Haunted Open House

Join me at Nancy Gideon’s Haunted Open House online. She’s giving things away.

Chrysalis_3EmpressFirst, I wanted to let y’all know about an interview I did. Author Nancy Gideon has an annual Haunted Open House blog that she does. She interviewed me for this. The results are up today…complete with a contest!

[Tweet “Interview about #Tarot + writing + #contest http://bit.ly/1szFIIg #amwriting #NaNoWriMo”]


I talk about how I use Tarot for writing.

I hope you will stop by to say hello.

Today’s affirmation is:

I understand my unique heart and mind. I follow my honest self joyfully. I imagine all people filled with joy. I seek fellow dreamers who hold their lives in joy-filled hands and hearts. I define myself by my own definitions remembering that others have their own paths. Today is about living, loving and being joy-filled. Loved and loving, I love each of you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Thanks so much for sharing this post! I’ll see you over at the Haunted Open House.

Empress, Chrysalis Tarot, U.S. Games Systems, INC

TarotBlogHop: Joy & Solstice


Welcome to the Solstice 2014 Tarot Blog Hop.

What’s a Blog Hop? Well, it’s when several bloggers (in our case twenty-one) all connect to one another to create a chain. Every six weeks, one of us takes on the role of wrangler. Their job is to give us a topic.

Our wrangler is Olivia from First Earth Tarot. I love love love her topic because it is simply joy. Yep, joy. Y’all know I love that message.

[Tweet “Olivia asked, “How do you spread joy?“”]

zentangle_seekjoyAffirmations. It was the first word out of my mouth. I do affirmations nearly every day on my Facebook page. I do them for me because it helps me stay on track with what I do.

I am a professional joy seeker. I take that very seriously. You might even say that I hold it as a sacred geas I’ve put upon myself.

So what do you do with affirmations? I find that they work best when I read them out loud several times during the day.

ZentangleTherapyJoyOne way I come up with my daily affirmations is to randomly draw a Tarot card. Then I use that message to craft my affirmation. A key to creating an affirmation is to word it in the present tense. You want to foster the energy of it already being here.

Another thing is to avoid the negative. So rather than “I will not smack the people who make me angry” you would perhaps phrase it “I am stronger than those who annoy me.”

So try if you like. Pull a card then write your affirmation. Share it below. Here’s mine including the card I pulled.

WakingTheWildSpirit_1AirToday I am a joy seeker. Today I am a joy magnet. Today joy covers me. I open my arms, my heart, my mind to the beauty of living a joyful life. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all.

Quotangle, Arwen Lynch, 2013

P. to the S. My alter-ego, Marilu Mann, is giving away $100 in Amazon gift cards. Today is the very last day to enter!


Zentangles by Stephanie Arwen Lynch-Poe

Card featured: Ace of Air from the Waking The Wild Spirit Tarot (OOP)

Gorgons, Love & Affirmations

Today’s thought? Too much sturm and drang, baby. Too. Much. Everyone seems to be pissy–even me. I have caught myself being super judgmental and exceptionally mean these past few weeks.

So I pulled a card at random…

The Gorgon's Tarot, the Lovers
The Gorgon’s Tarot

Today’s thought? Too much sturm and drang, baby. Too. Much. Everyone seems to be pissy–even me. I have caught myself being super judgmental and exceptionally mean these past few weeks.

So I pulled a card at random from The Gorgon’s Tarot by Dolores Fitch (Schiffer Publishing).

Whoop.There it is.

[Tweet “Speak love or speak not at all. That’s the phrase that came to me when I saw this card.”]

This is a round Tarot (kudos to Schiffer for producing a round Tarot since they are very hard to print from what I hear.) It is in black and white with some rare accents of red here and there.

The box is one of the things Schiffer does the best. Sturdy with a magnetic closure, this box is about the size of a hardback book. The cards and LWB nestle nicely inside.

I’m fascinated by the artwork because it reminds me a bit of the art of Zentangle which I indulge in.

