How A Fool Does Wander: Revisited

Mary-El_FoolToday’s card is a reminder that I need to finish something. Here is the start of what I need to finish.

I am a storyteller by nature. I write as part of the writing team of Marilu Mann with my best friend, Cai Smith. Together we have three novels currently under contract with Ellora’s Cave Publishing. (EDIT: We now have eight so you can tell how long I’ve been working on this!) You can find out more about that here if you like. I also write a column for Tarot World magazine. (UPDATE: This magazine suffered a dismal death.) That column is called Fool’s Corner which is geared towards offering information to help anyone beginning their journey with Tarot.

I wanted to tell a story about the Fool as he went about his travels through the other Major Arcana. Most Tarot decks start with 0, Zero, Void, the Fool. The Fool is so fluid as he dances through the other 21 Majors. Here is his first encounter with something other than his own brash impulsive nature. Consider how his first impulsive step hurtles him into the path of the other cards.

The day dawned sunny and bright. Our hero, known to everyone as The Fool, decided that such a lovely day deserved a journey. So he grabbed a cloth and put a few things he found important in it then twisted it up on a stick. Whistling for his companion, The Fool headed out the door.

Coming to a split in the road, The Fool had to make a decision. As he never worried too much about these things, The Fool closed his eyes and twirled about three times. Then he took the the fork in front of him.

As he sauntered down the path, he hummed a merry tune. Those notes died in his throat when he saw a strange sight. A man in robes stood before a stone table.

The Fool, never one to keep silent, blurted out, “What are all these things about you, sir? Why do you need them? I only have my dog and my bag on my stick. I trust that the Universe will provide for me as I go throught my journey. Do you?”

“Ah, young one, you have just begun and I am only the beginning. The objects you see are the Wand of Movement, the Sword of Inspiration, the Cup of Love and the Coin of Prosperity. Once I was as you were. Then I found that I could create what I wanted if I had the tools and the key.”

“The key?” The Fool perked his ears like a dog might when they sight a cat.”What is the key? Can you give me this key?”

“I can give you the name of the key, young one, but you must find it within yourself. The name is Will. You must find it for yourself or it means nothing. And all the tools in the world are nothing without it.”

The Magician turned back to his tools and focused once again. He called energy from the Earth and Sky into himself to be forged into his own Intent.

And the Fool journeyed on wondering where he might find this Will that the Magician spoke of.

As the Fool wandered down his path looking for Will. He asked a butterfly he passed if it had seen Will?

“No, but the Lady might know! Follow me!”

….Read the rest of the Fool’s Journey here.

Follow along as he meets the Major Arcana. I’m up to Judgment…. Just need to finish with the World.

Fool, Mary El Tarot, Schiffer

Frida, Beverly & Passion

You want to bring your voice into the story. It’s really the only reason to tell a story to me. So others can see things how I see them if only for a few hundred pages at a time.

Oh darlings! Sorry for the lateness of today’s thought. I did a reading with a beautiful soul then dove into my book, Mapping The Hero’s Journey. I will just share a bit of that with you today as I am consumed with the passion of this.
Fire, like all the elements has both good and bad inherent. You can’t cook a decent steak without a flame, but you can also burn Chicago down if you aren’t careful. A lot of fire showing in a story arc always makes me think of a passionately lived life like that of Frida Kahlo or Beverly Sills. How does fire make you feel? It’s important to take your own slant into consideration when working with the Tarot—especially as a writer. You want to bring your voice into the story. It’s really the only reason to tell a story to me. So others can see things how I see them if only for a few hundred pages at a time.

So what is your story that you want to tell? What burns you up until you weep with joy when you can finally share it? Is it a story? A song? A ceramic pot? A well-groomed dog? A successful child? Your passion isn’t my passion as mine isn’t yours. We have different fires within us that urge us forward to make a difference in our worlds.

