What’s Your Normal Flavor?

Efflorescent_Chariot001Today’s card reminds me that I need to figure out why I’m in this hand basket and where I am going sometimes. Here is the chariot from Katie Rose Pipkin’s black and white Efflorescent Tarot. Sorry kids but it’s OOP unless she finds a publisher. Or at least that’s what I heard.

But I digress. See! It really is about focus with this card.

I’m tired tonight. It’s 11:11 pm by my clock. I should have had this done and been in bed an hour ago. But it’s full moon energy so I’m wound more than normal.

And am I ever normal?

I saw a GREAT quote on Facebook that said, “The day I broke up with normal was the first day of my magical life.”

Awesome isn’t it

But sometimes I lose my focus. I get scattered. I let the magic dissipate. I let normal drive again.

I fear the quirky.
I shun the weird.
I eschew the unusual.

And I’m not very happy when I do.

In a weird way, my life has a normal, for me, rhythm to it that involves talking to dogs and trees, reading cards for a living, writing intensely erotic romance, and chatting with Themselves.

That’s my normal.

I have to rein in both sides of me though. I can’t let avant-garde Arwen outstrip stable Stephanie. Or is that analytical Arwen overpower sassy Stephanie? Either way, both sides have to be moving together to take me in my chariot where I want to go.

Oh how I ramble. Do you ever wonder how I start out at point A and end up at point WTF?

So here is the Chariot. Traditionally a card of mastering one’s life. I would say that the charioteer will never be happy until she is following her own lead. When she tries to be what someone else wants is when the problems start. That’s when she drops the reins and her two selves can squabble about who gets to lead.

Equally yoked. It’s all about keeping both sides equally yoked.

So what’s your normal look like? Take 180 seconds…just three minutes…to journal about that your normal is. The only ground rule is that you can’t compare your normal to anyone else’s.

Because it’s your normal!

Chariot, Efflorescent Tarot, Katie Rose Pipkin, self-published on Etsy

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

Directions, Limits & Purposes

I was contemplating that list of one hundred things I want to do for 2013. Walking back from my break to my desk at my day job, it hit me.Tarot is not my life’s work.

Psst! Here for the Awesome Writer’s Muse Giveaway? Keep reading!

Today’s card is one I intentionally drew. I wanted a card to represent this big wow moment that I’ve been leading up to. I needed to demonstrate how this is going to change my life. Doing the work with the has been on my mind a lot.

Oh hush.

I can hear the lot of you gasping, “Noooooo, we hadn’t noticed.”

Don’t think I can’t hear you.)@( ANYWHO!

I was contemplating that list of for 2013. Walking back from my break to my desk at my day job, it hit me.Tarot is not my life’s work.I know, right? I was pretty gob smacked. I would have told you at the beginning of the year that Tarot was it for me. But it’s not.

Tarot is a vehicle for my life’s work. My life’s work is showing you (and me) that you can change your world, recreate yourself by adding these two phrases.

1. You can only control what’s in your hula hoop.

2. Seek joy, y’all.

As Leonie says, “It’s all about aligning your actions with your intentions.” So I’m going to be focused next year on for this new realization.

Don’t panic. I’m not going to walk away from Tarot consultations completely. I am going to be harder to book though because I’m going to limit my readings appointments to a set number per month. I’m still working on that number because I want to make sure I balance things.

One of those things is the book I’m wrapping up. If you want to hear about this book when it’s available, sign up here. This is completely separate from my monthly newsletter with the monthly tarotscopes podcast. I will use this list only to announce availability of this book (and the others that I’m working on like my Fairy Tales Spreads book and my 30 Days To Joy workbook.) So you can expect email ONLY when I have something pertinent to say about the book like “the book is ready.”

And that’s my big news. I’m changing my direction. I’m moving my chariot towards my life’s purpose rather than the vehicle of my life’s purpose. I still love Tarot. I am not abandoning Tarot. I’m just heading in the right direction now.

Chariot, Fradella Adventure Tarot, US Games,

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Speaking of joy! Congratulations to Frank Fradella and his wife. Their twin sons just arrived 12/10!

And, if you are here for the Awesome Writer’s Muse Giveaway, all you need to do to get your free Tarot for Writer’s lesson (it’s the first chapter of my forthcoming book), just sign up for my newsletter. You can also take advantage of my free e-book “Intuitive Tarot”.


By becoming a conscious choice-maker, you begin to generate actions that are evolutionary for you and for those that are around you. And that’s all you need to do. ~ Deepak Chopra

Conscious choice-maker. What a concept. I have long known, and preached, that we all have the ability to make choices. Also that we are Continue reading “TIME “TWO” MAKE A CHOICE”

Musings On The Chariot

How often have you thrown yourself into something only to find out you should have done more research… you should have waited a bit longer? What were the consequences of your hasty decision? Would you have chosen differently if you had taken a few more moments to think?

rws_chariotHow often have you thrown yourself into something only to find out you should have done more research… you should have waited a bit longer? What were the consequences of your hasty decision? Would you have chosen differently if you had taken a few more moments to think? These are what I see as the moments when our personal Chariots took over. We were not  Continue reading “Musings On The Chariot”

Tarot In Nine Words: The Chariot

rws_chariotThe Chariot represents mastery in the Major Arcana. Here we learn the lesson that we must drive our own lives if we are to be truly in charge. Some would tell you that the Charioteer is a ruthless warrior, but consider something if you will. Continue reading “Tarot In Nine Words: The Chariot”

Musing on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Strength

The Fool climbed out of the chariot and stood watching as the Charioteer disappeared in a cloud of dust. Looking down at his dog, he murmured, “I wonder how he knew what I was looking for? Oh well, let’s rest a bit then we can go find this woman and her lion. I’d like to see that, I think.”

So the Fool wasted no time at all. He whistled to his little dog as he set off at a brisk pace. All the time he wondered what he would find when he found the woman and the lion. The sun was high in the sky when he began but as he walked, time passed while the sun fell lower and lower in the sky.

“I don’t know if we will ever find this lady the Charioteer told us about, Dog.” The Fool stopped to drink from a crystal clear stream. “Do you think we should just forget about all of this searching for Will? I mean–is it that important after all?” Continue reading “Musing on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Strength”

Musings on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Lovers & The Chariot

Fool Radiant Rider Waite Smith Tarot
So the Fool left the temple of the Heirophant wondering if he’d be in trouble again. Then he realized that the sun was shining. He focused on his little white dog dashing through the weeds chasing bright yellow butterflies.

“I wonder who the Eternal Couple is?” He lifted his jingly cap to scratch his head. “Or Continue reading “Musings on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Lovers & The Chariot”

Musing on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Heirophant

Fool Rider-Waite-Smith

(In today’s episode, the Fool runs afoul of the Heirophant. He is so busy that he is only able to visit the one Major Arcana. I think you will see why.)

The Fool burst out into the courtyard to find the Heirophant. As he passed the guards, his little dog woke up from its nap to join him.

“Where can I find the Heirophant?” He queried the guard to his left.

“Go Continue reading “Musing on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Heirophant”