This deck doesn’t shy away from unusual artistic interpretations while still holding on to tradition. Here we see the man and woman looking up at the spirit. Well, she’s looking but his eyes are cast toward her.

So only one of them is really getting the message. Sounds like more than one relationship, doesn’t it?

Communication is important. Right now, for me, communication with love as the message is more important. I’m going to do my best to sit on myself for one more week. I tend to get really cranky during Mercury Retrogrades (even when I don’t know they are coming!)

Affirmation for today:

I speak love. I repeat love. I stay open to love. I turn my ears away from meanness. I offer comfort when there is sadness. I offer peace when there is anger. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Lovers, The Gorgon’s Tarot, Schiffer Publishing

P. to the S., my alter-ego, Marilu Mann, is giving away $100 in Amazon gift cards. Contest ends tomorrow. Enter here.

CHARACTER READING: Clare Cermak, Ghost Seer

Ghost SeerToday’s reading is for Clare Cermak. She’s the heroine of a brand-new series by Robin D. Owens.

OwensWebsite The following bit was swiped and diced right from Robin’s site!

RITA® Award Winning novelist Robin D. Owens credits the telepathic cat with attitude in selling her first futuristic/fantasy romance, HeartMate, published in December 2001. Since then she has written thirteen books in the series, Heart Fortune the latest in August, 2011.

Her newest stories, about an uptight accountant who sees Old West ghosts and helps them move on, will start with Ghost Seer in April of 2014. She is profoundly thankful to be recipient of the 2004 Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Writer of the Year award as well as the 2011 Writer of the Year Award, the Colorado Romance Writers Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2010 Best Paranormal and Best of the Best Daphne Du Maurier Award…actually, after winning an award she tends to dance around bored cats.

Now meet Clare. She’s the heroine of Ghost Seer, book one in the Ghostlayer series by Robin. D. Owens. This book is out today, April 1, 2014. No Foolin’!

Arwen: How do you see the people around you?

The 10 of Earth in this deck is about responsibilities changing. It’s about the end of one journey even as another begins. There are those near you that haven’t gotten the message that their journey is complete.

You see these individuals as tasks or jobs. Your sense of responsibility to them is very strong. Almost as though you were the only one that could really understand their stories.

So you see them as things you must do. Be careful you don’t make their needs the priorities on your to-do list, Clare. You must make room for your own journey, yes?

Clare’s Response: My life HAS changed with my inheritance from my…eccentric…Great-Aunt Sandra. But I do have the responsibility of handling her estate. Being responsible is very important to me, unlike my parents, so maybe I do go overboard. Still, you may be right, since I’m having, uh, visions of apparitions…you know, ghosts. Ghosts of the Old West. And that goofy ghost Labrador…Enzo. But I’m sure that will pass.

Arwen: How are you seen by the people around you?

They see you as a bit sad. You give off the impression that you are happy being alone and don’t really need others in your world. Still, I have to wonder if they really get you.

Clare, this card tells me that you have created some walls, some boundaries where relationships are concerned. You have some old emotional baggage that you may be letting weigh you down.

I would ask you if you are ready to let go of the navel-gazing and get out into the world again. Question who you are still answering too when you don’t need to be. Who is still in control of your emotional responses?

Clare’s Response: Everyone has issues and baggage. I’ve been happy with my choices. And I DON’T have a new “gift.” Enzo is WRONG. The doctors will clear me.

Arwen: What is your most important goal?

The Ace of Earth is the card that says you have a new project going on. Maybe a business endeavor that you want to grow. Your goal is to plant your success in the here and now.

Still I wonder if you are simply wanting to start again. This is a card of “re” beginning. There is a message that starting over is important to you.

What are you in the process of replanting for yourself? Perhaps these are goals that you didn’t even know were important until just recently?

Clare’s Response: Well, I have a lot of money now, and someone else can use my good job. But the ghost of a gunfighter is appearing at the end of my bed at night, demanding I find things for him so he can redeem himself for his cruelest act.

Then he can move on to wherever they move on to. Enzo says he’s my first project, and if I continue to ignore ghosts I will die. I’m not sure about that.

