Burdens, Busses & No

Today’s card reminds me of that children’s game Pick Up Sticks. Only this is a less fun adult version. In this version, instead of only picking the sticks that won’t bring the pile crashing down, you are to pick up as many sticks as you can. The goal here is to see how much you can carry.

Oh! Did I mention that you will also have to keep moving and probably get asked to pick up more sticks as you go?


I know, right. Sounds unfair. I mean who says you have to pick up all these burdens and do all this stuff while you are just trying to move down the road.



About that. The person asking isn’t nearly as the person saying, “Yes, I can do that.”

And if you aren’t sure who is agreeing to this, then, sugar, it’s time to check your mirror again.

At some point, you must slam your foot down. You must learn to say no. How on earth can you find joy if you are doing so much busy work? And yes, some of that “if I don’t do it no one else will” crap is just you saying “I need to feel needed so I’m going to do this”.

Sorry, but it is. Reality check. If you got hit by a bus today, someone would take up where you left off. If you say, “No, I can’t join that committee”, trust me, someone will step up.

One of life’s little secrets? You don’t have to do it all.

The 10 of Wands here (from the Witches Tarot, Llewellyn, 2012) shows someone trying to carry a huge bundle up a rocky road. He’s been at it so long, looks like some of those sticks have sprouted. So he’s going to have more work.

What can you let go of? What is just filler? What is just you being a bit afraid to be alone? That being alone isn’t life-threatening. It can be a chance to meditate, do some YOU work.

So practice it with me. “No, I can’t.”

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

10 Wands, Witches Tarot, Llewellyn 2012

Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* …

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* Continue reading “Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole”