Today’s card is a reminder that sometimes love can be a freak show. And I’m okay with that. Are you? Even though I’m a romance writer (Marilu Mann), I know that not all heroes are buff-bodied, danger-seeking alphas. I know that not all heroines are lithe, leather-clad, pistol-toting hunters.
Often the hero and heroine both belong in some side show. Or so we think. It’s that attitude that can trip us up. We may struggle to tame our inner freak in order to love the wrong freak. Note: I think we are all freaks to someone. And that’s a good thing.
The first person we have to love in our personal freak show is ourselves. We are most likely the freakiest of the bunch to ourselves because know one knows us better than we do.
So when you are considering love and lovers and partnerships and relationships and worships and any ol’ kind of ship…keep in mind that the captain of your ship is a freak. Love that freak. And, as we say here in Austin, let your freak flag fly!
Lovers, American Obscura Tarot by Misha Huntting, 2011
Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on.
Pssst, want some joy of your own? Check out my new Zazzle shop. I’ll be adding more in the near future.