Today’s card is a conundrum for me. Traditionally I see this card as a one of waiting for things to happen. Yet here is a woman doing what appears to be yoga. That’s not waiting.
HEY! UNIVERSE! She’s cheating! She’s meditating and doing yoga when she’s supposed to be waiting.
And yes, I do this. Do you? She’s found time and space to do something for herself while waiting for something else to happen. If you have five minutes free, what do you do with it?
What if you used it to just let your mind go quiet for that time? What if you used it to focus on an affirmation? What if you adjusted your rear view while stuck in a traffic jam just so you could tell yourself “I cherish you” or “I am beautiful?”
How about three minutes? Could you do it for 180 seconds?
So I’ve been asking y’all to give me three minutes a day to do one thing. Many of you have commented on these 180 second challenges. Thank you for all your feedback. Yes, I do them too.
Today’s challenge is hard in our busy world. One tip? Acknowledge the stray thoughts that come in. Let them flow. Don’t force yourself. Meditation is different for folks. Some of us like to visualize while others of us can’t see an apple no matter how hard we try. I’m one of the latter.
Don’t judge yourself.
Let yourself simply be in that three minutes. If you need to, repeat over and over “I’m just going to be quiet for 180 seconds” to block out other thoughts.
You don’t even have to do yoga…this time. 😀
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Three of Wands, Cosmic Tarot, US Games
Sorry, tonight I had to be noisy for a couple of minutes. Posted it as my status on my face book about Lt. Dan Choi. LOL!!
I know I’m coming late to this, but what it made me think of is how much I like the Three of Wands from Barbara Moore’s Steampunk Tarot, because the person there is actively engaging with his waiting. Hmm, perhaps all the more reason for me to take some quiet time… 😉