I know the Boomerang Man. Not many people can say this but those of us who can generally grin when we say it. I met Rich of theboomerangman.com in 1976…maybe 75. He was out on my high school band’s practice field (no we didn’t own it…lots of people used it). I watched this guy whip a curved stick away from him only to have it return.
He saw me and asked if I wanted to try it. Oh the wicked man! I was so hooked on the hooks. I threw as often as I could. I purchased some fairly pricey ‘rangs too. Wish I had them still. I might go find a field and throw again.
He always laughed at me because I have a really weird throw. Instead of a straight arm throw, I cross my chest. Anyway! This Emperor from the Navigators of the Mystic Sea always makes me think of Rich.
Then there is this quote by Florence Scovel Shinn. She states, “The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.”
I’ve found this to be very true. Have you? It’s one of the reasons I watch what I say and do. I screw up…believe you me, I screw up. But the overriding theme in my life of seeking joy? That’s the one that comes back to me more than anything.
[Tweet “I put out joy. Joy comes back. Joy is a boomerang. So is hate. So is anger.”]
I know what I want coming back to me. What about you?
Today I create joy. Today I open up to the good in the world. Today I laugh. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Emperor, Navigators of the Mystic Sea, U.S. Games (OOP)