The best thing is that I have met a very hot and interesting guy, Zach Slade, who finds me interesting, too. My most important goal is to stay alive and sane.

Arwen: Where do you get your strength from?

Five of Air is an unusual source of strength. This is a card that can point to a love of debate and verbal sparring. Are you one of those who love to converse and learn?

This tells me that your mental powers are your greatest strength. While they may not be conventional and they may cause others grief, you can truly soar when you allow your mind the freedom it needs.

You get strength from unconventional places but this may not sit well with you.

Clare’s Response: My strength is from my gypsy heritage, from what I made myself, from the new friends who are helping me and Zach…and from my new gift. I DO make a difference to spirits who need me to help them transition. I can accept that.

Arwen: Why do you want to be remembered?

For me, this is one of the most important things we can learn about ourselves. It is what drives us to do what we do. Your card is the Guardian of Fire or the Queen of Wands.

Here is our passionate Clare who is driven to help because it saves her. You don’t reach out because you can. You reach out because you must. You are driven by an inner passion.

This card also shows that you would like to be remembered for all that you do and not just part. You want to be acknowledged as a whole person rather than the tasks you accomplish.

Clare’s Response: I sure want to be remembered as Clare, Zach’s lover, who helped him. As the person who accepted and fulfilled her destiny, than just as someone who fought evil and moved apparitions on.

Go here to read an excerpt of this first book in Robin’s newest series.

Robin has generously offered three copies of Ghost Seer. To win, share this post on any social network. Then leave a comment with the link to your share.  Your email will be entered for every link you share (one per each social network please.)

Can’t wait to see if you won the contest? You can buy it right now.

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

Tarotscopes for March 30-April 5, 2014

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. What’s up for your sign for the week of March 30-April 5, 2014?

If you are reading this on Sunday, I’m running a contest. One person will get a free 3card/1question reading by email. It’s a Twitter contest so you will need an account. 😀 Contest ends at midnight PST (so 3am Eastern).

[Tweet “I read my @tarotscopes this week. I might win a reading. #tarot #contest”]

Dark Goddess Tarot
Dark Goddess Tarot
  • AQUARIUS HAG OF EARTH Watch over your own world. Be present in your own home. Take care of your own cares. Rule your immediate self first.
  • PISCES DESCTRUCTION May have to tear down some preconceived notions about self. Deconstruct what is to rebuild what you would be. Work hard.
  • ARIES FIVE OF AIR So many ideas. So many people wanting bits of you. Time to tie your hair back. Choose what YOU want to do then do that.
  • TAURUS TEN OF WATER Consider all those emotionally attached to you and you to them. How can you foster deeper connections? Good time for that.
  • GEMINI ACE OF AIR By focusing on what you WILL have, you can have it. No time to be indecisive. Intentions set now must be followed through.
  • CANCER WITCH OF WATER Past, present, future all connected by heart. Reach back to resolve. Look forward to hope. Nurture your own first.
  • LEO STRENGTH Yes, you can. Remind them that your mind is a fearsome thing when set. Choose to support those who support you. Will makes it happen.
  • VIRGO SEVEN OF AIR Sometimes you must take what you can. Solve problems with your mind rather than brute force. Puzzles abound. Solve them.
  • LIBRA FOUR OF EARTH Money can be a riddle. Riches to be attained but makes lists first. Know the answers before they ask the questions.
  • SCORPIO MAGICIAN As you will it, so it happens. Putting your tools to work creates a surprisingly prosperous week. Open to what you can do.
  • SAGITTARIUS HIEROPHANT Rules exists to be followed as long as they make sense. If you must bend them, do so cautiously. Many watch this week.
  • CAPRICORN TEN OF AIR The whip you use on yourself is harsh. Be gentle with you, please. Stop making yourself the enemy if you want to win.

I’ve got ten slots open this week for email readings. So if you’ve got a burning question, email me. If you are one of the first ten, I’ll contact you with how to pay. It’s $25 for a three card reading.

