Today’s card is not a card. It’s a drawing by Lisa Hunt. Lisa drew this as part of her illustrations for my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads book. The spread is my Mirror, Mirror spread which uses the theme of the self-identity.
In Snow White the mirror, to me, represents many things. Reflecting on ourselves. Looking at others through the mirror. Mirrors are popular divination tools as well as ways to scare ourselves (anyone ever play “Bloody Mary”?). And what about the ways our society tells us we should appear? If we are to believe the fashion industry, women need to be six feet tall, 110 pounds, and blonde. Men must be muscular and dark. But is this what you would spend your life fighting to be? What a fashion mogul sees? I didn’t think so.
So I decided to apply this lesson of the fairy tale to a Tarot spread. I wanted to find out how we look at ourselves. What reflection do we see? What do others see in our mirror of ourselves? And how can we break our obstacles that we set up for ourselves? I decided that the magical mirror of the stepmother would be the vehicle for this tarot spread.
This illustration really captures the energy of this spread for me. Lisa shows how we sometimes don’t see our real selves in the looking glass. And we have a choice to do that. We can set our intentions to see the beautiful soul or we can see what our old tapes insist we see. Fat. Ugly. Unkempt.
I know which I’d rather see, don’t you? I saw a quote today by Viktor E. Frankl that really spoke to me. It seems to capture this energy as well.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
So for your 180 seconds today, will you commit to making sure you pay attention to the spaces? Before you react, pause. Think. Reflect. Let your choice be the positive one.
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Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!