Queens, Walls & Unsticking

Have you ever felt like you were at a wall? As if the thing you had to do was insurmountable? I’m talking about knowing that you had to leave your current job so you could grow.

Today’s card is a reminder that you don’t have to be stuck. There’s always another way. This card, while not a Tarot card, is a beautiful answer to the cry, “What do I do now?”

Have you ever felt like you were at a wall? As if the thing you had to do was insurmountable? I’m talking about knowing that you had to leave your current job so you could grow. Walking away from a relationship that was not nurturing you and helping you grow (and vice versa, y’all–it’s always about balance, okay?)

“A brilliant solution is on the way.” Queen Oonagh (Lucy Cavendish’s Dragonfae Oracle) has such a clear and present gaze. It’s as if she understands the crazy, whirlpool of feelings going on in side of you.

If you are currently stuck and need unsticking, I can help. You and I can work through this using Tarot as our tool. We will let compassion guide us to the right solution for you.

Contact me if you need guidance. readings@tarotbyarwen.com I’m here to help you find your bliss and hang on to it.

Queen Oonagh, Oracle of the Dragonfae, Blue Angel Publishing

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.