And please do set a reminder for 10pm Eastern, 3/31 (that’s tomorrow) to join me on You Never Know with Arwen as I chat with Bitten By Books founder and owner, Rachel Smith. Juicy insider secrets may be leaked! Rumors could be started. You never know.

Today’s deck is the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Geeks, Sex + Contests

Oh yeah, I got a great big kick in the ass that nudged me right over the edge and got in my face without any kind of apology for it. Still hurts, but I wouldn’t have it any other way now.

Today I’m sharing a reading I did for Alex Cross. Alex is a geek you see and he needs love. He’s been having a bit of a hard time finding it. Sara Brookes asked me to help him out. Now I should be clear about one thing. Alex is a figment of Sara’s imagination.

Welcome to my Character Readings! I pull five cards for a fictional character and their author answers as the character. This is a lot of fun for me. I will always let you know if I have read the book first. Normally I have not. Since today is release day for Sara Brookes latest–Break Me In, you can be assured I haven’t read this one–yet!

So I’d like to welcome Alex Cross to the blog today. Let’s see what his reading says.

Arwen: How do you see the people around you?
Well you see them as happy and in love and having the life you don’t. Family is very important to you but you don’t think you deserve that, do you? This is the 10 of Cups.

This is the card of Happily Ever After, Alex. What most of us want to achieve. Yet this is you looking from the outside in. What holds you back?

And look at all the cups here. Do you depend too much on other things to see you through? Do you allow other things to ease your pain of not having this happiness you see in others around you?

Perhaps this is someone you lost and you still see your happiness reflected in “could have beens”?

Alex’s Response:
That is…eerily accurate. I watched my brother fall head over heels with the love of his life while my marriage was falling apart. And when I finally accepted my wife was never going to accept me for who I was, what I wanted, I drown my sorrows searching for the bottle of every bottle I could find.

Arwen: How are you seen by the people around you? Uh oh! They see you as someone who steals from themselves. Not a thief to be afraid of, but someone who denies themselves the joys of life. This is the Seven of Swords.

Alex, they would love to help you change your way of thinking. The swords here represent your own battles with yourself and there are those near you who would like to help you stop hurting yourself.

Alex’s Response:
You’re right, I’ve denied something about myself for a very long time. I was lying to myself, too, something I’m now on the path to rectifying.

Arwen: What is your most important goal? Judgment is a HUGE card here. This says that you have set your mind to rising up. You have realized that you have issues that need to be addressed. You are ready to move on them and change yourself. This is the card of Judgment.

You also have something to prove to someone other than yourself, I think. This goal is to show them that you are more than they said you were. Those words hurt but you have used them to get strong.

This goal is transcending your own blocks. Good job!

Alex’s Response:
Oh yeah, I got a great big kick in the ass that nudged me right over the edge and got in my face without any kind of apology for it. Still hurts, but I wouldn’t have it any other way now.

Arwen: Where do you get your strength from? The Nine of Cups is the make a wish card. An intriguing response to this question about strength. You make wishes come true—for yourself and for others. It’s a gift. Here is the Nine of Cups.

Your strength, Alex, is that you know how important belief and faith are. You understand on a molecular level that trust is the key to all good things. Your strength comes from your ability to trust that someone really does want what’s best for you.

Alex’s Response:
I didn’t fully understand trust until recently. Something happened that made me realize somebody I thought I loved and was destined to spend the rest of my life with was just using my trust against me. It really opened my eyes to a lot of things, mostly to a woman who was standing right in front of me all along.

Arwen: Why do you want to be remembered?
Ye Gods, man! Death? Don’t panic. This card is about transformation so complete that there is no going back to the old Alex.

You want to be remembered as a man who remade himself. As someone who used painful changes to become a better human being.

Death is a hard card if you don’t hold on to the fact that it is about change. Painful, unyielding change that you can’t go back from.

But I think maybe you don’t want to go back to your former self, do you? This Death of old self is a very good thing to be remembered for. Perhaps you will serve as a good example for someone else.

