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- AQ 1Air Time to fly, precious. Time to unfurl those beautiful soul wings & soar. U can reach such heights. Head up. Heart up. Up!
- PIC Strength What do U need to control? Is it w/i yr hula hoop? If no, let it go. Focus on self for best results. Dig down, darling!
- ARI Emprss Abundant creativity heading yr way. Get out the crayons & the acrylics & scissors. Let yr heart out to play. Produce!
- TAU KngWtr Yr heart knows the way. Stop pulling against it. Keep their secrets sacred but follow that emotional pull.
- GEM HPS Please understand that U must find what U want inside yr own heart 1st. Stop looking for it in others. Believe yr gut.
- CAN Moon Careful. Double check those impressions. Some shiny apples are rotten. Good wk to take this slow. Don’t commit just yet.
- LEO 3Fire Not a bad wk to learn a new dance move. Strut yr stuff, kitty. People are watching. People are noticing. Don’t hesitate.
- VIR Lovers Nice wk to canoodle. No one to canoodle w/? Practice on that face in the mirror. Say nice things & take U out on a date.
- LIB 1Pen Pause before spending. Budget now to have what U need later. Sock a bit away. Watch for business opportunity. Stay alert.
- SCO 9Wtr Spread yr arms. Open yr heart. Express yr desires. Wishes come true this wk so make them good ones. Seek joy!
- SAG Tree What do U want? What MUST U let go of? Sacrifice isn’t easy but the payoff is worth it. Can U discipline yrslf enough?
- CAP Temp U can change the energies. U can mediate/moderate that into what U need. Don’t let others steal yr balance. Focus is key.
Oooh yea, loving my Scorpio section says!!! Very cool. I’ll check out your site and thanks for visiting me.
Loved when you said time to fly. Spread your wings and soar. I just gave an angel card reading saying many similar things.
blessings, kathy
Uggg. My message was right on but not necessarily what I WANTED to hear. Love the biz opportunity that’s coming 🙂
So, it’s time to unfurl the wings and fly for Aquarians? That’s just awesome, because I’ve just been using this metaphor in a comment on my own blog! There are no co-incidences 😀