Position, Rank + Community

They have narrow points of view where they connect. At their outer edges though, there is sprawling designs where they show off their style.

zentangle003smToday’s card is a reminder that we can all come together. It’s not a card from any deck. I think I would call this the Four of Coins.

Why? Well, when you look at how these four designs come together, they seem stingy, protective almost. They have narrow points of view where they connect. At their outer edges though, there is sprawling designs where they show off their style.

The Four of Coins is often called the Miser’s Card because it shows someone desperately holding on to money. Of course that isn’t just money. It’s status. It’s position. It’s rank. It’s how they are seen in their community.

When they are forced to deal with others, they only give small bits of themselves for fear they might lose. But what is it exactly that they would lose?

What if they flowed freely into that encounter. What if they blended their designs with the other? It would be a crazy riotous mess for sure, but think of the bonus. What new patterns might emerge if they just let go of their need to be unique.

What if they created something amazing and new? What if they created a net that garnered them so much more than they had? So much more than they acknowledged was available? What then?

Lissa Coffey shared a great quote in her daily email.

“Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” -Mother Teresa, 1975

For your 180 seconds today, can you commit to looking at others as opportunities for merging into something great rather than as competitors?

Zentangle, February 13 2013, Stephanie Arwen Lynch

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on. Curious about how your month will go? Listen to my to hear your sign’s forecast.

18 thoughts on “Position, Rank + Community”

  1. Wow! It’s so interesting that you saw the 4 of Coins. I saw a coming together, community, and warmth. But that just could be of all my warm and fuzzy feelings from the Biztopia Challenge.

    I love Tarot because you will always see what you see in it, and it’s always right.

    I also loved your pop-up! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks, Amethyst. I am loving the Biztopia Challenge. (just noticed my graphics are gone. Sigh. I’ll have to figure out what I did! Lol).

  2. As always, I love your posts, but the fact that your a making tarot zentangles is AWESOME! What creativity. I also appreciate the monthly podcasts!

  3. Loved your summing up. Wouldn’t life be so much better if we all looked at others as an opportunity for greatness rather than a competitor – whether in business or personal life.

  4. I love the idea of looking at competition as an opportunity to work together to do something great! Some of the best business relationships I’ve had in my life have ended up starting with people who were actually competitors, but by finding win-win situations, we ended up becoming good friends.

  5. “For your 180 seconds today, can you commit to looking at others as opportunities for merging into something great rather than as competitors?”

    Oh, wow. That’s…yeah, that’s something to hang onto, right there. Maybe have it tattooed on my forehead, while I’m at it! Thank you!

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