Alex’s Response:
I don’t want to go back to the old me. I have very few good things to say about him. Other than he helped me get to where I am today—spending my life with the woman I love, and who loves me right back. So maybe I should thank him.

Need to read a bit more? Check out an excerpt from Alex’s tale here.

And there’s a contest!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ready to just get the darn book? Me too! Click here.

Itching to finish a book or get one started? Got a story that must be told (and sold)? I invite you to take my e-course. You will have , journal prompts and handouts to help you on your journey to FINISH THE DAMNED BOOK.

Can Spills Make You Happy?

I love this card. Each one has a symbol starting with the four elements on the bottom row. Water flows down to fill the top one. That fills up and spills out to fill up the next and so on with the last row spilling out to return to the source.

SevenfoldMystery_10CupsToday’s card reminds me of how fortunate I am to be able to draw breath. Even in the hard times, knowing I’m alive and breathing is a plus. I’m still a bit sad about D’s death on Friday, but the family attitude has been one of peace. That’s very helpful. I’ll see nearly all of them next week at the service. I am looking forward to that.

Here we have the Ten of Cups from Robert M. Place’s Sevenfold Mystery Tarot. This was a Kickstarter project that I supported. I do love having the finished product in my hand. Can’t wait to see the Stolen Child Tarot. Have you reserved your copy? It’s only $24 and if we don’t get enough folks, it just won’t happen. Don’t make the Arwen sad. Go pledge today! Only 11 days left so we need to push this.

Speaking of pledges, I pledged to have my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook out before my birthday. I’ve done it! It’s here. It’s available. Read this month’s newsletter to find out how to order your copy. It’s an ebook/pdf file. You can print it if you prefer paper in hand. 😀

Pssst, I also announced who won the 1 hour reading with me on that link.

I love this card. Each one has a symbol starting with the four elements on the bottom row. Water flows down to fill the top one. That fills up and spills out to fill up the next and so on with the last row spilling out to return to the source.

This card, for me (without having looked at the meanings at all) says that we are all connected to the Source. That we have the ability to not only be filled up but to fill others up. That connection is important.

Do you know that you fill me with joy? That every comment, every sharing, every one of you brings me such amazing joy? Thank you. The joy you bring me allows me to fill up and spill over back to you. We are connected. That connection sustains me.

For your 180 seconds today, think about who makes you happy and you make happy. Don’t dwell on those who don’t get it. They will. Today’s three minutes is simply for who you make happy and who makes you happy.

I do hope you will consider buying a copy of my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook, darlings. Did I mention it’s 30 pages and it’s illustrated by Lisa Hunt?

If you got the book during my (AFF), remind me via email. I’ll get you your copy of the illustrated version.

10 of Cups, Sevenfold Mystery Tarot, Robert M. Place

Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on.

The Cards of Life and Death

cardsgleasonWhat would you do if you could ask a writer questions and have them answered? I was so lucky to have Colleen Gleason (international best selling author) do just that. I found out about a book she wrote called The Cards of Life and Death. I happened to know Colleen through a writing association (RWA is an invaluable asset) so I sent her a quick tweet that her book had popped up on a Tarot discussion. Then I asked if she would do an interview. Man, is she fast. It’s like she a professional writer or something.

Oh wait. She is. Not only does she write as Colleen Gleason, she also writes as Joss Ware. This woman is a talented storyteller and you would be doing yourself a favor to read her books. I read my first Gleason novel, The Rest Falls Away, after getting a signed copy at an RWA event a few years back. WOW. Regency vampires with a real twist that took my breath away. And she is multifaceted as well. But let me stop raving about Colleen and let you hear from her yourself.

1. Do you read tarot yourself?

Colleen: I have read books about Tarot and have always been fascinated by it, but I don’t really read cards. I find the entire concept fascinating, though, and I believe that a person who understands the elements of each card can open his or her mind and truly find guidance.

