Cupid, Dreams + Vajayjays

Dreams are a funny thing. We all have them. We all chase them. What happens when you catch them?

DaliTarot_2CupsToday’s card is from yet another deck that I don’t own. I know. Shocker! But it’s hard to find and expensive when you do find it.

The Two of Cups from the Dali Tarot shows Cupid leaving Psyche’s bed–if I remember correctly. He’s the answer to her dreams. Or is he?

Dreams are a funny thing. We all have them. We all chase them. What happens when you catch them?

For me, I like dreams that are catchable, achievable. Dreams that are not going to be realized often annoy me. I do have “pie in the sky” dreams, but for the most part, I want realizable (is that even a word) dreams.

I love this quote by Marcia Wieder of DreamU. She says, “You can change your beliefs so they empower your dreams and desires. Create a strong belief in yourself and what you want.”

What do you want? What is your belief in yourself? You have the ability to change your beliefs so they empower you. What choices will you make today?

[Tweet “Journal prompt is just that. “What do you want?””]

We had a good time on last night’s You Never Know. You can see the archive here:

Did she really say magical vajayjay?

Two of Cups, Dali Tarot

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!