Today’s card is from a fabulously fun little oracle. It’s very different from others in that it gives you some history along with some sage advice. I love history even more than I love sage advice, don’t you?
Here we learn a lesson that others cannot heal our disappointments now matter how much we want them to have that superpower. It isn’t until we learn that who can heal us that we actually heal. I know…convoluted, right?
But the secret that the wisest woman (and man) know is this. The person with the magic wand? The fairy godmother at the kitchen door? The talking donkey who can’t sing? That person is only found in one place.
The mirror.
Yep, the looking glass, Alice. The answer was there all along. Quick. Go look. Tell me who you see.
Right. Yourself.
You are the only one who can heal your disappointments, hurts and sorrows. You can have help from your friends, from professionals, from a stranger on the internet, but the final piece to that puzzle must be you.
Learn from your disappointments, darlings. Don’t let them define you. Let them refine you. Understanding those patterns like we talked about yesterday is your secret weapon. Once you know the patterns, you can choose the ones that suit and serve you best.
so dance, my darlings, dance. But remember what Queen Carolina Matilda of Denmark said. “Don’t look to your doctor to heal your disappointments.”
Queen Carolina Matilda, Ask the Queens: Advice Card Deck, US Games, 2010
This deck or the playing card version is a great gift for the history buff in your family.
P. S. It is National Coming Out Day. In case you didn’t know it, I’m a queer femme currently partnered with a man who understands. 😀 I support the Trevor Project.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!