Thought I don’t read Tarot, I do use Oracle cards for daily guidance and affirmation. I think it’s because they are simpler for me to understand. 😉

2. Why use tarot in this story?

Colleen: As I mentioned, I’ve always found Tarot fascinating, and I believe there is some truth to it. But the core of the story came when I learned that cards should be wrapped in black, and protected from other people using them. It got me to wondering what would happen to a deck of Tarot after its owner died…and what if that owner wanted to send a message. Thus I came up with the idea of a “haunted” deck of Tarot, where the ghost/spirit of the owner (or even the cards themselves) are trying to send a message to a young woman who is filled black and white logic and doesn’t believe in psychic messages.

3. Do you have a deck you prefer?

Colleen: I own the Angels Tarot which I think is beautiful, and I used the the Rider-Waite deck images to describe the cards in my book The Cards of Life and Death. I’d like to get a steampunk Tarot deck because I’m sure it would be lovely.

4. Have you ever used tarot to help plot a story or create a character?

Colleen: I’ve tried! I started a class that was for writers who wanted to use the Tarot for this purpose. But I didn’t have time to finish the class, and sort of let it go.

I’m sure I will again some time, because I feel that the Tarot can help to open your mind to the subconscious–and I wholly believe that all my stories area already planted and flourishing in my subconscious….I just have to find them.

5. What surprised you the most about writing this story?

Colleen: How well the cards fit in with the story itself; how well the cards could represent what was happening to the main character Diana. It was effortless for me to figure out how the cards, which were giving her messages she tried to ignore, could fit in and represent character development. I really enjoyed using that element, and I hope that Tarot readers enjoy the story–and that I didn’t make any glaring mistakes! 😉

Here’s a bit about this terrific story from Colleen Gleason.

The Cards of Life and Death

A small-town summer romance spiced up with moonlit boat rides, handsome neighbors, and a haunted deck of Tarot cards….

Diana Iverson is a sharp, up and coming malpractice attorney with a logical, scientific mind and a handsome fiance–until the rug is pulled out from under her feet and her life is upended.

When her crazy Aunt Belinda dies, leaving her a big old house in Maine along with a box of Tarot cards, Diana takes the opportunity for a summer get-away away from the rat-race of Boston and the painful memories there.

She doesn’t expect to meet up with Ethan Tannock, the handsome neighbor next door who seems to be some sort of eccentric ghost-buster–along with his big, black Labrador Retriever.

But when the old house becomes the scene of vandalism and a number of break-ins, and it begins to appear as if Aunt Belinda’s death was not as it seemed, Diana finds that life isn’t always black and white and filled with logic.

And then there are Aunt Belinda’s Tarot cards…which seem to be trying to tell her something from beyond the grave.


GOOD NEWS! The Cards of Life And Death (Kindle version) is on sale for .99 cents until Sunday! This is the second book but I believe it can be read as a stand alone. I am warning you now that you will want to read more of her work.

And check her out as Joss Ware at http://www.joss-ware.com. I recommend starting with Beyond The Night and not stopping.

I’d like to thank Colleen for doing this super fast interview with me. I’m so sold on her work that I will give away a $10 gift card to Amazon to buy one of her books. All you have to do is leave a meaningful comment on this post. If you want to get an extra entry, just share this post on Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest. Then tell me in a separate comment with a link to the share. So you can get four entries. Contest ends Friday at midnight PST. I’ll announce the winner on Sunday’s Tarotscopes.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Magic, Opportunity + Stars

StolenChild_StarToday’s card reminds me that magic happens. That sometimes things just fall into your lap. All you have to do is stay open to the possibility. And that, my darling dears, that can be so freaking hard when you are locked into a negative mode of thinking.

I was eagerly awaiting a Kickstarter project from a Tarot artist. I had already seen enough cards to know I wanted, no, needed the deck. The subject, the colors, the style–all of it sang to me. It sang to me the way my Gaian Tarot sings to me.

The name was a bit off-putting for some who weren’t familiar with the poem by the same name. The Stolen Child by Yeats is about a child who is taken away by faeries. The last line is heart breaking.

“For the world’s more full of weeping than he can understand.”