Go out today and make that change. Burn with passion. Let yourself dream huge. The Universe and I both are here to cheer you on. You go, girl. You go, boy. Go. Burn. Be the it kid. I love you and I know you can do this.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Dolphins April 2012, personal collection of Arwen Lynch

Whoa. I think this is a picture by the professional photographer. I took a bunch but I also got some from him via my company. Not sure this is mine

The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Judgment

Fool?” The angel queried. “I must know your answer. If you say no, your journey is done. If you say yes, I can promise you this. There is only one more to speak with about this matter of finding your Will.”

Where the Fool was last.

The Fool’s belly growled loudly. He stood for a moment. First he looked where the Sun had been then he turned to see where his little white companion had gone. He couldn’t see either but he could hear the sharp yipping of the dog who seemed to have caught wind of some prey.

“Maybe we can eat it.” Continue reading “The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Judgment”

Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets The Sun

The Fool rolled over on his back. A bright light burned through his closed eyes. He opened them only to gasp as he threw his arm up to protect his eyes. What could be so bright?

Where the Fool was last.
The Fool dreamed of sunflowers and sunny days where no harm came to anyone. His dreams were moon-blessed so they were very joyful. But he did wake up hungry.

The Fool rolled over on his back. A bright light burned through his closed eyes. He opened them only to gasp as he threw his arm up to protect his eyes. What could be so bright? Continue reading “Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets The Sun”

Musings on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Moon

… The Moon sighed. “No, Fool. That was just me giving you a boost of your intuition. You will need it for your life as well as your journey. Now you must rest. I will give you pleasant dreams.”

“Please Moon,” the Fool interrupted. “Can you tell me how to get out of this pond?”

“Ah yes, but first you must tell me what you know about the crayfish, the wolf and the dog.”

When last we left our Fool, he’d been given a hopeful message by the Star. She’d told him that his journey was nearly over. But even with that message of hope, the Fool didn’t sleep nearly as easily as he thought he should. Continue reading “Musings on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Moon”

The Fool Meets The Star

This is an ongoing project that I started June 3, 2008. I pick it back up when I am moved to do so.

When last we left our Fool, he’d been shocked to his very core by the unending tragedy of the Tower. But instead of giving in to his fears, he remarked to his faithful little White dog…

Rider Waite Smith FoolThis is an ongoing project that I started June 3, 2008. I pick it back up when I am moved to do so.

When last we left our Fool, he’d been shocked to his very core by the unending tragedy of the Tower. But instead of giving in to his fears, he remarked to his faithful little White dog, Continue reading “The Fool Meets The Star”

Musings on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets The Tower

When we last left our foolish Fool, he’d just met the tempting Devil who offered him the answer to his journey if he would place himself in chains. The Fool refused.

So frightened had he been that he’d run until Continue reading “Musings on the Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets The Tower”

Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Devil

When we last left our foolish Fool, he’d just met the enigmatic Temperance. The angel warned him that he had to pass the tests of two frightening individuals.

After he forded the stream, the Fool looked back once to see the angel once again focused on the items in hand. He shrugged his shoulders. Nothing could be as bad as Death had been. So he set a brisk pace with his trusty little dog by his side.

The scenery of the open road changed. The trees grew sparse. Dirt beneath his feet gave way to cobblestones.

“I think we must be coming to a town, dog.” The dog gave a short, sharp yip in response.

Then he saw it. Continue reading “Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets the Devil”

Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Temperance

When we last left our foolish Fool, he’d just met the very scary Death who told him to seek out “the one who balances.” Even though the Fool had more questions, Death had left him only telling him to stay on the path he was on.

So the Fool continued down the dusty road. He carried his little dog for a bit since he wasn’t sure that skeletal rider wouldn’t show back up. When the canine began to wiggle and whine, the Fool put him down on the ground. With a sigh, he adjusted his stick carrying his belongings wondering if he would ever find Continue reading “Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Temperance”

Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Death

rws_foolThe Fool ran. He held on to his hat with both hands. No way was he losing his hat. That warning from the Hanged Man had been clear. He needed to hang on to his hat so he did. Then his pace slowed. His thoughts continued to race.

Death. He had to face Death next. How many had he come face-to-face with so far? The Fool counted on his fingers. Then he sat down to Continue reading “Musings On The Fool’s Journey: The Fool Meets Death”