good things coming. Stay open. Accept the unexpected friendship. Sometimes you find the greatest joy in the weirdest spots.
    • GEMINI Page of Pentacles Look for money-making opportunities. You must to get up & get moving. Money is available but you will have to focus on that.
    • CANCER Queen of Pentacles Nurture yourself. Show others how to nurture themselves. Good week to give/take a class on massage/yoga etc. Focus on body.

Check out my video reviews here. Recent additions include Magical Times Empowerment Cards (USGames) by Jody Bergsma and the Dream Raven Tarot (Schiffer) by Beth Seilonen. I also did a very intriguing oracle called the Maori Oracle (Schiffer) by P.A. Minnell.

    • LEO Knight of Cups Seeking love? Love may be seeking you. It’s a good time to stop looking so you can be found. Heart-led interactions are best.
    • VIRGO Ten of Pentacles Money is more available then you thought. It’s okay. It’s in your budget. Little savings now pay off big later.
    • LIBRA Page of Cups Emotional connections deepen. Find a new song about love if the old one is sad. Seek joy in your friends this week.

Did you know I give away a free reading every month? All you have to do to win is subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Couldn’t be easier! P.to the S. I haven’t sent out this month’s so you still have time to win!

  • SCORPIO Eight of Pentacles Thinking of learning something new? Great week to dive in. Take a class. Expand your skills. It will bring prosperity.
  • SAGITTARIUS Queen of Swords Mind your thoughts. Where they go, so do you. Emphasis on clear, logical thinking so stop chasing your own tail! Think into it!
  • CAPRICORN Tower Uh Oh. Don’t be too surprised when things don’t go as you planned. Have a back-up to your back-up please. Delays.

Faerie Tarot, Nathalie Hertz, U.S.Games

By the way? Your monthly Tarotscopes are also available. Just check the podcast player at the bottom of this page.

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

Balance, Care & Success

Then I read the balloon to the right and it mentioned “self-care”. OH! This wasn’t about shaking Michelle Obama’s hand for saying “Seek Joy, Y’all” to the world. It wasn’t about hugging Oprah as she touted my book. It was about …

Today’s card is a reminder of balance and choices. The Two of Pentacles is one of those cards that always makes me wonder if I am balancing my personal life and my professional. And this is a gorgeous rendition of this card.

It’s from the Faerie Tarot by Nathalie Hertz (US Games 2008). Sadly it is out of print but you can still find it if you look.

One thing to note about this card is the hourglass. Do you see it? Try to focus on the entire picture rather than just the central image. There now. Do you have it?

“Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.”

I heard that a lot growing up. I wasn’t a “Days Of OUr Lives” watcher (ABC girl here), but an important person in my life was.

If these are, in fact, the days of your life…the only days you are given in this free trip around the Universe, are you doing everything you can to balance things?

It’s lovely to be successful in business.
It’s lovely to be successful in love.

But what about being successful in both? Oh, we’ve all heard the stories about the business person who gave their all to the job only to lose everyone they loved. Scrooge, anyone?

But this lovely girl is using a wheelbarrow. She’s making it work in a field of wheat.

We can too. We can have it all. I think, for me, the all is what is important. What is “all” to me?

You know I’m working through a great workbook. I’m at a point where I am to list 100 goals for 2013. My pen has hovered over the page for two days now. What 100 things would I want to accomplish?

Then I read the balloon to the right and it mentioned “self-care”. OH! This wasn’t about shaking Michelle Obama’s hand for saying “Seek Joy, Y’all” to the world. It wasn’t about hugging Oprah as she touted my book. It was about me.

My pen fell on the paper and before I could stop it, I had “drink three pots of tea with Leah” and “have dinner with Ashton more” and “get a minimum of 6 hours worth of naps a month.”


What will you do today to care for you?

By the way? That workbook? I gave away two to newsletter readers yesterday. Silly me didn’t realize I had bought three.

SO! Leave a comment here for a chance to win. If you share this, that’s a second chance but you have to comment first. If you share, leave a comment that you did.

I’ll announce winners on Friday. I’m running this on my Facebook page as well and yes, you can enter both places.

2 of Pentacles, Faerie Tarot, USGames 2008

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on!