This deck captures that wish for, that trust in, the innocence of the world. It gives lyrical voice to the magic that so many of us seek and sometimes see. It is a joyful deck. I rarely buy Majors Only decks. I don’t see much use in them frankly (although Tarot enthusiasts like Paul Nagy and Mary K. Greer recently helped me see that a bit differently.)

Now this deck is seeking to find it’s way into the world as a full 78 card deck. Creatrix and fellow Austinite, Monica L. Knighton has launched an ambitious Kickstarter campaign. She’s staying open to the possibility that the Universe (and the rest of us) will support her by pre-buying decks.

For those not familiar with Kickstarter, there are two types of projects. One is a flexible funding in which the money you pledge immediately goes into the project. The other is fixed. That is what Monica has chosen.

This means if the project isn’t fully funded, it won’t happen. Yes, those are tears you see in my eyes at the thought of not holding this deck.

The last time I looked she was nearly 9% funded. That’s a good showing but she just started. Several things must happen for this to be a success. The first is that if you agree with me that this deck sees publication, then you go here and choose your level of support. I’ll tell you what that means in a moment.

The second thing is very important. You tell your friends at least twice a week. Seriously. We all think, “Oh I want to do that” but then get sidetracked. The interwebz are full of “oooh shiny.”

So pledge once and share twice a week. 😀

Pledging means you are going to get something for your money. Even the smallest donation of $5 gets a thank you from Monica. As you move up, you get more including artwork, jewelry and, of course, the deck itself.

You have to create a Kickstarter account (you can link it to your Facebook if you like.) If you have an Amazon account, you can link it to that. That’s what I do. Then I make a note in my calendar that X amount will be coming out on that day so I’m not surprised.

I’ve funded a lot of Kickstarter campaigns. Only one that fully funded has ever been a disappointment due to lack of communication from the artist (Dancer’s Tarot.) Or that was on Indiegogo but they are the same thing.

I have met Monica in person as well as chatted with her online about other projects. She is not the flake-out type. She creates and delivers.

You can pre-buy this deck for only $24 dollars which includes domestic shipping (there’s a $12 fee if you are outside of the US.) That’s the lowest amount where you get the deck. Levels go up from there.

You can get three for $64 which means if you and two friends go into together, you get your decks for less than the $24!

  • No, I don’t make a single dime off this.
  • No, I’m not sleeping with Monica.
  • No, she’s not blackmailing me.
  • No, I won’t unfriend you if you don’t support this deck.

I just think this deck needs to be in our hands. The colors, the art, the whole concept bring such joy to our world. I want you to be a part of this.

  • No, I won’t ask you individually if you did this.
  • Yes, I will be mentioning it again.

Oh, remember that opportunity thing? I had the opportunity to buy original art work from the Majors-Only project. When I saw the Star, I cried. It had my octopus, my nautilus and my otter all in one picture. Magic, I tell you. Magic.

I was able to buy that because I asked and was given the opportunity. I stayed open and it fell into my lap.

For your 180 seconds today, can you commit to staying open to the possibility of magical opportunity falling into your lap? Let me know by commenting.

Oh, the winner of the reading? Wendy Woodwife Green! Congratulations. Contact me and we will set that up.

Here’s the link to the Stolen Child Tarot project again: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/774786282/stolen-child-tarot-complete-the-78-card-deck

Star, The Stolen Child Tarot (Major-Only edition). Monica L. Knighton (No Borders Studio, Austin, TX)

Seek Joy,Y’all. Pass it on.

Goddesses, Androids & Contests

Goddess Tarot App by Kris Waldherr
I love Kris Waldherr’s artwork and writing. She’s a multi-talented gal who constantly stretches her own boundaries. I was blown away by the Goddess Tarot for iPhone app. Now I’ve learned that she’s expanded out to the Android market as well. So I wanted to share this app with you again. AND, there’s a giveaway at the bottom. You can win this for yourself!

Here’s some comments from folks about that app. Continue reading “Goddesses, Androids & Contests”