[Tweet ” I negotiate life’s bumps by screaming WHEEE as I fling my hands up in the air.”]

So today, our challenge was to write about fun and finding fun. Turns out that’s a hard subject for your joy seeker today.
This weekend has not been a grand one. Oh, I found joy, but I had to work at it. Hard. Then I get up this morning only to receive some more bad news. Not “someone is dying” bad news, but damned close to that for me.
I’m scrambling right now to find my happy. I know it’s here. I can generate a bit of it by watching birds at my feeder. A little wren scolded me as I filled the feeder. Seems he or she felt that I was lax in my duties. Apparently I should have the feeder hooked up to an auto dispenser. 😀
So what do you do to find joy when the least bad thing in your day is your A/C going out on a Texas summer day?
This photo is by my friend Julie Olsen. It’s of a dahlia from her own yard. I love the pink and yellow bloom. The way all those petals spread out? That’s joy right there. Thank you for letting me use your photo, Julie. It’s nearly as pretty as you are.
Today’s affirmation:
Joy finds me. I am healthy. I am creative. I negotiate life’s bumps by screaming WHEEE as I fling my hands up in the air. I am a joy-seeking missile meeting joy halfway. I breathe in love. I exhale joy. I am connected to the web. Loved and loving I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Dahlia, Julie Olsen 2014