Perserverance, Finishing + Now

You can’t stop now. You must just roll over those bumps and plot holes and “what the hell did my character just say” moments. This isn’t about editing.

Mary-El_8DisksToday’s card is a reminder of keeping at it. If you are doing any of the month events–be it knitting or writing or hooping or what have you, perseverance is key.

In today’s Wisdom News from Lissa Coffey, I pulled this nugget of fabulous!

Perseverance is stick-to-it-iveness! It’s having that vision that success is not only possible, it is inevitable. It’s having the fortitude to navigate the bumps in the road, and not let those bumps become road blocks.

-Lissa Coffey (

And isn’t that the truth. Anyone who is doing #NaNoWriMo knows that the key is to keep writing. You can’t stop now. You must just roll over those bumps and plot holes and “what the hell did my character just say” moments. This isn’t about editing. No, not now. .

And I have something that can help you. It’s a thirty three day eCourse. That means it comes to your inbox. You get to read it, work through it, tackle it on your time.

Use my years of writing experience (eight books as Marilu Mann with two more under contract) to help you get your book finished.

Ready to start? Are you a NaNoWriMo 2013 participant? Learn how you can use Tarot to .

Mapping the Hero’s Journey will deliver thirty three days of lessons, handouts and motivational journal prompts. Stay on track by working through the point-by-point steps of the Hero’s Journey. Using Joseph Campbell, Christopher Vogler and my years of experience, you can finish your book.

With over eight books (written as Marilu Mann), I can show you how to . Let your imagination run wild while guiding your voice down the path of the Hero’s Journey.

You will receive handouts that include many original spreads designed by me to use in developing your character and story.

This 40,000+ word eCourse is a combination of two workshops I’ve taught for many years. Instead of paying over $100 to be in one of ten seats when I teach this yearly workshop, you can grab it for only $33 (yes, the proverbial dollar-a-day).

Is it time to set your book free?

8 of Disks, Mary-El Tarot, Schiffer Books

But I Don’t Wanna Go To Work!

Steampunk_8PentaclesToday’s card reminds me that I’m lucky. Blessed, in fact. It also reminds me that sometimes I forget this fact. I woke up wanting to call out. Was it because I didn’t feel well? Was it because I was in pain? Was it because there was some fun thing I’d rather be doing?

Nope. None of the above. I simply didn’t feel like going to work. It was just going to be another day of the same old shit. People complaining. Co-workers bitching. Sometimes the negativity at my office makes me want to run screaming into traffic.

So I laid in bed (after calling in and finding out that, once again, there was no time available) trying to reset my mind. What was one positive thing I could find to hold on to?

Then it hit me.

I had a job.

Period. End of story. I have a job that helps pay my bills, put food on my table. I have a job that doesn’t make me do hard labor. I have a job.

And that, y’all, was how I reset my mind. I got out of bed knowing which card I wanted…or at least which suit. It had to be Pentacles since that is the suit of physical labor (as well as other things). And the Steampunk Tarot was what I worked with for yesterday’s weekly Tarotscopes.

I love this card. The task seems endless and mindlessly repetitive, right? Unending. Same old shit.

But our girl has made it her own. She has created each disk with a different flair. She’s put herself into her task. Her focus is on how to make each piece uniquely hers.

I can do that. I can make each interaction with my customers uniquely mine. I can take pride in what I do.

I still may need ear plugs to divert the continual kvetching from so many of my co-workers, but that’s okay. I’m also blessed to have a job that pays me enough to indulge in Bose® QuietComfort® 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphonesnoise-cancelling headphones. (I got a deal and found these for $79 on some group thingy last year.)

Find joy in the mundane, everyday tasks today. That’s your 180 second challenge, y’all. Three minutes of acknowledging that what you do for your job is worth it on some level.

And if it isn’t? If there is truly no joy in your job? Use that 180 seconds for brushing up your resume and get the hell out. Don’t be that black hole of negativity that others have to avoid. Please.

Eight of Pentacles, , Llewellyn [aff]

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!