First, have you listened to my February podcast? It’s a free in-depth monthly show where I do more extended tarotscopes for each sign. Have a listen!
Today’s deck? is bringing me joy.
- AQ 5Sw Careful U don’t shoot yrslf in the foot. Be aware of yr thoughts. Eating at yrslf? Turn outward instead of inward. Think joy.
- PIC 1SW Clear thought comes. Mental clarity when U seek the lightning moments in the storm. Seize the moment. Brilliant ideas coming.
- ARI SCps (Knt) Introspective moments help U maintain. Smooth on top. Paddling like mad underneath. No one else needs to know.
- TAU MCps (Q) Protect what’s yrs. Home needs attention. Community connections grow. Allow yrslf time to be nurturing & nurtured.
- GEM 10P Focus on yr environment, yr body. Make it beautiful inside & out. Flowers 4 yrslf highly recommended. Connect w/ yrslf.
- CAN 6P Growth comes when U seek other light-lovers. Darkness not yr element this wk. Push up & out. Share what U have. Gifts come!
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- LEO 3W What U build will be beautiful. Make yr boundaries strong. Anticipate only joy. Look for the good. Yr turn is coming. See it!
- VIR 2W When 2 people pull together, success is guaranteed. Join together w/ like minds. Will power is yr secret weapon this wk.
- LIB SW (Knt) Rise up to yr own power. Mental acuity brings new vision. See adventures ready to be had? Go after them. Seize them.
Join me! I’m taking the !
- SCO 3Sw Stop second guessing. You’re leaving no room for new thoughts. Pain is self-inflicted when U agonize over the why.
- SAG MCps (Q) Protect yr emotional self. Be fierce about what/who U love. Intuition wide open this week. Pay attention plz. Nurture.
- CAP MAG In the bag, baby. U have the tools. Use them to create an amazing wk. Hula hoop lesson: Work w/ your stuff not theirs.
So far I’ve already hit 1 goal using to create my incredible year. You can too. It’s not too late. It’s never too late.
Join me next week for your weekly Tarotscopes by following @tarotscopes.
I love that you do something you love and give it to the world.
Ok, I’m on a roll today…I’ve followed two blogs that spoke about Joy! I think I’m on the right path! Thanks for sharing, I always enjoy reading what the decks say!
Okay I have to say I am a bit confused by your post. I need to listend to your podcast 🙂 Then I shall give it another go!
Introspective moments. Check. Paddling like mad under the surface. Check. Smooth on top. Not so much yet.
Love the advise from my three (Sag, Leo and Gemini). Taking note!
Love seeing what deck you’ll use each week Arwen. And I’m looking forward to approaching next week with the guidance from “my” card.
I am rising up to my power right now 🙂 Thank you for the nudge.