Have You Heard About That Camel?

10_wandsToday’s card is a reminder that of that old saw about that poor camel. You know the one, right? Where that last straw broke its back?

Yeah, that camel.
That straw.
That one more thing we try to do.

I make to-do lists. Sometimes I get them done. Sometimes, I treat them like Douglas Adams treated deadlines. I love to hear the whooshing noise as they fly past–undone.

Yesterday was one of the “get ‘er done” days. I came home from work and got all of them done PLUS I was able to watch two favorite shows with my stepson.

But as I went to bed I realized I’d forgotten to put two important things on that list. One of them was to write/schedule this post. OOPS!

So I had to get up earlier than planned this morning so I could get that done.

Not such a bad thing except I went to bed later than I planned because of other things that occurred. OOPS again.

This card is the Ten of Wands from the World Spirit Tarot. In our busy, rush-rush-rush lives, this may feel like a constant.

Just remember that we can help ourselves out of this by saying no. You don’t have to join every Facebook group. You don’t have to be on every committee. You don’t have to …. fill in the blank of anything else that snatches your time.

So make today about choosing the right things for yourself and not about choosing what you feel obligated to do.

Oh, and get some more sleep.

Wait. That may just be me.

For your 180 seconds, I challenge you to click this link and enjoy my April newsletter. Then share it. 😀

Yep, it’s a me-me-me thing I’m asking of you. Just three minutes of your time to help me spread the message of seeking joy, y’all.

10 of Wands, World Spirit Tarot

Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on.

3 thoughts on “Have You Heard About That Camel?”

  1. The sleep thing is definitely not just you – we’re such delicate creatures without enough shut-eye. Newsletter read and shared 🙂

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