Hoops, Gratitudes & Magnets

Y’all, the two things that have literally saved me from being a crazy, neurotic, needs-to-be-saved woman are as follows:

Today’s card reminds me of something my therapist asked me today. Yes, I see a therapist regularly. I find it really helps to have her insight into my life. I’ve seen her for 3 or 4 years now. Highly recommend her as well if you are in Austin. 😀

Any who! I digress. She asked me what I was grateful for this year. I had to laugh when I said:

The stress at my job because I learned how to navigate it.

My relationship with all of its bumps and bounces along the way because it taught me what to value.

My family because I’ve learned what is really important.

And so many other things that might have taken me under just a few years ago.

Y’all, the two things that have literally saved me from being a crazy, neurotic, needs-to-be-saved woman are as follows:

1. I can only control what is in my hula hoop.

2. Seek joy, y’all.

Those two life philosophies turned me around. I’ve learned how to gently release negative people. I’ve become a joy magnet attracting other like-minded folk. I’ve made a difference in my own life. Others have told me I’ve made a difference in theirs as well. That makes me cry. Joyfully.

The 7 of Pentacles is traditionally a card of the gardener. We see someone in a garden or field usually at rest. They are reflecting on the work it took to get them to where they are now.

Take some time. Reflect on your year. What are you grateful for? It doesn’t have to be like mine. This is about you. I would love to know what your gratitudes are.

And as a side note, if you have gotten a copy of , let me know. I’ll add you to the private Facebook group. If you want to be added that is. Let me know. 😀 Don’t know what that is? See my post about it here.

So gratitude. What does it look like to you for 2012?

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

7 of Pentacles, Archeon Tarot Deck, U.S. Games 2005

Psst, I want to do a shout out for Amethyst Mahoney’s Limitless Abundance Breakthrough Session. Have you heard about it?