Why Did I Open That Box?

CelticTreeOracle_SailleSometimes you open a box and get sucker punched. I have a lot of decks. A lot. I am also one of THOSE people who tuck things away without thinking. This means I stumble across things. Things I have no memory of putting in those places.

Happened to me last night. I was perusing my decks trying to decide which one to pull for you today. I saw a box that was unfamiliar. When I got it down, I realized it was my Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray.

I remember wanting this deck so very much. If memory serves, it was a gift from a dear friend. I used it a bit but never got into it as much as Tarot. It’s a very different system. I do remember that the first card I pulled was Saille.

Saille is Willow. It is lunar rhythms and female aspects. It is also a name I very nearly chose for my Craft name so many years ago. Saille, not Willow. I didn’t choose it for a variety of reasons, but it has always been very close to my heart.

When I opened the box, my stomach and heart swapped spots. I gasped out loud. There was my beautiful sister in her wedding dress. And there were pictures behind that one.

“Steady. She’s going to be in there.”

I said that out loud. I told myself I would be okay. I moved to the next picture to see my sisters and I. Then the next and there she was.


Mama about two years before she lost her battle with cancer.

Mama with her short chemo haircut.

Mama with her beautiful smile.

I didn’t cry. I smiled. I realized that I look more like her now than I did then. I realized that her sense of humor is mine. That her smile is mine.

I realized that I am my mother’s daughter.

It also did not surprise me to find Saille as the top card facing up. No, not at all. It also represents February. 😀

Steady. She’s going to be in me forever.

We all have those pictures–in our hands, tucked away in boxes, stored in our memories. The ones that bring that twist of sadness wrapped up in love. As the years go by, I expect I’ll grow to look more and more like her.

Mama. She was my hero in so many ways. Not just the cancer thing. Hell no. Cancer didn’t make her a hero. She was my hero long before that.

For your 180 seconds today, I’m challenging you to tell me who your hero is. Who inspires you and makes you a better person?

For me, it was my mother. That woman was so much to me. I’m blessed to have had a very close relationship with her. I know not all of us are. So who is your hero? Tell me. I want to know.

Because I’m just a bit sad, just a bit raw, just a bit ouchy, I’m going to tell you this again. I love you. It’s important to me to tell you that.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Saille, The Celtic Tree Oracle: A System of Divination,1988