Geese, Badgers & Mary

So today’s Elemental Dignity reading moves to another deck. It’s not that I don’t adore the Mary-El. I’m finding it almost too trance-inducing–if that makes sense. I needed to move back to a deck that I know. To quote Alison Cross of This Game of Thrones, I needed to get into my

So today’s Elemental Dignity reading moves to another deck. It’s not that I don’t adore the Mary-El. I’m finding it almost too trance-inducing–if that makes sense. I needed to move back to a deck that I know. To quote Alison Cross of This Game of Thrones, I needed to get into my Continue reading “Geese, Badgers & Mary”

Loins, Lions & Nipples

Today’s three cards are all Major Arcana. I tend to see that as forces outside of my control. In other words, it looks like the Universe wants to play with my hula hoop.

Today’s three cards are all Major Arcana. I tend to see that as forces outside of my control. In other words, it looks like the Universe wants to Continue reading “Loins, Lions & Nipples”

Daily, Dignity & Dawn

My reason for doing this is my utter mind balk in yesterday’s Tarot Meetup about using a specific Tarot method.

I’ve decided to set myself a goal of doing daily readings for a period of thirty days. I may or may not post them here in my blog. Part of what I am going to work on is learning how Elemental Dignities come into play. This could mean that I will have multiple posts some days–oh the horror.

My reason for doing this is my utter mind balk Continue reading “Daily, Dignity & Dawn”