So today I see rising up and rising up which is interesting since today’s card on my Facebook business page was about rising above. Tarot and the Universe seem to be conspiring with me about my need to focus on my Pollyanna life which I’ve written about before.
Without knowing what ED (Elemental Dignity) the HPS was, I guessed at water. I looked it up and was right. Of course the Mary-El Tarot’s depiction of the HPS is a very watery one so that helped. With two cups, that makes this a very strong 7 of Cups day. In the class that I’m teaching, we have a discussion about different ways we saw the 7 of Cups so I’m amused that it shows up today.

For me, the 7 of Cups is about emotional choices and buying in. But Marie White doesn’t depict that with her dark wolf with the full moon behind. With my other job as a paranormal erotica writer (gasp, oh no! Arwen writes sexy books?), this card makes me think of werewolves.
I do l
ove the two cards on either side. The Six of Cups surges upwards from the water. He is a winged merman perhaps with lobster claws to pinch. The HPS rises up but she is connected to the water as she hovers in the air. It is almost as though this is the same figure in a way. Her hands are not hands so much as roots diving back into the water. She makes me think of a cypress tree with that imagery.
Other similarities between the 6 of Cups and our HPS card are the bubbles on his head and the water on hers. Almost a yin/yang thing here.
Turning to the incredibly detailed Mary El Tarot book, I find this about these three cards:
6 of Cups: Uriel solves challenges by reaching deep into the depths of the self for the answers, by trusting and helping the true self rise to the surface, by exposing that which was previously hidden,repressed or locked away. By Growing.
7 of Cups: Truth is wide, vision is narrow. Focus your vision on what you desire, not what you fear.
High Priestess: We have a darkness within us, places that we can’t easily see.
So all of these cards, strangely enough, have a theme of fear for me. Trust is the other side of fear in many cases which is what I think the 6 of Cups points to and the 7 of Cups emphasizes. Then the HPS reminds us that the darkness is natural and expected.
I see this as a reminder that I need to do as the 7 of Cups commands and focus on what I desire. Because when I focus on fear, that grows exponentially until I have no control over my emotions. I go from “situation normal” to “situation fubar” in about 0-60.