Tarotscopes for 2/24-3/2/2013

Do you want to show others that you are determined to be a professional Joy Seeker? I have some to help! Take a picture of you with your Joy Seeker stuff to get a 20% discount off a 30 minute or 60 minute session.

  • AQ 1Air Time to fly, precious. Time to unfurl those beautiful soul wings & soar. U can reach such heights. Head up. Heart up. Up!
  • PIC Strength What do U need to control? Is it w/i yr hula hoop? If no, let it go. Focus on self for best results. Dig down, darling!
  • ARI Emprss Abundant creativity heading yr way. Get out the crayons & the acrylics & scissors. Let yr heart out to play. Produce!
  • TAU KngWtr Yr heart knows the way. Stop pulling against it. Keep their secrets sacred but follow that emotional pull.
  • GEM HPS Please understand that U must find what U want inside yr own heart 1st. Stop looking for it in others. Believe yr gut.
  • CAN Moon Careful. Double check those impressions. Some shiny apples are rotten. Good wk to take this slow. Don’t commit just yet.
Let’s clear our space together.
  • LEO 3Fire Not a bad wk to learn a new dance move. Strut yr stuff, kitty. People are watching. People are noticing. Don’t hesitate.
  • VIR Lovers Nice wk to canoodle. No one to canoodle w/? Practice on that face in the mirror. Say nice things & take U out on a date.
  • LIB 1Pen Pause before spending. Budget now to have what U need later. Sock a bit away. Watch for business opportunity. Stay alert.
  • SCO 9Wtr Spread yr arms. Open yr heart. Express yr desires. Wishes come true this wk so make them good ones. Seek joy!
  • SAG Tree What do U want? What MUST U let go of? Sacrifice isn’t easy but the payoff is worth it. Can U discipline yrslf enough?
  • CAP Temp U can change the energies. U can mediate/moderate that into what U need. Don’t let others steal yr balance. Focus is key.

4 thoughts on “Tarotscopes for 2/24-3/2/2013”

  1. So, it’s time to unfurl the wings and fly for Aquarians? That’s just awesome, because I’ve just been using this metaphor in a comment on my own blog! There are no co-incidences 😀

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